Corbin’s (@CHosler88) and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) start the episode without the star, Jason (@jasonEalt). But once they all gang up they are able to help you tackle your way through new standard, Magic Fest, and the Mexico of Europe.
Corbin’s (@CHosler88), DJ (@Rose0fThorns), and Jason (@jasonEalt) bring in the big guns, Jacob Van Lunen (@JVLTMS) to help with the Guilds of Ravnica Set review.
Corbin’s (@CHosler88) feet are finally being held to the fire by Jason (@jasonEalt), DJ (@Rose0fThorns), and patron Dave Wasser for Chipgate. The crew even brought in special guest Josh Lee Kwai (@JoshLeeKwai) of Game Knights and Command Zone to witness this special occasion. The crew also help to get you ready for rotation with things to pick up and sell.