Tag Archives: Standard

PROTRADER: Forcing Better Diversification

If you’ve been following my articles lately, you’ll have noticed that I’m fairly in-tune with the Old School and Vintage markets.  This has become almost a specialty of mine given my interest in such classic formats.  My friend once said “I only like formats where Power is legal.”  It sounds elitist, but there’s some merit to the sentiment and I’m not inclined to disagree.

Naturally the resurgence of interest in these classic cards has made Old School and reserve list cards especially attractive.  It’s been a wild ride since I began the journey 14 months ago in Grand Prix Vegas, where I acquired my first HP Juzam Djinn for $70.


Now that many of these Old School and reserve list prices have gone “parabolic”, I have to imagine much of the short-term growth has already been priced in.  Sure, there are a few remaining reserve list cards prone to spike (I’m watching Nether Void, The Abyss, Candelabra of Tawnos, and Dream Halls ).  But for the most part, the easy money has been made on these – it almost feels like the only things that haven’t spiked yet are Power and duals.

Throughout all of this hype, I’ve been severely violating one of my own investing rules.  This week I want to share how I’m deviating from my own prescribed strategy, why I think it’s OK for now, and how I’ve been brainstorming alternate ideas to mitigate the unsuspecting risk I may be taking on currently.

The rest of this content is only visible to ProTrader members.

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ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

Grinder Finance – Eldritch Moon Spoiler Pt 2


Are you not impressed?

Okay, so people are really down about the new Liliana.  I’m not so pessimistic about her chances of being good.  Let’s look at some hard data.

3 mana walkers

This is every three mana planeswalker ever printed in Magic.  For argument’s sake, I’ve included the 3-mana flip walkers from Magic Origins.  By my memory, the only two cards here that did not see significant play were Ajani,Caller of the Pride and Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh.  The other eight planeswalkers were pretty close to staples at some point during their lifetime.

So if we just go by the odds, 80% is a pretty high rate of success on 3-mana Planeswalkers.  The fact that three of the four most recent ones have also been successes leads me to believe there may be more than meets the eye on Liliana, the Last Hope.  My look on the card right now as a player –  I’d buy four copies instantly for $10 without giving much of a second thought.  I’d probably consider buying them at $15.  If I was sure I needed them day 1, I wouldn’t be opposed to spending $20 on my copies.  I don’t want to try to sell you on Liliana but I am pretty sure I’m happy paying 3 mana for a Gravedigger since that’s most of what Liliana, Defiant Necromancer did anyway.  And you have to jump through less hoops.


I think Oath of Liliana is a fine card but right now it will likely be relegated to bulk duty.  Similar to Oath of Gideon, Oath of Jace, and Oath of Chandra – this Oath costs a little too much mana to be a reliable card to play in Standard.  It will often nab a token, a 1 mana 2/1 human, or 3-drop that someone only paid two mana for because it was put into play with Collected Company.  I think casually these will be worth a nice bit because it finishes the cycle.  I’d expect them to be $2-3 in 2 years so it will be a great card to throw in a box and forget you own.


Well I never thought I’d see Liliana on art for a white card but here we are.  This card is going to either be busted or a casual all star.  As such, I wouldn’t recommend doing anything with copies you open for a year or so.  There’s almost no upside to move any of your copies before the PT.  That being said, I am not sure what they will pre-order for but I have a feeling the number will be a trap.  Due to how many mythics are typically in pre-constructed decks (like Commander, Duel decks, etc) I don’t see this card having a high chance of getting reprinted.  It’s going to be a blue chip stock for years due to being a small set mythic.  Think Akroma’s Memorial.


This isn’t Craterhoof Behemoth and you have to non-bo and sac a guy to get the 7/7.  There are worse things but It’s not terribly hard to fit this into a G/W Tokens sideboard or as a finisher in Cryptolith Rite deck.  I’m not bullish on his ability to emerge as a top tier standard card.  He will probably be a $5 EDH card for a few years.


This guy may or may not be the truth.  He has a lot going for him when you think of him as a Mistbind Clique.  You get to tap down their lands and then brick their attacks with a sizeable 5/6 body.  Flash and Emerge are a match made in heaven so I wouldn’t be surprised to see Eldrazi Skyspawner or Matter Reshaper being turned into an Elder Deep-Fiend.  It does cost 8 so you probably can’t play a ton of them without it clogging up your hand but it does give you an exceptionally cheap way to trigger Kozilek’s Return and Sanctum of Ugin.  I’m probably going to try to order a set for $10.


I am less excited about this guy but he is awkwardly very good against collected company decks.  He can grab a Company and the cards that Company hits.  So he’s in this awkward spot where he’s best against an opponent that has a very good hand already.  Black isn’t a color I’m thrilled to play at the moment but this guy may find his time in the spotlight.  I wouldn’t be disappointed paying $1 for this.


Yeah whatever man more black cards.  Okay this is a really weird card because it’s extremely powerful but the casting cost restrictions are so ass-backwards with the last set.  The aggressive vampires deck theoretically wants to play early red mana because the red vampires are better at the lower points in the curve but the most powerful vampires out of this set have heavy black requirements.  Voldaren Pariah is certainly much better than Incorrigible Youths if you can figure out how to cast it.  Which then leads to the question – is this even a card that kind of deck wants to play?  I think it looks much better paying the full retail in a Cryptolith Rite deck and then binning some Eldrazi Scions to kill their army of 2/3s.  You’re left with a 6/5 flying creature which is rather large.  I’m not sure where we end up but I think there are some lines to make this card very good.  If its the kind of card you’d like to play $3 seems like a good pre-order price.


This is a rare.  Not a mythic.  Remember that when you go to pre-order a bunch of copies.  It won’t be this expensive in a few months, especially if it doesn’t pan out in Modern.   I think this will be a relatively shallow role player but it could see a big spike with Modern adoption.  If you’re a casual player and want one for EDH just wait until Kaladesh spoilers.  You’ll likely be able to find them for $5-8 unless they break out in Modern.

In Standard I don’t see this really making waves because it will likely just upgrade your guy that can get Reflector Mage’d into another guy that will probably get Reflector Mage’d.    I’m not expecting it to be as ubiquitous as Collected Company.  I’m not buying them for more than $5 and I’m selling during the Pro Tour.


Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is played as 4 copies in multiple different Standard decks.  I’m not sure Tamiyo can be support as more than 2 of in a few decks.  As such I think any of the pre-order price tags above $10 are pretty insane.  This card’s planeswalker tax is a little too high for me at the moment.  I think it’s likely she ends up in the $8-12 range as a support walker like Ob Nixilis, Reignited.  She will probably be a bit more than Ob because she’s in the summer set.


This guy will also probably be a bulk mythic near release but I think he’s got some possibility of being good in Standard.  He blocks Avacyn and Gisela reasonably.  His delerium trigger makes him less embarassing than Gitrog Monster against Reflector Mage.  And although his activate ability is pretty expensive, it’s not terribly unreasonable that you might activate a few times to finish a game.  Green and Black decks have typically enjoyed mana sinks no matter how “bad” they may seem.  This card might slot into the Sultai Midrange deck as a way to combat pesky humans with Gryff’s Boon.  I’m expecting foils to be expensive but I wouldn’t be surprised if he holds a $3-5 price tag in Standard while it’s dominated by Angels.


Here’s another way to not timewalk yourself while flipping your werewolves.  It’s kinda cute that you can Collected Company into him for a few months.  I’m not sure this is the missing link to push our lycanthrope friends over the top.  I imagine it will be a solid $1-2 casual card.  The rate for the creature isn’t terrible but it’s got much less utility than Bounding Krasis.


I guess this is another way to discard a Fiery Temper?  If we get some 0 mana madness cards that aren’t embarrassing then the stock of this spell goes up greatly.  It’s got some reasonable modes for 2 mana so I wouldn’t be surprised to see people discard lands to drain their opponent.  This seems like a solid role player.  I would pick up a set after release and try to stick around $1.

Final Thoughts

  • This set looks really good, much like Oath of the Gatewatch.  I’d keep a close eye on supply and buy the cheaper rares and mythics in a few months before Kaladesh spoilers start.
  • We’re only a month away from the release of Conspiracy 2.  I have to imagine money crunch is going to be worse than Magic Origins last year.

Grinder Finance – Eldritch Moon Spoilers

As I contemplate how many times on repeat I can play Flo Rida’s “My House” at my house warming party, I am investigating the Eldritch Moon spoilers.  Unfortunately, we will not find any cards with Investigate in this set.  Returning are double-faced cards, madness, and delerium.  New mechanics are meld, emerge, and escalate.  We haven’t seen any rare cards with emerge or escalate yet but we have some sweet meld cards.

brunathefadinglight giselathebrokenblade

Okay so now after you pick up your jaw off the floor, you can continue to ask what white did deserve to get all these great cards.  Gisela draws an obvious comparison to Baneslayer Angel.  And a lot of people know how good that card was.  Gisela is pre-ordering for $26 right now which may end up being close to her price in a month based on how Archangel Avacyn looks now.  Really at this point pre-ordering Gisela is just a gamble that it’s another Archangel Avacyn and is all over the pro tour or shows up just enough to keep her price tag.  I’m not a fan of buying in now.

Bruna is another beast entirely.  She could be an easy $5-10 card based on play in a few decks much like Westvale Abbey,  While she won’t be as ubiquitous as a colorless spell land, she does a nice job of forming voltron with a Gisela that hasn’t been turned into stone.  There might be a reanimator deck that stars Bruna if we get some good ways to self mill or reanimate in white. If you want to order her now, I wouldn’t fault you but I want to see more spoilers before I make a decision.


Thalia is the legendary human that just keeps on giving.  If there was a power level list of legends that got more than one card, Thalia might be the top of it.  Thalia pre-orders have already sold out several times on most websites making her price rise astronomically.  I don’t think I’d buy her now because she is the buy-a-box promo and she is legendary.  If you got in early you probably made out well.  Thalia looks to be an 3 mana creature that will easily slide into existing collected company and human decks to add some more power (because we needed it, right?).

hanweirbattlements hanweirgarrison

I think the Hanweir meld card might be the best and most likely meld card to see standard play.  It all depends on how or if Wizards decides to make Red good again.  A lot of the problem it faces right now is the red removal spells just don’t match up as well as white and black removal.  They’re not cost effective versus werewolves and don’t have the tempo boosting power that Declaration in Stone does.  That being said, Hanweir Garrison seems like an insane amount of value for a red 3 drop.  It reminds me a lot of a more forgiving Goblin Rabblemaster.  It will end the game quickly if it is allowed to attack a few times and leaves some bodies behind if you eventually find a removal spell.  The land is an easy inclusion in a red aggressive deck and it combos well with the Garrison (haste allows it to make value the first turn).  I would be surprised if we don’t see some Hanweir, the Writhing Township at the Pro Tour.

niblisoffrost thaliaslancers

These are long shots, maybe….  Niblis of Frost is an intro pack rare which are generally not very powerful.  Every once in a while we get a Pia and Kiran Nalaar which are better than expected.  Niblis has the potential to be pretty busted with it’s instant speed ability to “frost” creatures.  It isn’t embarrassing at attacking and can clear the way of any Archangel Avacyn shenanigans.  The fact that we don’t have a common place 3 damage red spell really makes it shine.

Thalia’s Lancers is far more appealing.  It’s fairly aggressively costed.  A 5 mana 4/4 first strike that draws a card is a pretty reasonable card.  The fact that this lets you tutor for a card instead of just drawing a land is big game.  It also doesn’t do the obnoxious thing that some cards do and put it on top of your library.  I would not be surprised to see Thalia’s Lancers go find an Archangel Avacyn or Bruna to keep the value train running.  Kind of amusingly, you can reanimate Thalia’s Lancers with Bruna to go find another legend (like another Bruna for when they die).  This card could be very good if the format breaks the right way.   That being said, because white is so good it might have a hard time finding a home.

Final Thoughts

  • We haven’t seen any planeswalkers yet, which is odd for the first few days of spoiler season
  • We have seen a lot of double-faced cards.  We might only have a few more rares and maybe 1 more mythic before we’re done with those.
  • Cards will get better or worse depending on what is spoiled so always keep an eye on new cards as they get spoiled.
  • We haven’t seen any rare emerge or escalate cards yet.  I expect some of them to be standard staples.

PROTRADER: The Psychology of Classic Buyouts

We’ve been here before.

You know the feeling – you’ve been eyeing a card for a while, saving resources and trying to find the right condition at the right price.  The card’s price stable for years, showing only modest growth.  Then it happens.


Suddenly that card you were eager to acquire disappears from the internet, only to be replaced by copies that cost nearly twice the price as previous.  This time the buyout happened with Moat, but it has taken many other forms recently: Library of Alexandria, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Bazaar of Baghdad, Tetravus, Guardian Beast, etc.  The list really does go on and on.

When the spike happens on a card you were eyeing, you develop a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach.  “Why didn’t I just buy the copy when I had the chance?” you may wonder.  For me, this most notably occurred about 5 years ago, when I had funds for an MP Unlimited Black Lotus for the first time in my Magic career.  But instead of grabbing that copy from Star City Games I hesitated – we all know how that story turned out.

Why do these trends happen?  Why do we have these emotional reactions when cards spike – even cards that weren’t necessarily on our radar?  What should we do from here?  This week I’ll break down the psychology of the classic card buyout and try to explain when you know you’re too late to chase.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.