By: Travis Allen
Don’t miss this week’s installment of the MTG Fast Finance podcast, an on-topic, no-nonsense tour through the week’s most important changes in the Magic economy. And watch this YouTube channel to keep up to date with Cartel Aristocrats, a fun and informative webcast with several other finance personalities!
Did you catch the results of GP Kuala Lumpur? Here, let me show you what happened.
That’s it. That’s what happened. That’s all of it.
Six of the eight decks were UW Midrange or UW Flash, a blurry distinction at best. That’s six decks that are nearly identical; Spell Queller, Reflector Mage, Smuggler’s Copter, and Gideon.
Oh my, the Copters and Gideons. 32 Smuggler’s copter — that’s 100% saturation — and 31 Gideons, which is 97%.
GP Providence was better, but probably not by enough. 16 Copters and 10 Gideons. 10 Gideons isn’t an alarm-worthy number at all. 16 Copters is, maybe. 16 certainly wouldn’t warrant a second glance most of the time — there were 16 Grim Flayers, for instance — but given that there were also 32 copies at Kuala Lumpur, it looks bad. This reminds me a lot of the Eldrazi weekend from earlier this year. It was that big Modern GP weekend in March, with three concurrent Modern GPs. It was something like 7/8 Eldrazi, 5/8, and 3/8. Or something like that. It was rough.