Category Archives: Casual Fridays

Archive Dive

There’s a lot of things clamoring for our attention right now in Magic. Another overhaul of the OP program, stores are finally starting to open up, Modern Horizons 2 is starting previews soon…making this the perfect time to pay attention to Strixhaven’s mini-set, the Mystical Archive.

Some of these cards are surprisingly underpriced, and it’s time we take a look at what’s worth buying. It’s possible that these go a little lower in price, so you may want to be patient, but I’m calling attention to it all now.

It’s also worth saying that I’m paying attention to nonfoils and foils equally. If one version seems underpriced, that’s where I want to be. Play patterns also account for some differences, but I’m not committed to foils, etched, or plain copies. 

Time Warp (Mystical Archive $14, MA Etched $21, MA Foil $34) – I’m looking harder at the foils here, because as you remember from my piece six weeks ago about The Math of Strixhaven, you got a traditional foil mythic rare 4.8% of the time in a Collector Booster, and one foil Time Warp is found every 309 packs. These aren’t easy to find at all. I know that the Japanese alternate-art is consuming all of our attention, but that card is actually MORE common than the English version. (Every language of packs can open JP alternates, but only English packs can open the English yellow frame version.)

It’s also worth looking at the nonfoil for the simple reason that the price has never been lower, and that always has my attention. Time Warp is included in just over 9,000 Commander decks online, and has the benefit of not exiling itself like a lot of other extra-turn cards do. Other versions haven’t really taken much of a hit, even the M10 version from more than ten years ago has only fallen $3. 

Abundant Harvest ($2/$3/$7) – I didn’t know this was a brand-new card, and I’m not sure why. It’s brand-new and doesn’t exist anywhere else. Yet, anyway. It’s also worth noting that this is getting played as a four-of in Legacy Miracles decks, causing the prices of the foil JP alternate to skyrocket recently. Those should settle back down before too long, but when there’s a leading indicator like that, and this is such a unique card, that this is a very tempting card to buy for the long term. My only concern is the risk of being printed in a regular frame, likely as a common, as Adventurous Impulse was. Oath of Nissa was often called ‘the Green Ponder’ during its time in Standard, to the point that it was included on Pioneer’s initial Banned list. 

If this doesn’t get reprinted, I wouldn’t be shocked for this to be in the $5/$7/$15 range within a year.

Crux of Fate ($3/$5.50/$7) – The English version of this card is admittedly Jason Felix’s demonstration of his ability to copy fan art, and I’m admittedly not sure what that means for the price of the card long-term. I’m skeptical that the plagiarism will result in the card itself being cheaper, but I could also see this version being held back from going too high because of that same factor. Really, for me, this comes down to the announcement last week about Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: Tiamat, the newest five-color dragon.

Dragons were already a popular tribe, but Tiamat offers some amazing opportunities in that arena. One of the best accessories you could run in a Dragon deck is Crux of Fate, since it’ll kill every non-Dragon on the table. The JP alternate version started a lot higher and is showing no signs of decreasing. Keep in mind that it’s already in 13,000 Commander decks online, and that’s before the Dragon frenzy that will show up this summer. Tiamat and the anticipation of Dragon goodness is why the price of the foil from Fate Reforged went up $2 this past week as well.

Regrowth ($0.75/$1.50/$3) – You may be thinking that this is a basic card, and not worth it, but twenty-two thousand people bothered to put it into their decks online, which means a lot more folks have done that. Bala Ged Recovery is more expensive, it’s in 14k decks, but it’s a more versatile card. 

Regrowth is worth it as a brick-worthy spec, especially as one of the cheapest rares in this subset of cards. There’s a surprising number of people who like to collect full sets like this, and that’s why I’d also listen if you wanted a stack of Urza’s Rage or Compulsive Research. If you prefer to get in on cheap foil mythics (remember, one every 309 packs) then you’re aiming at Increasing Vengeance and Channel, each of which can be had for under a buck on TCGPlayer.

Growth Spiral ($1/$2/$3) – Spiral is in 20% of all Commander decks with blue and green in them, as well as being good in some Modern and Pioneer decks. Right now, your only choices for a premium version are the pack version and the sweet FNM frame, as well as the JP alternate art. Granted, both the promo and the original features some amazing work by Seb McKinnon, but these new versions are awesome too. I could be talked into any of the MA versions, but I will gravitate towards the cheapest nonfoil or the most expensive foil when it comes to Commander specs. 

Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

Rotation? In This Economy?

In late September/early October, rotation is going to happen for Standard. I don’t know the exact date yet, but it’s whenever the big fall set comes out. In years past, pre-pandemic, cards that are rotating out of Standard start to slide around February, and there is often a delightful window to acquire some of the best as Standard-only players sell off their cards and move on to the new format. 

It’s not clear that the same patterns hold this year, given the lack of paper play. However, given that the sets rotating include some of the most powerful sets in recent memory, it’s worth taking a peek and making some tentative plans. I’m not buying yet, unless something screams at me, but I do like to consider these things well ahead of time and make a note of where I’d like to buy in.

What I’m looking for is cards with high levels of Standard play and good levels of Commander or Eternal play. Hopefully, as Standard players sell off, there will be an opportunity to gain value by buying at the lows.

Fabled Passage ($9 original/$13 foil/$24 extended art/$50 foil EA) – I’m aware this was reprinted in Core Set 2021, but this is a budget fetchland, the only one that’s Pioneer legal. It’s not a perfect land by any means, but it’s registered in 55,000 EDH decks online. If you’re thinking that it’s weak compared to ‘real’ fetches, I invite you to consider the sheer number of decks that play Evolving Wilds (166k) and Terramorphic Expanse (135k) as compared to Polluted Delta (76k). I’m actually thankful that this was reprinted, because it gives us second chances at picking this up cheaply. 

The reprint risk is real, as we’ve already seen and we got a reminder of. This is one of very few cards in the four-version era (regular, foil, EA, FEA) to be reprinted in all four versions, and even with the same art. Still, look at where it was when the reprint hit in June 2020:

It doesn’t look like Fabled Passage is going to go down again at rotation. The slow climb upward is likely due to casual players popping their copies into Commander decks instead of trying to sell them someplace. If you’re comfortable with the reprint risk, this could do very well for you. Remember that the FEA version was more than $100 for the time that people were drafting Throne of Eldraine.

There’s a recent wrinkle: an old-border foil that stores will be giving out to players as a reward for spending $50 in the store! It’s not clear how many copies there are going to be, or how long this promotion is going to go on, but I think this is a wonderful card to pick up as copies start getting dumped on the market. Dumping is the right word, as people are going to go buy stuff, then run home and throw the card on eBay. If we’re lucky, it’ll fall as far as $25, a price at which I’ll fill cart after cart and just be patient. 

Ruinous Ultimatum ($4.50/$5/$8.50/$19) and Eerie Ultimatum ($3/$4/$7/$17) – Both ultimatums are in more than 8k decks on EDHREC, for all they aren’t played much in Standard. Each of them has been on the rise for a few weeks now, and that’s something you want to be on top of.

These being three colors, it’s trickier to fit into decks, but it’s worth it. I imagine that five-color decks use this the most, but even the FEA versions are up $5 in the last few months. Those versions of the card won’t be going down at rotation, but these cards would be a delight to pick up in a larger quantity.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon ($33 all the way up to $230) – Ugin is a powerful force in Standard, giving ramp decks an ultimate out and a way to clean up pretty much everything on the board. It’s hard to argue that midrange is playable when ramping a little offers something so ridiculously powerful. The price on Ugin has been going up steadily for the past few weeks, but it’s hard to say if that price is on the rise because of Standard play or because it’s in 15,000 Commander decks. Clearly we’ve missed out on the lowest price for Ugin, back when Core 2021 was new:

However, missing out on the lowest price in the past just makes us ask ‘Is this the lowest price right now?’ and the answer is clearly yes. You’ve got multiple special versions that are dividing interest, so your play here should be to pick up plain ol’ nonfoils. Hopefully prices drop a few bucks on those.

Sublime Epiphany ($3/$4/$7/$14) – This has moderate Commander demand and is in enough different Standard decks that I’m watching out. The cheapest versions are up a dollar or so in the last couple months:

This is a card that will always have some sweet things to do, and it’s worth holding the mana open for this sort of five-for-one. One of these modes is a little questionable, but can be quite handy when you’re facing down a Time Stretch with a Double Vision trigger! With the demand profile that it has, and the small amount of Standard play, I’m hoping this falls back into the $2 range but I’m not holding my breath too hard on that. It’s already had a small bump since Valentine’s Day–there might not be much of a sell-off, and that means it’s time to get in.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

Acquiring the Archive

It’s been a week of having Strixhaven in hand, and the Mystical Archive prices are settling out. There’s been some outliers, and some runs, and you can always get lucky and find certain things at a ridiculous price thanks to someone not paying attention, but that’s not worth counting on. 

My attention has been on the gorgeous Japanese alt-art foils. Etched foils have shown to be underwhelming, an interesting aesthetic choice and a nightmare for the people who have to code six versions of a card into assorted databases. The English versions are just as rare (and that’s an important point to come back to) but it’s time to compare how played a card is with its current price, and gain some value now that supply is at such a high point.

Please remember that these are current prices, and while they might fall another 10-20%, these are relatively rare cards, only found in about 25% of Strixhaven collector boosters. Note that the traditional foil English versions are precisely as rare, but the lack of a title bar and no banana-yellow frame color mean that the JP alternates look much more like works of art. I understand if you prefer cards in your language, I only have English versions in my cubes, but these are just breathtaking:

Swords to Plowshares (current price for JP alt art in traditional foil: $30) – There are a few versions of this card that are more than $30, but those are judge promos or Unlimited and older. This is one of the all-time staples, efficient, powerful, exiling for a single mana with a pithy drawback of a few life points. Most white decks make space for it, a full 52% of decks registered on EDHREC and it hasn’t even been in a Commander product since 2017. Thirty bucks is too cheap.

Chaos Warp ($40) – The mythics of the Mystical Archive are hyper-rare in foil, taking 309 packs on average to get one of a specific mythic. Chaos Warp has not been reprinted in foil since it was in Commander’s Arsenal in 2012, though it’s been in a ton of Commander decks since then. Being in so many precons has goosed the numbers on EDHREC, but still, that’s 70,000 people who took the time to say it’s worth including. This is not the cheapest mythic in the Archive, but it’s one with a whole lot of upside.

Krosan Grip ($12) – Commander players loathe having other players mess with their plans. Dovin’s Veto is one of the most popular spells in Commander, because you want to say no and ignore the protestations of other players. Krosan Grip is the same way, allowing you to kill that annoying thing without any fear that counterspells or other tricks will prevent it from going away. This is also one of the arts that really helps players remember what it is, as it echoes the original spell quite fondly:

Counterspell ($45) – Notable is that there’s less than 20 vendors on TCG with copies of this available. Counterspell is all over the place in Commander and Cube circles, and this just looks badass. It’s not iconic like the original ‘womp-womp’ art is, but damn it’s pretty. I fully expect this to be $60+ within a month.

Putrefy ($6) – Honestly, this should be more expensive already. It’s one of the more popular ones, percentage-wise, and I dearly love picking up the cheapest parts of sets with a wide delta. Importantly, this is a rare, so it’s only in every 150 packs, because if it was an uncommon, it would be every 36 packs. That’s why I don’t want to be buying any uncommons yet. That market, I want to be super patient with before buying bricks of a card.

Crux of Fate ($30) – As a mythic, there’s never going to be a huge quantity of these, but there’s been a sneaky drain on foil Dragons as of late. Foil Nicol Bolas, the Ravager is down to a handful of copies. Foil Dragonlords are draining. The good Kamigawa dragons have all seen recent gains in original foil. Dragons are one of the top EDH tribes (full disclaimer, I’m one of those people with a Dragon deck and I love it) and this art is gorgeous. Also, getting the alt-art is way better than having the copy-paste job that Jason Felix did for the global version. What I’m saying is, things that are good in tribal Dragon decks have a lot of fans, and this is both iconic art and fantastic gameplay.

Natural Order ($40) – There’s not a huge number of Commander decks that play this, it’s more of a Cube card or a combo piece in Legacy Elves. A card that’s run as a 3- or 4-of in Legacy, with roughly 1200 Collector Booster boxes needed to make a playset? Doesn’t take many of those players, plus the collectors, for this to spike pretty hard. Plus, this is some pretty cool art, as opposed to ‘majestic tiger’ art that’s been on every version of the card. EMA foils are $40 or so, and the judge foil is $70. This new version will surpass both of those.

Blue Sun’s Zenith ($30) – Again, this is a mythic of a mid-tier card in Commander. Lots of printings of this already, so you’re dealing with people who’d want to upgrade what they have from Mirrodin Besieged foil or Masters 25 foil. I can’t imagine this stays cheap forever, and TCG has a real mix of people who expect this to be $60+ and a few others who are trying to undercut everyone else and get the quick sale. That’s a valid tactic right now, trying to cash in before others do too. It won’t last much longer, though, and you should be ready for the increase that will come along.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

Hofri? No, hof You!

I love Hofri Ghostforge, not just because he does awesome things like make your Spirits get haste and trample, not just because he enables all sorts of extra value shenanigans, but because he’s a Commander in a tribe and color combination that hasn’t had a lot of direct support. Sure, Kykar makes spirit tokens, but that’s a commander for a spells-based deck that wants to get degenerate.

My personal preference is almost always tribal goodness, where synergies can grow and thrive. Hofri offers that, telling us to play a R/W Spirit deck and all the enablers we can think of. Let’s dive in, and see where the value is before others catch on.

Some of these are decent specs anyway, but keep an eye on Hofri’s status on EDHREC’s list of commanders. Currently #8, if that creeps upward some of these are going to spike hard, and that’s when you want to be selling.

Balefire Liege ($3 nonfoil/$14 foil/$3 MYB foil) – This was the first card that really caught my eye. Eventide was forever ago AND had a pretty small print run. It’s had two reprints: Planechase (also forever ago) and most recently as a Mystery Booster retail foil. There’s only 27 EVE foils on TCG right now, and only 7 are NM. That’s a really low supply, and MYB foils weren’t exactly common to begin with. An excellent pickup, even before you get into the awesome synergies that the Liege offers with all the things you’re doing. 

Eternal Dragon (less than a buck) – Mostly, I’m looking at the Pro Tour promos for $10 or less, and thinking about how there’s none of the original foil left. Right now on TCG there’s three LP foils, for $60, $225, and $275. Someone read my mind already, as that foil was available for under $40 until just a couple of weeks ago. It does everything a deck like this would want, giving long-term value and even giving you a way to trigger all of the ‘leaves graveyard’ effects on a regular basis. 

Hokori, Dust Drinker ($8/$25) – Hokori has never had a reprint, and is one of those cards that makes a table grind their teeth in annoyance. This is not something you can apply one-sided, like Urza and Winter Orb. A reprint would hit this card pretty hard, as it’s not in high demand anywhere. This price is all the scarcity of being the middle set of a block that did not sell particularly well and was 16 years ago. That said, because copies are so rare, it won’t take much to cause a price bump.

Jiwari, the Earth Aflame (50 cents/$3) – 5 NM foils on TCG for a card that’s both niche and should see a lot more play. Channel is an ability that is hard to interact with. You can Disallow the ability, but you can’t Counterspell it. It’s repeatable killing on the table, or a semi-boardwipe, all in a tasty Spirit package. 

Karmic Guide ($7 up to $140 for the OG foil) – There’s been a few versions of this over the years, but it’s such a ridiculously easy card to abuse! Being from the first foil expansion set has kept the foil value high over the years, and the Angel synergies tend to play a part too. If Spirits start taking off as a tribe, I’d expect these $7 copies to hit $15 quickly.

Kataki, War’s Wage ($1 up to $35) – Two reprints to check on here: One was Modern Masters 2013, the other was the infamous Modern Event Deck, the only one of its kind. Should Commander players start picking this up, look for the MM foils to shoot up first, as there’s about a $20 gap between that one and the Saviors of Kamigawa original.

Myojin of Cleansing Fire ($3/$25) – Only one NM foil on TCG, for a card that’s never been reprinted. Sure, it’s eight mana to destroy all other creatures, but that’s the dream in Commander-land. Triggering this with Hofri out will get you all the tokens for the other creatures you control, so use with caution.

Nobilis of War (25 cents up to $5) – Having the Modern Masters 2015 reprint probably means this won’t take off, but it’s fantastic in the deck. Giving this Spirit a boost, plus trample and haste, means that it and any other Spirits are going to come down and hit hard. Unlikely to have a huge gain, unfortunately.

Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens ($1/$7) – I get that this is a seven-mana card that requires you to cast more Spirits, but to Commander players, that’s not a downside. We run a search for the creature type in the text or type line and get to it. This will have wonderful returns once it’s in play, and is the kind of card more casual players fall in love with. So many Spirits!

Ryusei, the Falling Star deserves special mention here as it’s got not just the OG foil from Kamigawa, but the alternate-art prerelease foil that is a sweet-looking Dragon Spirit as well! There’s a whole lot of cheaper versions, and also two other foil versions from Iconic Masters and Modern Masters 2013. 

Twilight Drover ($3/$10) – One of the most incredible token enablers ever, the Drover has surprisingly avoided much reprinting. One Duel Deck appearance, and then that’s it. The foil is primed to explode, with only a handful of copies left and very few of those NM.

Yosei, the Morning Star ($2 up to $15) – Either go for the OG foils or the IMA foil with the sweet new art. 

Now, a couple of enablers I love:

Emeria, the Sky Ruin ($10/$40) – The foil price is a bit misleading, as there’s very few NM foils around. White has a whole lot of one-shot reanimation effects, and I like to plan for the inevitable mass death of creatures. I was gobsmacked to find that this hasn’t been reprinted even once, but if you’ve ever seen someone recur Sun Titan with this, you’d understand the power level.

Homura, Human Ascendant ($3/$10) – Not a spirit, but a card that’s got tiny supply and is begging to be abused in an aggressive deck. 

Marshal’s Anthem (50 cents/$6) – This is one of the only ways for white or red to get back more than one creature at the same time, but having the anthem tacked on is a nice bonus. No foil reprint for this, but it’s only in 3300 decks on EDHREC. It’s been in several Commander decks over the years, including Kaldheim’s set. Focus on the foils here.

Sword of Light and Shadow ($25 up to $100 for a Masterpiece) – A lot of Masterpieces have seen recent spikes as collectors exert a heavy toll on prices, but this hasn’t gone up yet. White doesn’t have a lot of creature recursion, and this is one of the few re-usable effects. I’d prefer that it comes back into play, but you can’t have it all. The Masterpiece is where I’d want to be, although the old-border judge foil is also super sick art and has been more than $75 in the past.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.