Category Archives: Casual Fridays

Tribal Cards in Midnight Hunt

One of the things I always look for in a new set is the presence of tribal cards or tribal enablers. It’s a truth that EDH drives the majority of sales, and the cards in Commander that can really gain attention over time are the ones that slot into the most popular tribes.

So let’s take a look at Midnight Hunt and see what tribes get new toys. 

There’s a lot of cards out there that can help any tribe, but specifically, I’m taking a look at things with a creature type or things that help that tribe. 


Tainted Adversary – This has a lot of potential in the long term. It’s a great way to make a sick mass of Zombies instantly, which a whole lot of decks and cards can take advantage of, even if the tokens are decayed. There’s things like Endless Ranks of the Dead or Shepherd of Rot which like a high Zombie count, or a whole batch at once can wipe the world away with Noxious Ghoul. Since they are all Decayed, you should also be playing the ‘when a Zombie dies’ effect like Diregraf Captain or Plague Belcher or Vengeful Dead. One big attack and then you get to make them pay a big price. Winner all around!

As a mythic, the Adversary probably won’t get dirt cheap, but it’ll have potential when the current Zombie rage dies down (pun intended). I will be hoping for a price as low as a couple dollars for the regular, and $7 for the foil extended art. 

Champion of the Perished – While I don’t think that this is a particularly strong card in a Zombie Commander deck, that’s not going to matter for the time when a new Zombie fad overtakes the nation. Zombies are really short on powerful one-drops, and it’s got a lot of potential to be very good, given the right draws. 

This also has a chance to be good in Standard, given the impressive number of Decayed tokens that a dedicated deck would be able to produce, and as the big fall set, it’s got two years to make a splash. If no deck pops up right away with this card, it should end up at near-bulk prices, and that would be a lovely time to move in.

Siege Zombie (foil) – This is going to be a longer-term hold, but I think you’ll be able to get these on the very cheap, and the effect is really easy to abuse. It is vitally important that this says ‘three creatures’ and ‘each opponent’. This doesn’t have to be an effect of only Zombies, it can be abused with any horde of tokens and will drain all three of your enemies. 

This card is already super cheap, as a common, and it’ll just be a question of buying in at a price you like and being patient until a buylist is ready to take all the copies off of your hands.


Moonveil Regent – There’s a real shortage of Dragons with a big size and small mana cost. I don’t think this is a super strong pair of abilities for a Dragon, but any time you manage to empty your hand with a Dragon deck and then get another card or two, you’re ahead on things. The abilities are just bonuses, though, as the 4/4 flyer for 4 in the Dragon deck is really where things are. 

Again, this is a mythic, so it’s unlikely to get super cheap, but I’m hopeful it gets as low as two or three for a dollar.

Smoldering Egg – The real appeal here is that there’s a lot of busted things to do in Commander with this card. It’s both harder and easier to flip than Thing in the Ice, but TITI is pretty overpowered when it flips. This doesn’t bounce the board the same way, but can be triggered off of one expensive spell, instead of needing to cast four of them. The flipside dragon, Ashmouth Dragon, is undeniably useful, throwing Shocks around with all your spells. 

The Egg is already at a dollar and falling, but while it is still a Dragon, I’m doubtful this will see a lot of Commander play.


Spectral Adversary – A cheap flier at only two mana and having Flash, this has strong potential in decks with a strong Spirit theme. One issue is that while there’s more than one lord for Spirits, they don’t really have an amazing themed Commander. For that reason, I like stockpiling Spirit-themed cards, so that if they print a new Spirit Commander (like they did with Zombies in Midnight Hunt) I’m ready to sell into the hype and cash in fast.

This adversary benefits from flash and flying, but also has a cheaper multikicker cost. That, plus the rules of phasing, allowing for it to save other creatures of yours and have them ready to counterattack as soon as it’s your turn. Phasing can also be used aggressively, getting their potential blockers out of the way. There’s a lot of flexibility for only two mana to start! Keep in mind that this has two years to get good, or find a home. It’s dropped to the $5 range, but I’m looking for it to get close to a dollar.

Patrician Geist – Here’s another Spirit lord, and while the second ability is potentially good, the main thing is that it’s one more card to beef up the tribe. This is already gettable for a quarter, but I’m not sure it’s good enough in Modern Spirits to warrant even being a three-of. Still, if the right Commander comes along, this will pop, along with so many other cards.


Falkenrath Pit Fighter – Honestly, the synergy with Edgar Markov is breathtaking, and Edgar is already a very good Commander for the tribe. We should expect more Vampire goodies in the next set, and when this gets to bulk status, I’ll want to have more than a few copies to buylist away.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

What I’m Watching From Midnight Hunt

With a new set, I don’t like to buy in right away. There’s plenty of room for things to fall as sets get opened, and with that in mind, I’ve put together a list of cards that I want to buy, if they get to the right price. We’ve got a little bit of EDHREC data in, but this is more about the cards that are either on a trajectory to very cheap or are due for a price correction.

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Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.

The Math Of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

All right, everyone, let’s get into the distributions of different Innistrad: Midnight Hunt cards. There’s three variants, plus the usual Extended Art treatment. Wizards has been good about not throwing any huge curveballs here since the 30% hurdle in Commander Legends, and it makes these calculations a lot easier. If you’re looking for your odds of a Borderless Foil Wrenn and Seven, look no further!

First, some raw numbers. There are 20 mythics in the set, and 64 rares. Plus, there’s 83 uncommons and 105 commons. Those won’t be as relevant to us, but as we’ll discuss, if a foil hits it big (Expressive Iteration, I’m looking at you!) suddenly that’s a very relevant number.

There’s two Showcase frames in this set: All of the Werewolves and Warlocks in the set get what’s called the Equinox frame, on both sides if it’s a two-faced card. 

Then we have the Eternal Night frame, a black-and-white sketch art to go with a more translucent frame. This is done to every legendary creature which isn’t in the Equinox frame. If it’s a two-sided card, both sides get this treatment.

Finally, we get the Borderless treatment, which is new art and has no borders. This is just the five slowlands, and the three planeswalkers. Interestingly, Arlinn, the Pack’s Hope is the only card to get three different arts: regular, Equinox, and Borderless.

There’s not a special version of a single card, the way there was a Phyrexian Vorinclex in Kaldheim, or a special subset as in the Mystical Archive. Also, there’s no etched foils in this set. Thankfully, this is a straightforward set, and we can make clear comparisons to other sets.

Now let’s talk about what you get in the three kinds of packs:

In a Draft Booster, you can get foils or nonfoils of almost anything. Foil Equinox, foil Borderless, both are possible, but NOT the Commander-only cards and not the Extended Art versions of cards. One out of three Draft boosters have a foil, but that’s a foil of anything, including the basic land. (which is good–the foils of these Eternal Night basics should be solid, financially)

Set Boosters do have a slot for the Commander cards, but only in nonfoil. You can get the same foils and nonfoils, otherwise, just more of them to go with the 25% chance of card from The List, which is 300 cards long, everything is of equal rarity, and you need to open 1200 Set Boosters to get a full set of The List. (you won’t get it at exactly 1200 because of the way probability works, but the math is sound.

The rarest cards are going to be the Foil Extended-Art mythics from this set. Not the Equinox and not the Eternal Night, since those foils can show up in Draft and Set Boosters. The EA treatment is exclusive to the Collector Boosters, and Wizards’ own graphics tell us that there’s really only one slot to worry about: 

So how rare is rare in that last slot? (Last, in this case, meaning that you’ll reveal it last. If you open a CB card by card, you’ll see things in bottom-up order!) Let’s have a table:

Type of cardNumber of optionsOdds of getting one of these in a given CB (last 2 slots)How many CBs need to be opened to get a specific card with that treatment
Foil Mythic Equinox1.66%151
Foil Rare Equinox810.6%75.5
Foil Mythic Eternal Night31.9%151
Foil Rare Eternal Night1114.6%75.5
Foil Mythic Borderless31.9%151
Foil Rare Borderless56.6%75.5
Foil Mythic Extended Art149.3%151
Foil Rare Extended Art4154.3%75.5

Remember, you are twice as likely to get a rare (65 options) as a mythic (21 options) and that’s where the denominator of 151 comes from.

So about 75% of Collector Boosters will have a foil rare of some kind in this slot. Note that Arlinn is the only foil mythic Equinox, as well as being a Borderless Planeswalker, so she will be 50% more common than any other mythic from this set. Put another way, for every two copies of Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset, there’s three copies of Arlinn, the Pack’s Hope.

Here’s a table for the nonfoils:

Type of cardNumber of optionsOdds of getting one of these in a given CB How many CBs need to be opened to get a specific card with that treatment
Nonfoil Mythic Equinox11.8%55
Nonfoil Rare Equinox829.1%22.5
Nonfoil Mythic Eternal Night35.4%55
Nonfoil Rare Eternal Night1140%22.5
Nonfoil Mythic Borderless35.4%55
Nonfoil Rare Borderless518.2%22.5
Nonfoil Mythic Extended Art (slot 3)1414.6%96
Nonfoil Rare Extended Art (slot 3)4185.4%48

Where does this set land compared to other sets? One more table!

setOdds of a specific foil rareOdds of a specific foil mythic
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt1/75.51/151
Forgotten Realms1/631/126
Strixhaven 1/154.51/309
Modern Horizons 21/126.51/253

We can see that things will be a little more rare than in AFR, and this doesn’t have the Vorinclex effect that Kaldheim was blessed with. Strixhaven is going to be an outlier for most things, because of the way that they set up the Mystical Archive.

One thing I want you to note, if you love buying Collector Boosters: These last three slots have some rough math. About 85% of those packs will have these as the final three cards: nonfoil rare EA, nonfoil rare showcase/borderless, foil EA/showcase/borderless rare. For each of those slots, you’ve got about a 15% chance to hit a mythic. Buying a box of 12 packs, the math says you’re getting about two mythics in each slot.

I hope this helps inform your buying decisions. If you find an error here, be kind, and post a comment or come mention it in the ProTrader Discord.

Crimson Vowing To Beat The Rush

All the attention being on Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and the Werewolf spikes, let’s take a moment and look at some of the Vampires who are getting new toys in the next set. Some of those Werewolves went to the moon (pun 100% intended) and we want to suck all the value out of the coming Vampire rush. (again, totally intended)

What we’re looking for are Vampires and Vampire accessories. Some of these will be obvious, sure, but if obvious stuff doesn’t pay off, why didn’t we all buy up Mayor of Avabruck when it was under $5?

The obvious things can pay off nicely, and let’s start with a couple of obvious doozies:

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose (cheapest nonfoil is $5, most expensive Foil Extended Art is $18) – I’ve written before that Vito is a great spec, because the abilities work so well to just kaboom someone out of the game in Commander. I appreciate when a legendary creature tells you what to do with the deck you’re building. 

We should expect that Vampires are going to make opponents lose life and you’ll gain that life. Vito doubles up the damage dealt and will go well into any deck doing those sorts of things. Get your copies now, as prices have crept up a couple of dollars lately but there’s still plenty of profit to be made here.

Bloodline Keeper ($14 to $30) – There’s hardly any NM foils from Innistrad left, so that opportunity may be lost, but there’s a lot of FTV: Transform copies left out there for under $20 and that’s a prime opportunity. This isn’t the only lord that’s going to show up on this list, but it carries a caveat: This has the vertical, slick foiling that turns a lot of people off, and that’s likely why this price is so close to the original price. FTV is the last to go, but go it will. I dearly love cards that represent more than one card’s worth of power, and Bloodline Keeper definitely fits there. Easy double-up.

Malakir Bloodwitch ($1.50 to $4) – I used to have an all-foil Garza Zol deck, tribal Vampires. One of the insta-kills in the deck was Bloodwitch plus Rite of Replication kicked. Boom, game over, shuffle up for the next. This card has a nonfoil reprint in Commander 2017 that hasn’t really budged, though foils have moved on TCG lately:

Tribal decks can struggle to do things outside of combat, but with this around, Vampires don’t have that problem. This is cheap enough that I’d recommend getting the foil, as the Commander deck from this set is highly likely to have this card.

Sanctum Seeker ($2 to $8) – This has started to move int he last week or so, but there’s a lot left out there. This is an upgrade over Hellrider, and triggers all of your lifegain synergies too. Please note you get a drain for each Vampire. Yes, it’s a little undersized at a 3/4 for four mana but it’ll perform like a much bigger creature.

Legion Lieutenant ($1.50 to $6) – There’s very few foil copies left on TCG, but the big concern here is the two-color nature of the tribe. I think they will give us black-red and black-white vampires, making the blue ones in Ravnica and other random ones obsolete. I would much prefer to own a stack of foils, as the reprint risk in the Commander deck is very high here too.

Blood Tribute ($0.75 to $10) – Only foil copies are from Zendikar, and that’s where I’d prefer to be. There’s already a c17 reprint sitting around at the floor, and if this dodges reprint, that’s going to be a profitable buylist play. There’s no denying the power of the card, for six mana you’re swinging a huge amount of life. Problem is that pesky Commander deck that’ll be coming out at the same time, as this is a fantastic card to print there.

Blade of the Bloodchief ($4 to $20) – I can tell you, as someone who played this card, it’s got the potential to be amazing but it’s only great with point removal or one-sided Wrath effects. If you can get a sacrifice engine going, or a repeatable form of creature kill, you’re in business, but it’s a huge target. It’s already pricey for the nonfoils, and it’s got huge reprint risk, but the day the Commander lists come out I’m ready to buy this up like mad. 

Captivating Vampire ($11 to $15) – The nonfoil price and the foil price are really close in price, which is a surprise to me. I don’t think that’ll last too long, though. This card is bonkers, just yoinking away the creature you want most and making it into fodder for your next conquest. It’s only three mana, so you can play it and leave mana up, and while there’s a Commander nonfoil and a nonfoil from The List, the price has gone up as anticipation rises:

That graph doesn’t scare me, though. Sure, it’s more expensive now, but this was only widely available in Magic 2011 (eleven years ago), The List is a joke for reprints and the Commander copies weren’t really put out onto the market. If you bought the C17 deck, you were playing all those Vampires and especially this one. If it’s reprinted, much will depend on the other cards, to determine if this is worth cracking the package open and selling the cards.

This wasn’t a list of every Vampire that I thought could get played, but these are some of the best bets that are around for the bloodsuckers. I’d strongly encourage you to check these out in Europe, if you have that connection. Casual cards tend to be cheaper there, and every bit helps when you’re forecasting for profit.

Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.