With the announcement of the Extra Life 2021 Secret Lair this week, and we now know it contains two Craterhoof Behemoth, two Metalwork Colossus, and two Mulldrifters. Secret Lairs have become a part of the MTG Finance landscape, but with Craterhoof being near its highest price ever, I want to look at what happened to the prices of cards after they get a reprint like this.
We’ve got a lot of examples to get through, so buckle up!
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Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.
With the World Championship in the books, we see a jump in a couple of the weekend’s best performers: Alarund’s Epiphany and Ranger Class. No matter what is happening at your local store, Standard cards are starting to get back on the move and back on the map. I’ve been extremely hesitant to get in deep on Standard because of the lack of paper play, but here we are, with prices jumping.
As a result, it’s time to evaluate Standard cards! Let’s see what we can do with what we have, especially as rotation just happened a month ago, and we’ve got a new set coming out in a month. For some Standard cards, it’s time to sell into the hype or before rotation sinks their value. For others, it’s time to think about when I want to buy in on some current Standard cards. A third category I’m thinking about is things I want to buy in anticipation of them getting big in Standard at some point.
I’ve written before that the paradigm is to be out of a card by Valentine’s Day, six-seven months before it rotates. That’s the way to be sure you maximize profit and minimize the risk of your card losing value as rotation approaches. So what cards are we getting rid of?
Goldspan Dragon ($40) – The graph says a whole lot:
Goldspan is top-notch right now, and rightfully so. It’s a mythic, getting played as a 3- and 4-of in top-tier decks, and it’s even in 9,000 Commander decks online. The Standard demand is what’s caused the recent jump, and now is the time to sell. It’s possible that this card ticks up a little, but locking in profits right now is the strategy that will serve you best. Let someone else take the risk and hope for $50, when you can solidify the gains you’ve already gotten.
Alrund’s Epiphany ($15) – Again, let’s see what the data says:
Oh look, it’s a card that’s doubled in price recently, and is even getting talk of a banning. Extra turns cards will always have a place in Commander, but the ones that exile themselves are just not as popular. Time Warp is in 12,000 decks, but Epiphany is in less than 4,000 of them. This is a card I just don’t want to have around as rotation nears, and if you bought anywhere under $10, I’d seriously consider selling while it’s at its peak. Again, there’s a chance that your cards will climb a little higher before rotation starts to sink them, so you have to weigh your greed against your guaranteed profits.
Esika’s Chariot ($5) – The great news here is that if you bought this anytime before October, you’re likely sitting pretty:
This is just a regular rare, not a mythic, so you’re looking at substantially more copies and a much much lower demand from Commander players. This isn’t going to hit $7.50 before it starts trending downwards, so I strongly suggest you take what profit you can from these cards and move on to better targets.
Prismari Command ($7.50) – There’s a case to be made that you’ve missed the top of the market on this card, but not by a lot:
Even if you’re not selling at $10, the card has likely doubled from when you bought in and that’s a lovely place to be stepping out from. The main reason why I want to be selling here is that the drivers of demand here are Standard and Historic, one of which is an online-only format! I’m looking to unload all the copies I have of this before another deck comes along and this trickles back down to $2 or $3.
Ranger Class ($13) – One more graph:
Oh yeah, that’s a curve that screams for a sell-off. Remember, too, that AFR cards have the shortest lifespan in Standard, at just over a year. There would have to be an amazing confluence of factors to make this go back up to $20, and there’s no guarantee that this stays as high as it is. Commander demand has sucked up some number of copies, as that last ability is GAS in 100-card formats, but let’s look at another four-of in the Mono-Green lists, Old-Growth Troll:
I’m not saying that OGT is a better card than Ranger Class, I’m saying that the floor for Ranger Class is a lot lower than you think it could be, and it’s time to sell off.
One set of cards that I’m going to be keeping my eye on are the MDFCs from Zendikar Rising. I’m keenly aware that they would be an excellent candidate for their own Secret Lair, and that’s making me wait on purchasing them for a while. Plus, I’m really hoping that they creep downwards in price as rotation approaches. Emeria’s Call is in the least decks, at just under 7k, but Sea Gate Restoration is in nearly double that many. Most importantly, though, is that these are pretty much freerolls in Commander. Take a current land, slot in the MDFC, and have your choice of a land early or a powerful spell later.
Finally, I’ve been thinking about Midnight Hunt in Standard. There’s two years until this set rotates, and that means there’s a long long time for these cards to pick up. We don’t have a lot of tournament data yet, but there’s already a couple of cards I want to get bricks of around Christmastime:
Intrepid Adversary – A mythic, a four-of in the White Weenie decks, a card that is okay at two mana, very good at four mana, and HOLY CRAP at six mana, this is a card I’m hoping to get in the $5 range.
Moonveil Regent – Already under $5, this is in a sweet spot at four mana. Because it can be the top end for an aggressive deck, or the card that enables maximum churn, it’s got a lot of potential. Hopefully this approaches $2 in the next couple of months.
Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. Ahigh school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.
The World Championships are this weekend, and the format is Standard. Given that we don’t really have GP-level events yet (though SCG and CFB are trying!) and the maze to professional play is confusing, I normally wouldn’t be paying attention to Standard.
However, it’s a harbinger. I want to look for two things from these decklists, and from this event: What’s powerful from Standard that’s in Midnight Hunt (because that’s a set that’s legal for the next TWO years!) and what’s underpriced that’s poised to take a jump. Let’s dive in, shall we?
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Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.
One of the things I always look for in a new set is the presence of tribal cards or tribal enablers. It’s a truth that EDH drives the majority of sales, and the cards in Commander that can really gain attention over time are the ones that slot into the most popular tribes.
So let’s take a look at Midnight Hunt and see what tribes get new toys.
There’s a lot of cards out there that can help any tribe, but specifically, I’m taking a look at things with a creature type or things that help that tribe.
Tainted Adversary – This has a lot of potential in the long term. It’s a great way to make a sick mass of Zombies instantly, which a whole lot of decks and cards can take advantage of, even if the tokens are decayed. There’s things like Endless Ranks of the Dead or Shepherd of Rot which like a high Zombie count, or a whole batch at once can wipe the world away with Noxious Ghoul. Since they are all Decayed, you should also be playing the ‘when a Zombie dies’ effect like Diregraf Captain or Plague Belcher or Vengeful Dead. One big attack and then you get to make them pay a big price. Winner all around!
As a mythic, the Adversary probably won’t get dirt cheap, but it’ll have potential when the current Zombie rage dies down (pun intended). I will be hoping for a price as low as a couple dollars for the regular, and $7 for the foil extended art.
Champion of the Perished – While I don’t think that this is a particularly strong card in a Zombie Commander deck, that’s not going to matter for the time when a new Zombie fad overtakes the nation. Zombies are really short on powerful one-drops, and it’s got a lot of potential to be very good, given the right draws.
This also has a chance to be good in Standard, given the impressive number of Decayed tokens that a dedicated deck would be able to produce, and as the big fall set, it’s got two years to make a splash. If no deck pops up right away with this card, it should end up at near-bulk prices, and that would be a lovely time to move in.
Siege Zombie (foil) – This is going to be a longer-term hold, but I think you’ll be able to get these on the very cheap, and the effect is really easy to abuse. It is vitally important that this says ‘three creatures’ and ‘each opponent’. This doesn’t have to be an effect of only Zombies, it can be abused with any horde of tokens and will drain all three of your enemies.
This card is already super cheap, as a common, and it’ll just be a question of buying in at a price you like and being patient until a buylist is ready to take all the copies off of your hands.
Moonveil Regent – There’s a real shortage of Dragons with a big size and small mana cost. I don’t think this is a super strong pair of abilities for a Dragon, but any time you manage to empty your hand with a Dragon deck and then get another card or two, you’re ahead on things. The abilities are just bonuses, though, as the 4/4 flyer for 4 in the Dragon deck is really where things are.
Again, this is a mythic, so it’s unlikely to get super cheap, but I’m hopeful it gets as low as two or three for a dollar.
Smoldering Egg – The real appeal here is that there’s a lot of busted things to do in Commander with this card. It’s both harder and easier to flip than Thing in the Ice, but TITI is pretty overpowered when it flips. This doesn’t bounce the board the same way, but can be triggered off of one expensive spell, instead of needing to cast four of them. The flipside dragon, Ashmouth Dragon, is undeniably useful, throwing Shocks around with all your spells.
The Egg is already at a dollar and falling, but while it is still a Dragon, I’m doubtful this will see a lot of Commander play.
Spectral Adversary – A cheap flier at only two mana and having Flash, this has strong potential in decks with a strong Spirit theme. One issue is that while there’s more than one lord for Spirits, they don’t really have an amazing themed Commander. For that reason, I like stockpiling Spirit-themed cards, so that if they print a new Spirit Commander (like they did with Zombies in Midnight Hunt) I’m ready to sell into the hype and cash in fast.
This adversary benefits from flash and flying, but also has a cheaper multikicker cost. That, plus the rules of phasing, allowing for it to save other creatures of yours and have them ready to counterattack as soon as it’s your turn. Phasing can also be used aggressively, getting their potential blockers out of the way. There’s a lot of flexibility for only two mana to start! Keep in mind that this has two years to get good, or find a home. It’s dropped to the $5 range, but I’m looking for it to get close to a dollar.
Patrician Geist – Here’s another Spirit lord, and while the second ability is potentially good, the main thing is that it’s one more card to beef up the tribe. This is already gettable for a quarter, but I’m not sure it’s good enough in Modern Spirits to warrant even being a three-of. Still, if the right Commander comes along, this will pop, along with so many other cards.
Falkenrath Pit Fighter – Honestly, the synergy with Edgar Markov is breathtaking, and Edgar is already a very good Commander for the tribe. We should expect more Vampire goodies in the next set, and when this gets to bulk status, I’ll want to have more than a few copies to buylist away.
Cliff (@WordOfCommander) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.