Tag Archives: ProTrader

PROTRADER: The Miracle and the Sleeper; Introducing HUFAs

Let’s start off by quickly acknowledging the B&R Announcement from Monday. Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote in January, a week or so before Pro Tour: Oath of the Gatewatch:

So why is this time different? The answer is Eye of Ugin. Between Oath and Battle for Zendikar, we suddenly have a respectable amount of colorless Eldrazi creatures along a much broader curve. Eye of Ugin, despite not actually tapping for mana, functions as an extremely powerful accelerant, with the additional ability to find your strongest threats late in the game. When used in conjunction with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Eye of Ugin can tap for mana, making it the closest corollary to Mishra’s Workshop we’ve ever seen (it’s actually better when you are playing more than one creature a turn, but worse in the sense that it’s legendary). Eldrazi Temple similarly functions as a worse Eye of Ugin, providing copies five through eight…

…I also don’t expect this archetype to last another six months.”

All I’m going to say is that ProTraders have been having discussions about this series of events since BEFORE the deck actually broke out. Seems good to me.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: Cube Watch, Shadows over Innistrad Edition (Part Two)

Each new set, I like to review the cards in it with a very specific objective in mind: find the cards I might want to play in Cube. Because prices are so hyped in the early days of a set, I almost always just note the things to watch and don’t actually pull the trigger on a purchase, but every once in a while, something sticks out as too inexpensive to pass over. Part one covered double-faced, white, and blue cards, and today we’ll cover the rest. That’s a bunch, so let’s get going.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: The World’s Most Efficient Set Review: Shadows Over Innistrad Edition

We are going to try something a little bit different this week: my set review is still going to be in its beloved Quick Hits style, but we are going to start with an eye towards something that really doesn’t get broken down much, especially this time of year. I’m talking about the Obstacles.

When we view cards in a vacuum (the most common mistake made in set reviews, since time immemorial), we are basically just putting on a straight, flat, artificial green. Yes, the card does the thing(s) it is printed to do, but is that any good? Is it something that even matters at all?

This is not my office; mine is MUCH nicer.
This is not my office; mine is MUCH nicer.

The rest of this content is only visible to ProTrader members.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: Cube Watch, Shadows over Innistrad Edition (Part One)

Each new set, I like to review the cards in it with a very specific objective in mind: find the cards I might want to play in Cube. Because prices are so hyped in the early days of a set, I almost always just note the things to watch and don’t actually pull the trigger on a purchase, but every once in a while, something sticks out as too inexpensive to pass over. We’ve got a lot to cover today, so let’s stop wasting words on introductions and get to the cards.

The rest of this content is only visible to ProTrader members.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.