Category Archives: Brainstorm Brewery

Brainstorm Brewery #327 The Intern

DJ (@Rose0fThorns), Corbin (@CHosler88) and Jason (@jasonEalt) bring on their latest $40 patron Andy (@leclairAndy1231 ), the intern, to talk about the coming Purge, MSRP going away, and some picks with teeth.

Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video.

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Brainstorm Brewery #326 Your Wish is Wrong!

DJ (@Rose0fThorns) gave Canada a gift over the weekend, Corbin (@CHosler88) is debating suing someone and Jason’s (@jasonEalt) wishes are wrong but they are here this week to help you navigate the waters of MTG Finance and the TCG Player changes.

Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video.

Brainstorm Brewery #323 An Altered State

Corbin (@CHosler88), Jason (@jasonEalt), and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) bring on the extremely talented Lindsay (@HurleyBurleyArt) to talk about card alters and the unique subset of the market.

Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video.

Brainstorm Brewery #323 I Am Ironman

Corbin (@CHosler88), Jason (@jasonEalt), and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) welcome longtime patron of the cast Steve (@SteveMKestner) to discuss all the hype surrounding the new Ravnica Allegiance set, Commander and even the latest Modern Ban.

Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video.

Need to contact us? Hit up