The latest Magic set, Origins, is nearly upon us. As we approach the prerelease, it’s always worthwhile to have a finance strategy in place ahead of time. Which cards do you need to move immediately? Which ones are worth holding onto in the hopes the card becomes the next Thragtusk or Dragonlord Ojutai?
This week the MTG Price Protrader team is going to provide all the spoiler coverage you’ll need for your Origins prerelease. Seeing as my article goes live first, I have the pleasure of bringing you a review of the White rares and mythic rares in the set. Since my general finance focus is on eternal formats and low-risk investments, I’ll try and shine some light in these particular areas.
Without further adieu, let’s get started!
The Epic spells aren’t enchantments, they just end up being persistent effects for the rest of the game.
Arg, good catch. I really thought I was onto something there. Shucks. 🙁
Ok, scratch the Epics then. Thanks for the catch!
Interestingly, they’d be less-strong in general if they were enchantments…
I suppose so…then they’d be removable.