Building Mr. House’s Casino, For Fun and Profit!

I don’t keep a lot of Commander decks anymore. I’m currently at four, because I don’t like having to do the upkeep on them with all the new sets. However, this week we got a preview of the Universes Beyond: Fallout decks coming in March of next year, and one of the secondary commanders really caught my attention:

Now you don’t necessarily need to know all the lore around this guy, but let me tell you, this ability is 100% on point as someone who will set up a situation and then cheat. If you’re a ProTrader, you might have already heard about the big thing this card doesn’t have, but if you didn’t hear it on the cast, then let me enlighten you…

Mr. House doesn’t require d6 rolls to make robots. He just needs a die roll, so if you come in with a d10, or best of all, a d20, now we’re really in business. I love to pay attention to commanders who do something new, and die rolling isn’t really a thing for any legendary creatures. We’re unlocking a brand new subset of cards, and I can’t wait to see what people do. 

Being in Mardu colors, we skip a lot of the green shenanigans that’s been added to silver-bordered cards over the years, for good or for bad. I won’t mention a lot of the Un-cards, but there’s a couple you simply have to know about and evaluate on your own. As a disclaimer, I’m currently ordering several of these cards to build the deck, but I haven’t made any large-scale purchases.

It’s virtually certain that some of these cards end up in the actual Commander deck and therefore the Collector Boosters. Mr. House is not the ‘face’ commander of the deck he’s in, but there’s going to be one or two of these that end up reprinted. If I knew which, I’d tell you, but sadly I don’t know.

Let’s talk about some of the things I’m buying for the deck, and what might jump in price. I’m including the current prices for the cheapest version and the most expensive.

Anointed Procession ($40 to $73) – Doubling Season has had so many printings, and Parallel Lives just got two in a row, but AP has gotten nothing but an appearance on The List since being in Amonkhet six years ago. I don’t like buying cards that are one reprint away from losing half their value, but considering that I want every roll of the dice to give me two Robots (Securitrons!) and perhaps two Treasures, I’m okay with one personal copy. 

I expect this to be printed soon, though I’m aware that Lost Caverns of Ixalan just gave us a creature that makes three tokens instead of one.

Barbarian Class (bulk to fifty cents) – rerolls count for final result, but ignore means the second roll does not trigger House. Considering the reroll benefits, there’s a lot of reasons to run this card and it’ll be one of the first additions to the deck. The second ability is useful for making your existing robots hit harder, and level 3 gives them haste which is always good. 

Wyll, Blade of Frontiers (a dime to $1) – Wyll doesn’t need an amazing background to kick butt in this deck. Every dice roll makes him bigger, and given that you want to be doing a lot of rolling anyway, this is a card that’s going to jump to a $5 foil out of nowhere. Again, it would be nice if Mr. House saw both dice rolls, but getting the best of your two d20s is nice insurance against the botch of not getting a Robot.

Ancient Dragons: Copper ($50 to $123), Brass ($14 to $34), and Gold ($8 to $17) – The Borderless Foil Ancient Copper Dragon is such an outlier when it comes to AFR’s prices, but all three of these are good cards that should be included in the deck. Yes, they eat removal and delay and no one wants to just let you get a hit in, but that’s the price for playing amazing cards: people want to remove them or steal them. I formally invite you to join the ‘Dragons are Awesome’ committee, you’ll never want to leave.

Contraband Livestock (bulk), Recruitment Drive (bulk) – There are a lot of d20-based commons and uncommons in AFR, and several will see the foils go up to a buck or two. These two card represent my favorites for the moment, but are not the only ones that will see such notable growth. Contraband Livestock especially, because it’s exiling at instant speed, and dice rolls are harder to come by on opponents’ turns.

Danse Macabre (bulk) – As an AFR Commander card, no one went for a lot of these decks but the Danse is both a way to get your rolling going and a way to get ahead. Yes, you’re getting the worst creatures of theirs, but now you’re getting two plus a Robot. We’ll see the EA versions move first.

Chaos Dragon ($0.25 to $1.50) – I adore this card in Ur-Dragon and want to play it in all my decks. It’s ridiculously undercosted, being three mana for a 4/4 flying haste, and this is a deck that wants a free dice roll every turn. This checks all the boxes, and do you really care that it’s a card which never defends? It’s got just enough play that the EA versions of the card are notably more expensive, and this might be the catalyst for even larger gaps to appear. There are currently no foils to chase, but this is also very unlikely to be in the Fallout set, as it’s not a universe with Dragons.

Wand of Wonder ($0.25 to $1) – This is expensive to use and cast, but getting the best, or 50% to get the two best spells, is very worth the mana and time. You can only miss with combat tricks or counterspells, and that’s why you get the pick of it. Blessed few Commander decks have no instants or sorcery spells, and you’re about to have a grand time playing off the top of other folks’ decks. Bundle foils exist and that’s probably going to do enough to hold down the price even if Mr. House hits it big.

Vexing Puzzlebox ($1 to $3) – Mentioned in December as a long term pick between $3 and $6, there’s been a lot of purchases lately but still a lot of room for profit. No huge walls, borderless mythic. Since we never got a good way to use dice-rolling in Commander, this hasn’t taken off. Well, now’s your chance.

Delina, Wild Mage ($2 to $50) – I talked about this card a lot on MTG Fast Finance this week, it’s everything the deck wants.

Comet, Stellar Pup ($4 to $8) – Comet’s a good boy who only rolls a d6 but we’ve got a lot of tools to help with that. Unfinity is a set that will contribute here, and I’ve mostly left the silver-bordered cards alone on this list.

Night Shift of the Living Dead (bulk to $2) – Galaxy foils are clearly the target, being that they are both pretty and inexpensive. Maxing out a roll and getting a 3/3 plus a 2/2 is sweet too!

Priority Boarding (bulk to $3) – Card advantage is going to be a little trickier here, but this plays well with the theme and is capable of some impressive outcomes.

Squirrel-Powered Scheme (bulk to $1) – There are three big walls on foils, and yes it’s silver-bordered, so I’m not sure if it’ll have a chance to get expensive. That said, if it’s in play, you can’t help but get Robots. It’s the biggest unknown on this list, in my mind.

The Big Idea ($0.25 to $1) – This isn’t overpowered but it is enormously fun and does do exactly what the deck wants. We’ve got a lot of evidence, though, that silver-bordered cards are not usually popular with the mainstream Commander crowd.

Maddening Hex ($4 to $6) – House is hard to trigger on other players’ turns, but this will do it and deal some good damage as a result. Most importantly, though, this is just free. You don’t have to do anything to get these rolls, and that’s what the deck wants more than anything else.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander at Twitter and BlueSky) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

Marching Back to March of the Machine

So it’s been about six months since March of the Machine came out, and that’s the timeline where I like to take stock of a set and evaluate what the prices have gone down to, what’s worth stocking up on, and what I’m glad I waited on.

Do remember that while I’m focusing on Commander use and eternal formats, MOM is legal in Standard for two more years. That’s a long time for new strategies and decks to emerge. 

For each card, I’m giving the price on the cheapest version, the most expensive and the number of decks on EDHREC that list the card. As always, I’m aware of the limitations of EDHREC data, as it’s got a tendency to loop on itself and it’s only the most plugged-in of users who bother to upload a deck. It’s good data, but not the be-all and end-all for this sort of thing.

City on Fire ($4 to $5, 31k decks) – Fiery Emancipation just got reprinted in the Enchanting Tales subset as a rare, down from mythic.It’s now a $3 card, when right before the reprint it was close to $30. There’s clearly a market for ridiculous enchantments that triple your damage output. City on Fire is easier to cast, thanks to Convoke, and we’ll see if having two versions available at once affects the prices. This sort of thing might well have become bulk, or nearly so, as we saw with Gratuitous Violence until the last couple of years. 

The other thing that’s worth mentioning is that the foils and nonfoils are very close in price. This means players don’t care which version they get, they just want a copy. When there is a bigger gap between versions, that means players are being more judicious, chasing the foils instead. In the modern day, with four versions of most cards, we usually see three of them bunched together and then the FEA/Showcase foil having a more premium price. That’s not the case here. 

Chandra, Hope’s Beacon ($4 to $9, 10k decks) – That gap is evident here, as the borderless foil is clearly the rarer and the basic versions are less than half the price. It’s interesting that this is so much more expensive than Double Vision, which as an enchantment is more robust than the Planeswalker.

Chandra’s other abilities are not to be trifled with, to be clear. In addition to the copying, you get mana, spell casting from exile, plus some big damage. Yes, she’s six mana but you get a lot for it and both the copying and the exiling are popular abilities in Commander.

Tribute to the World Tree ($6 to $8, 50k decks) – It’s been a while since a card premiered at a certain price and stayed at that price, barely moving up or down, but that’s what we’ve got here:

Someone decided early on that this was a $6 card and while it’s sold copies at $7 thanks to the Direct bump, the graph has stayed remarkably consistent. It’s one of the top inclusions from the set and only a very restrictive mana cost keeps this from kicking butt all over the place. It does two things all at once: draws you cards for the big things, and puts counters on the little things. Depending on your deck, you might want one or both of these effects. The popularity of this card has me thinking that it’s a great candidate to increase in price soon, but don’t look for this to light up Mono-Green lists anytime soon outside Commander.

Faerie Mastermind ($10 to $12, 43k decks) – Blessed few World Championship winners have made bad cards, and the Mastermind is good on a bunch of levels. First of all, we just got a couple of new Faerie toys plus some use in Standard, which is why we’ve left behind the low price of sub-$5:

It’s pretty easy to flash this in and draw a card in response to something an opponent does in any game of Magic. We’ve mostly learned that drawing cards is good, and there’s not much that’s better. 

He’s a Rogue, in case the Party is a thing or Prowl effects come back into vogue. Mainly, though, this is a fun reactive card in Standard and something really fun to use in Commander, where your generosity is not only greater for yourself, it’s a political tool up for negotiation. I can see this coming back down if it falls out of favor in Standard, but the Commander use will always be there.

Kami of Whispered Hopes ($0.75 to $4, 35k decks) – One of the rules for Commander deckbuilding is that if you want an effect, you want as many versions as possible for that effect. So if you build a Nekusar deck, you include effects like Underworld Dreams and Fate Unraveler. 

The Kami works on a similar axis, where if you’re in a +1/+1 counters deck, you want every effect that increases those counters. Plus, you get extra mana for it! 

As an uncommon, you’d normally be stuck at having a regular or a pack foil, but there’s a promo pack version that I’m advocating for. Only a couple of vendors have notable walls, and given the number of people who have these promo foils listed for $9 or $10, they are also believers that there’s nowhere to go but up for this card.

Etali, Primal Conqueror ($5 to $12, 35k decks, including 4k as Commander) – Not only is this Etali a roaring good time, giving you four spells for one casting, it’s remarkably easy to build. Stuff your deck full of ramp spells, as Etali gets killed a whole lot, and keep replaying the tops of their decks.

Etali is about to benefit from the Dinosaur hype, too, but there’s a weird thing happening with this card. The Showcase version, which highlights a medallion for each side, is sitting several dollars lower than the regular, something we haven’t seen since the Monster Manual versions of Baldur’s Gate. With the upcoming Lost Caverns and Jurassic Park subset, I fully expect Etali to go up, even the less-desirable Showcase version.

Ozolith, the Shattered Spire ($4.50 to $6, 32k decks) – As I said, a deck wants all possible versions of an effect, and this one gives a bonus and activates to get things rolling. And if you need to, just cycle it away!

It’s never really dropped in price from the early days, but the Commander demand plus the occasional sighting in Hardened Scales decks means that the long-term growth should be there. Picking up a few copies now, preferably of the FEA versions, should pay off nicely.

Invasion of Ikoria ($6 to $12, 27k decks) – The foil version is up $3 in the last six weeks and you’re rapidly losing your chance to get this at a reasonable price. Some decks can’t handle the ‘no Human’ aspect but generally speaking, you’re going to kick butt here. 

Sunfall ($3 to $4, 13k decks) – We’ve got no shortage of good board wipes in Commander, but the mass exile clause is powerful indeed, especially when you get a decent-sized token left behind. Being a bomb in its limited format probably helps here, but I’d be surprised if this ended up going much above $10 in the long term.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander at Twitter and BlueSky) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

The Math of Universes Beyond: Doctor Who

Wizards may be turning off a lot of folks with the velocity of new cards, but the Warhammer 40K set taught them that we love Commander decks stuffed with new, thematic, and fun Commanders and cards. Every week, there’s a different Surge Foil from those decks that pops off in value, and that probably won’t stop for a while.

With Universes Beyond: Doctor Who, we’re getting a new formula for getting cards. Every new card can be had in regular frame nonfoil if you buy the Commander decks, but if you want shiny versions, or alternate frames, you have to go right to the Collector Booster. 

As a result, there’s some information out there regarding what you can open, and I’m here to turn that glimmer of light into a useful and focused beam.

One thing before the numbers: The original Commander decks had a code for how often a card was in the decks. If it was common, it was in all the decks. Uncommon was three decks, rare was two, and mythic-coded cards could only be found in one particular deck. That isn’t in use anymore, and with this set, everything is equally rare, even if coded as rare or uncommon.

Let’s begin with a discussion of the thirteen Serialized Doctors, who add up to 6591 unique cards. We’re told you have a less than 1% chance of opening such a card, and here’s the breakdown of how many total packs it takes to go from 1% to .05%.

So our estimates say that there’s less than 100k total CB boxes out there. Note that even at its rarest, WHO is getting less than a third of the 3.3 million CB packs made for the original LOTR release.

Just so you can see what we’re working with, here’s the set by rarity symbol: There’s 23 Commons, all reprints plus Planechase cards. Here’s the list of commons. The uncommons are a mix. Link to 33 new cards plus 30 reprints, 63 overall marked as uncommon. Rares are a mix as well. 222 total, 151 new, 71 reprints including several land cycles. Mythics are super weird. 5 for the set, that’s one display commander per deck and then Wedding Ring. I don’t know why it was the only other card marked as mythic.

Now, slot by slot, according to the Collecting Dr. Who article.

Slot #2 is dedicated to foil Doctors in the regular frame, of which there are 13. Exactly 10% of these are Surge Foil, which means you have these odds:

Percent chance for any card of that categoryPercent chance for a specific card of that category# of CBs to open one specific card from that category
Regular Frame Traditional Foil Doctor90%6.92%14.4
Regular Frame Surge Foil Doctor10%0.77%130

Slot #3 through #7 reprint one card from each deck. I’m basing my odds on the inclusion of basic lands, there’s anywhere from 6-11 of those in these decks. These are all regular frame and have the same 10% chance to upgrade to surge foil from traditional foil. Since basic lands aren’t specifically excluded here (as they are in other sections), I think they are potential pulls. If that changes, I will update this section.

Percent chance for any card of that categoryPercent chance for a specific card of that category# of CBs to open one specific card from that category
Regular Frame Traditional Foil card from a Commander deck90%0.9%111.1
Regular Frame Surge Foil card from a Commander deck10%0.1%1000

That’s right, we’re already at some one in one thousand odds, so if you like regular frame surge foils, they will probably be pricey. However, each CB will have multiple paths to the same cards, if not very good ones.

Next up, we have Extended Art cards for six slots. 

Percent chance for any card of that categoryPercent chance for a specific card of that category# of CBs to open one specific card from that category
Nonfoil EA new card (132)100%0.75%132
Traditional Foil EA new card (132)100%0.75%132
Nonfoil EA reprint (71)100%1.4%71
Traditional Foil EA reprint (71)100%1.4%71
EA Surge Foil new card (132)100%0.75%132
EA Surge Foil reprint (71)100%1.4%71

Then we have a Surge Foil Wildcard, which could be any card that isn’t TARDIS framed or basic land. That total is close to 1100 cards, and so you have a 0.09% chance of getting any particular card from that slot. If there’s one million Collector Booster packs out there, which is a legit estimate based on the drop rate for Serialized Doctors, then you’re looking at 900 extra copies of each Surge Foil card from this slot. 

For the EA and TARDIS Surge Foils, that’s not a big deal, but for the regular frame Surge Foils, that nearly doubles the amount in circulation.

Finally, we have two slots dedicated to the TARDIS frames. The first is nonfoil, the second traditional foil with a 10% chance of Surge foil. That last slot is also where the serialized Doctors will show up. Both of these slots can have the same set of 30 cards in equal chances (3 uncommons, 23 rares, 4 mythics) no matter the printed rarity.

Percent chance for any card of that categoryPercent chance for a specific card of that category# of CBs to open one specific card from that category
Nonfoil TARDIS frame (30)100%3.33%30
Traditional Foil TARDIS frame90%3%33.3
Surge Foil TARDIS frame10%0.3%300

Yes, you’re reading this right. Surge Foil regular frame cards are more than three times rarer than Surge Foil TARDIS frame cards. 

Let’s summarize with a comparison of cards and drop rates.

Example CardFrame/TreatmentApprox. number of CBs needed to find one copy
Regular Frame Traditional Foil The First DoctorRegular Frame Traditional Foil Doctor14.4
Regular Frame Surge Foil The Third DoctorRegular Frame Surge Foil Doctor130
Regular Frame Traditional Foil The Night of the DoctorRegular Frame Traditional Foil card from a Commander deck111.1
Regular Frame Surge Foil Cyber ConversionRegular Frame Surge Foil card from a Commander deck1000
Nonfoil Extended Art The Sound of DrumsNonfoil EA new card 132
Traditional Foil Extended Art Displaced DinosaursTraditional Foil EA new card132
Nonfoil Extended Art FarewellNonfoil EA reprint 71
Foil Extended Art Heroic InterventionTraditional Foil EA reprint 71
Surge Foil Extended Art Weeping AngelSurge Foil EA new card 132
Surge Foil Extended Art Day of DestinySurge Foil EA reprint 71
Nonfoil TARDIS Frame Dalek SquadronNonfoil TARDIS frame 30
Traditional Foil TARDIS Frame MissyTraditional Foil TARDIS frame33.3
Surge Foil TARDIS Frame The Fourth DoctorSurge Foil TARDIS frame300
Serialized The Tenth DoctorDouble Rainbow Foil Serialized Doctor1436 to 2585

My biggest takeaway is that the regular frame Surge Foils are easily the rarest pulls in the set, and there’s less than 2000 of each of those cards. 2000 regular frame Surge Foil Mind Stone, 2000 regular frame Surge Foil The Thirteenth Doctor. I don’t know that the market will figure this out right away, but this is why I crunch the numbers every set: to find the value that they hide in weird printing strategies. We know what the availability is for these cards, and we can estimate a few key points:

  1. There are nearly twice as many of each reprint as the new cards when it comes to the EA frame. All the versions have that 71 vs. 132 number going on, and that should be in your mind when you see the prices they are listed at. 
  2. Surge Foils in the regular frame are about 7.5 times rarer than Surge EA foils, and at most, have about 2000 copies in existence. 
  3. The rarity symbol doesn’t matter on these cards. Once upon a time it did, but Displaced Dinosaurs is as hard to pull as a mythic rare.

I hope this helps inform your buying, and I trust you’ll crack packs responsibly!

Cliff (@WordOfCommander at Twitter and BlueSky) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

When Dinosaurs Ruled The Speculators

We’re going back to Ixalan pretty soon, and one of the themes we’re dealing with is Dinosaurs! This is a creature type that’s gotten some heavy support since the last time we were here, including reprints, new Etali, and still has one of the most amazing Commanders you can play in the species: Gishath, Sun’s Avatar, whose price has been climbing. It’s not a super popular Commander based on the stats we have available to us, but it’s such a neat and flavorful tribe I suspect that casual demand has soaked up a lot of copies over the six years since Ixalan.

It’s possible they give us something better than Gishath. I don’t know what it could be, perhaps something like The Ur-Dragon’s Eminence ability? A five-color Dinosaur isn’t really needed, as blue and black only have three of those creature type each. I strongly suspect there will be some form of reprint for Gishath too, I’d be selling any extras I have about now. 

Today, though, I want to talk about some cards that have excellent potential to pay off if Dinosaurs become a popular genre of deck. It’s not just Gishath, though that’s the best Commander if you’re playing a lot of the Dinos. These would be good in any Dino-Deck. Because of that, though, it’s also quite probable that one or more of these cards is reprinted in the main set, a subset, a Commander deck, etc. 

For each card, I’ve got the current price range, its current EDHREC usage (mostly the 12,000 Gishath decks listed on the site) and which versions I’d be going after.

Quartzwood Crasher ($3 to $6, 27k) – Every time I look at this card I wince, remembering how easy it was to lose to this in Limited games. Five mana for a 6/6 trample, and with the potential of getting tokens the turn you play it?? Plus, it snowballs out of control ridiculously quickly.

Honestly, I wish this was Legendary so I could build a Trample deck around it, but we play with the cards we have. This ticks all the boxes, being low-cost, high-impact and we even has a Foil Extended Art to go after. 

The relatively small gap between the regular nonfoils and the FEA versions tells me that players just want a copy, they don’t care which. If this isn’t reprinted at all, I’d definitely have more profit to be made on the nonfoils, but the final reveals and decklists will determine what I’m buying.

Forerunner of the Empire (50 cents to $5, 12,000 EDHREC) – There’s only 36 vendors with a foil copy, and only two of those have even four foils available. It was an uncommon back in Ixalan, so you’d think there would be plenty, but even a year ago it was a $3.50 foil. Slow and steady rise, no big spikes, just the market draining out slowly. I fully expect this to be in at least one of the Commander decks as a nonfoil, but I’m not ruling out some unexpected special version. 

If this is the only foil after the new set has come and gone, then it’ll double up quickly and could go a lot higher, especially if Enrage is back as the Dinosaur keyword. In the unlikely event that they reveal the whole set and there’s no versions of it anywhere, even regular copies could break $3.

Kaheera, the Orphanguard – Halo Foil – (25 cents to $200, 15k EDHREC, including 5k as Companion) – Kaheera has support for several creature types, and I had to blink three times when I saw that Dinosaur was randomly one of them. As a result, if the saurians get popular, the Halo foil versions from March of the Machine’s bonus sheet is where I’d want to be. 

Folks can get downright enthusiastic about Companions in Commander, and the Halo foils for Kaheera were not easy to pull, taking roughly 375 packs to nab a rare like Kaheera. No huge walls for the card, and being a premium version, it could jump from its current $7-$8 range up to $20. Serialized versions are between $250-$275 right now, and those could see a nice bump as well. 

Marauding Raptor ($2 to $5, 15k) – Again, this has high potential for a reprint in the Commander set or something, but this is absolutely a card to keep an eye on. There was some speculator interest when the return to Ixalan was announced, but we’re now down to under 30 copies on TCG Player and there’s no doubt that the card is amazing at what it does. This is another card that really wants Enrage to be back on the market, and if no new premium versions land, the Magic 2020 foils should break $15 pretty easily, maybe even $20.

Wakening Sun’s Avatar (fifty cents to $18, 13k decks) – This just got a reprint and an etched foil in Commander Masters, but it’s an all-star in Dino decks as you can recur this one-sided wrath pretty easily. It requires a recast from hand, yes, but you’ve got a lot of ways to bring it back to make that happen. 

There’s a whole lot of copies out there from CMM, so I think my target would be the etched foils. 

Polyraptor ($20 to $35, 13k decks) – Never reprinted, and as such an excellent anchor card for a Secret Lair or other subset, I expect there will be other versions of this card during our newest visit to Ixalan. This is more of a combo card, but players will dream. I’m also expecting some form of Enrage enabler to come along and help make this card into quite a beating.

Runic Armasaur ($4 to $6, 28k decks) – If you haven’t played with this card, it’s the sort of thing that makes eye go wide and jealousy become inflamed. It’s also never been reprinted, meaning it’s got a great graph:

Runic has all the traits you’re looking for in a spec like this: one long-ago printing, some interest to prove its chops, and part of a group that’s about to take off. Since there’s no super-premium version yet, we do have that risk, especially as this looks just like a Stegosaurus, but they can’t reprint this entire list on us.

Temple Altisaur ($3 to $12, 14k) – There was a surge on this one when the set was announced, but the prices have come back to earth. There is money to be made here, depending on its inclusion and what versions we get. Foils are probably safer, because this a very strong candidate for being a nonfoil in the Dinosaur Commander deck.

Thrasta, Tempest’s Roar – Borderless – ($1.50 to $4, 10k) – Finally, a pet card of mine. I have this in a deck and it makes me so dang happy when I play it, kill a planeswalker and still deal some damage to its owner:

Love the art, love the card. It’s a mythic from MH2, a set that got lots and lots of packs busted over the last couple of years, but this borderless foil doesn’t have any huge walls and is available under $4. Even fifty sales, one at a time, will get this into the $10 range, and if it makes a splash on one of the popular Commander shows, it’ll break $20.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander at Twitter and BlueSky) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.