With everything going on, with all the different previews happening, it’s really easy to lose track of the calendar. One of the things happening this year is that when Edge of Eternities comes out in August, Standard is rotating, and we’re losing several sets: Dominaria United, The Brothers’ War, Phyrexia: All Will Be One, and March of the Machine. Plus Aftermath, too, but that set barely counts most days.
Standard rotation is a tricky thing, as most card prices are driven by Eternal formats, like Modern or Commander, but there’s still quite a few cards whose prices are propped up by Standard and now is the time you want to sell off everything you aren’t using, before the big dumping starts in June or so. Let’s talk about the cards to sell, and the ones to keep.
Let’s take a moment and examine the phenomenon historically, so you can be sure that this is the right play, selling five months early. I’ll use a couple of examples from last year’s rotation, which was SNC, NEO, MID, and VOW. Let’s start with the graph for Ledger Shredder:
Shredder was everywhere, and while it’s still seeing play in Arclight Phoenix builds for both Modern and Pioneer, that’s not enough to sustain the price with so many copies. The price has dropped by half, and that means you could have sold out, waited, and re-bought the cards after rotation. You’d have the same cards plus $24 on a playset!
The Wandering Emperor makes for another good example:
In March of last year, it was selling briskly at $30 a copy, but that’s when the slide started. In August, when it rotated, it was down to $10 and now it’s $5. That’s a lot of value you’re leaving behind if you move too late, and that’s what I want to help you avoid. Even cards that are popular in other formats take a hit too. Boseiju, Who Endures, since it’s used very widely in Modern and Commander, had its price go from $40 down to $30 at rotation, and hit a low of $25 in December, but it’s crept back up to $30 since.
I have two metrics in mind here, the combination of ‘lots of current Standard play’ and ‘over $5 in price. Under that price, there isn’t a lot to be gained, because after rotation, it’ll still be close to that price, though maybe $2.50 instead of $4. Cards which aren’t in favor in Standard currently have already taken a big hit price-wise, and so while I’ll be mentioning several cards which are still expensive enough to warrant selling, we really want to focus on the cards we can make the most from.
Additionally, I’m focused on the basic nonfoils, because premium versions are more insulated from rotation. Those copies are in Commander decks, or foiled-out Modern ones, and therefore aren’t getting taken out of decks and resold. The Standard players, though, they got the most basic ones and they are gonna resell them.
Dominaria United
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse – Currently just over $70 for a nonfoil, basic frame version, this is the flagship card for what I want you to do. There are already 450 copies on TCGPlayer, and that’s before people start listing theirs. Yes, this is a great card for and against Ketramose, but there are a boatload of Standard decks playing with 2-4 copies of the Praetor and we can expect her price to drop by at least half. I think that between Commander (where this card is brutally good) and the occasional Modern deck it won’t go much below $35, but I would definitely not be holding any basic copies longer than I needed to.
Zur, Eternal Schemer – Zur is big big big in the Domain and Overlord type builds that make up a large section of the current metagame. Currently at $14, he’s headed for being sub-$5, since Commander is the only spot where he sees notable amounts of use. Modern and Pioneer just aren’t his territory, except for the loyal few who play Enigmatic Incarnation in Pioneer.
Liliana of the Veil – Easy to forget she’s Standard-legal again, but she’s already at $12 from the times she’s been reprinted. I’m expecting her copies to slide under $10, but probably not as far as $5.
Temporary Lockdown – It’s just over $5 now, but it’ll end up being a dollar. This card has seen some wild fluctuations in its time, and if you’ve got spares, let them go now.
The Brothers’ War
Amazingly, from this set, there’s nothing that fits my criteria. Stuff is either already very cheap or it’s a card popular in other formats like Commander or Modern.
Phyrexia: All WIll Be One
Atraxa, Grand Unifier – At $18, you might be thinking she gets enough Modern and Legacy and Commander love to keep that price. You’d be wrong. By the end of August, she’ll be under $10, but the premium copies in those reanimator decks will all be sitting pretty. There’s just going to be too many sellers and not enough buyers.
Jace, the Perfected Mind – This is an interesting case, because the Phyrexian copies are cheaper than the regular copies. He can be had for $6 right now, and that’s going to be more like $3 in six months. Get what you can, while you can. He’s being used as a finisher for Standard control decks, and that’s it. Please don’t hang on too long.
March of the Machine (and Aftermath)
Faerie Mastermind – While this is a great card in Commander, present in 150k decks, we’re up against the numbers problem. Everyone who’s on Dimir Bounce as a deck has four of these, and that’s a whole lot of copies that will end up on the market in the next few months. A slide is inevitable, a reprint is also quite likely. We know there’s a return to Lorwyn coming, and Faeries are indeed a thing on that plane. Seeing the $16 copies slide down to $6 seems very, very likely. This might well bounce back, especially if there’s new Faeries and this avoid a Commander precon reprint, but the slide is our immediate concern.
Sunfall – There’s only 35k decks that have this registered on EDHREC, which feels low for what this does. Its biggest issue is that Farewell is now the default board wipe, and everything else lives in its shadow. Sunfall is just over $5 now, and that’s with Standard demand propping it up. At rotation, it might well be $2 or less.
Tranquil Frillback – Another $6 card, the set it was in represents its greatest strength. Aftermath was one of the least-opened products of Magic’s history, and a model that Wizards has said they want to steer away from. Rotation will steal a couple dollars from this, but there’s a minimum level of interest from Commander players and Dinosaur enthusiasts that I might get some cheap.
I hope this helps you plan your selling for the coming months!
Cliff (@WordOfCommander at Twitter and BlueSky) has been writing for MTGPrice since 2013, and is an eager Commander player, Draft enthusiast, and Cube fanatic. A high school science teacher by day, he’s also the official substitute teacher of the MTG Fast Finance podcast. If you’re ever at a GP and you see a giant flashing ‘CUBE DRAFT’ sign, go over, say hi, and be ready to draft.