All posts by Ross Lennon

I've been gaming MtG finance since artifacts were brown. Longtime magic player and TO. Loving husband and father. Cube > Commander.

PROTRADER: Götterdämmerung

BRIEF INTRODUCTORY ASIDE: I want to first start off similar to the way the Thriller music video did, with a disclaimer. I do not believe that the following descriptions of events are likely, nor are they predictions of future events. Like a fire drill at school, this is more about being prepared for an extremely unlikely occurrence in the event it actually happens. Let’s all just hope that things never get to that point.

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ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.


PROTRADER: Pro Tour Prep: Battle for Zendikar

BRIEF PROGRAMMING NOTE: Today’s edition of Accumulated Knowledge is coming out a day early, so as to give the most time before the Pro Tour. As always, MTGPrice will be updating you over the weekend, so make sure you check in all weekend!

Good morning, and welcome back to Pro Tour Weekend! Hopefully you are reading this before the event starts (or during the first draft), which means you’ll still have plenty of time to get in on some cards. We are gonna get right down to business again, so this paragraph is going to end… now.

Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar: I’m starting to have the feeling that this weekend will be more like “Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir, part 2”. Atarka’s Command, Dragonlord Ojutai, and Den Protector have all had big rebounds, while cards like Deathmist Raptor, Kolaghan’s Command, and Dragonlord Atarka have stayed strong. Dromoka’s Command has sneakily risen back up to above $6 after the Event Deck printing, and remains one of the best cards in the format in terms of versatility. If you still haven’t played with Dromoka’s Command, you’re missing out- it’s an incredible skill-tester that is typically going to be a 4x in lists that play it. Likewise, Atarka’s Command is truly outrageous1 and is THE lynchpin in the red deck du jour.

BRIEF PROGRAMMING NOTE: We are going to break down a bunch of different decks and individual cards from here on out, starting with the ones listed at the top. I just wanted to let you know.

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    expensive cards

    ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

    PROTRADER: Now and ZEN (Plus Betrayers and Saviors Set Reviews)

    No schmatlzy intro today. I want to get straight to two things that I didn’t cover last week that I wanted to.

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    expensive cards

    ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

    PROTRADER: Battle for the Future of Zendikar

    I’m not 100-percent convinced that time is actually linear. Take, for example, today: October 1. Today is quite possibly going to be one of the longest days of our lives, and that’s because tomorrow is the release of Battle for Zendikar1. I want to open packs so badly!

    I know a lot of the finance community likes to say that opening packs is a sucker’s game and that it’s better to wait and snipe cheap singles (and everyone who says that is right), but there is an electricity in the air on set release day and I absolutely love it.

    Also, I’ve noticed that it rains on almost every release day that I can remember for the past several years (not that rain in Florida is that uncommon), but it’s still something that I always notice.

    The rest of this content is only visible to ProTrader members.

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    expensive cards

    ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.