Tag Archives: Accumulated Knowledge

PROTRADER: Battle for the Future of Zendikar

I’m not 100-percent convinced that time is actually linear. Take, for example, today: October 1. Today is quite possibly going to be one of the longest days of our lives, and that’s because tomorrow is the release of Battle for Zendikar1. I want to open packs so badly!

I know a lot of the finance community likes to say that opening packs is a sucker’s game and that it’s better to wait and snipe cheap singles (and everyone who says that is right), but there is an electricity in the air on set release day and I absolutely love it.

Also, I’ve noticed that it rains on almost every release day that I can remember for the past several years (not that rain in Florida is that uncommon), but it’s still something that I always notice.

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ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: September MTG Finance Grab Bag

This is the opening paragraph of today’s article; you are currently reading what is called an “attention-grabber.” The purpose of this introduction is to outline the remainder of the article with some variety of anecdote or short story. Of course, today is going to be a grab bag of a few topics not large enough to compose their own article, so there is really no glue to hold them all together. So we can either draw this platitude out, or we can get down to business.

That’s what I thought.

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ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: Modern History Set Review, Champions of Kamigawa

BRIEF INTROSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION: I was reading a strategy article this morning, and the author mentioned off-hand how exhausted he was of having to write about Abzan. It made me realize that even though Magic finance has its share of redundancies (do you know what “spread” means? Because it’s very important!), at least our primary focus doesn’t get bogged down by “that deck won again!” I dunno, it made sense to me when I thought it, but I also hadn’t had my first coffee. Anyways, have a great day and enjoy the article you’re about to read!


I want to say one thing that is positive (kind of) about this set before we dive into it, and while this would probably fit best under the analysis portion, I think it needs to be front-loaded so that the prices all make sense. Champions of Kamigawa has done something that I’ve never really seen happen before, in that the overall value of the set surged with the popularity of Commander. This set’s EV was largely in line with Betrayers and Saviors, and now… well… it’s better. There were a handful of years where this set was nothing more than the Sensei’s Divining Top lottery, so it’s pretty interesting to see that there is still some hope for sets even after they are several years out of print.

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ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.


Okay, I’m going to be real with you right now. Yes, you. I have been staring at a blank document screen for way too long. I kept trying to think of the best way to start this article off, because I’m really excited about getting to the actual meaty content of it—the part with actual substance—but I could not get more than one sentence in without deleting it all and starting from scratch. I considered doing some sort of flowery prose about how Fall brings the changing of leaves, weather, all that fartsy Robert Frost crap, but the idea made me sick. I didn’t want to get too jokesy with it either, because even though I’m going to be relating a very relevant topic to something some of you may know nothing about, I don’t want you to get the impression that it isn’t worth reading. So instead I’m busting down the fourth-wall and telling you what’s up, “High Fidelity” style, and damn the consequences. Today we are going to be talking about fundamentals of card evaluation (teaching someone how to fish1), and it’s going to be framed with the other big talent evaluation that is happening right now, fantasy football. Even if you don’t like football, it’s worth reading since I won’t get too off-topic. And I promise right now that this won’t be anything like my Fate Reforged set review. I promise to never do that again. Finally- moving on!

So, very quickly, for those of you who don’t know what fantasy football is (I think they call the fútbol version “League Manager” or something?): it is a means of predicting individual player performance over the course of a season. You select players, and everyone in your “league” of eight or more participants drafts players that they expect to have quality seasons relative to when they were taken in the draft. It takes American Football, the most kick-ass, high-octane, freedom-lovingest sport in the world, and makes it even better. I love it.

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ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.