PROTRADER: Grab Bag, EMA Edition

This week is going to be Grab Bag style, since there isn’t any one major thing to talk about.


I am about to do something that I never thought I would ever do. I am so, so sorry.

Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.

And yet, Magic’s equivalent of ‘Family Circus’ makes a pretty valid point. Eternal Masters does some things to help promote Legacy (more than this and other, related strips would have you believe), but it also makes sense to broaden our understanding of what ‘Eternal’ really means. Technically, Pauper isn’t a supported paper format (at least, not as much as it is online), but it’s a huge gainer with this set release (there are Pauper staples at Common, Uncommon, AND Rare in EMA!).

We still don’t know what the final numbers are going to look like for distribution, but early reports have been considerably mixed. I’ve heard of some stores only getting half of their requested allotments, while others have had the opportunity to increase their orders. Because this is a distributor/store interaction (WotC has already sold off all of their stuff, and it sounds like stores will be unable to get more from them directly), the results are expected to be different based on geography and involved parties. In this instance, however, knowing what exists in your local market is likely to create some favorable short-term opportunities- if you feel the opportunity to leverage a trade premium in your favor, don’t be afraid to do so.

It currently looks like the money is made in the foil slot- there are a high number of cards with significant foil multipliers across each rarity, so make sure you are price checking anything you aren’t 100% sure of.

As a quick (and compiled) reminder, here are my top picks for cards that I expect to be gainers following EMA:

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2 thoughts on “PROTRADER: Grab Bag, EMA Edition”

  1. The 4 oath eldrazi (TKS, displacer, smasher and reshaper) are in the top10 sells on MkM since weeks, i’ve already bought 2 or 3 plasyets of each because thoses cards are 4of in a modern and a legacy archetype and i agree they are very underpriced (at least the non TKS ones).
    It is the only singles i’ve purchase since months.

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