UNLOCKED: A Demanding Supply

By: Travis Allen

This spoiler season has been bittersweet in a way that none other (except maybe Khans of Tarkir) has come close to. Every morning around 10:40 a.m. EST, I’ve started mashing F5 on MythicSpoiler.com and alternating between that and Twitter to catch all the new hotness.

Then immediately begins the excited chatter about the new cards. Is From Beyond better or worse than Awakening Zone? Did anyone use Awakening Zone in the first place? How cool is Bring to Light? What stupid synergies can we spot that seem to be excellent now but will be awful in hindsight?

For those that are inclined to read this type of article, spoiler season also carries for us the additional layer of price considerations. What does Greenwarden of Murasa do to See the Unwritten? Is Herald of Kozilek a real card in Modern, and if so, should I be buying out Chromatic Star? (No.)


All of the above is the sweet stuff. Expeditions bring the bitterness. Why are they bitter? Well, aside from those frames being ugly as sin, there’s the fallout of their rarity. Expeditions are going to be so rare, so in demand, and subsequently so expensive, that Battle for Zendikar cards are going to be nigh incapable of sustaining any meaningful price tag. So great will this impact be that I have made a rule for myself: no speculating on Battle for Zendikar cards, ever. Just don’t do it.

Yes, some cards will change in value. Some card out there is wildly undervalued and may even pull a Hangarback Walker. Someone will make money on BFZ cards. It just won’t be me. It’s going to be so damned difficult to find the one or two cards that will spike, and the spike will be so much less pronounced, that it’s simply not worth it. We’re better off writing off the entire set as cards with virtually no value and looking for financial upside anywhere else. For a financier, effectively being locked out of seeking monetary gain for the next two sets is a bummer. We don’t get any new toys to play with.

If you don’t quite understand why Expeditions are going to crush card value in BFZ, then there’s a good lesson here for you this week. I’ve written down some variant of “not everyone gets supply and demand” in no less than three places I keep article ideas, so clearly it’s a topic I feel the community would be well served to discuss.

This week I’ll expand on the economic laws of supply and demand and how they apply to Magic. Hopefully by the end of this, you’ll understand a bit better why one card is $10 while another is $1.


The formal economic laws of supply and demand are not terribly complex, but admittedly beyond the scope of this article. I’m going to shrink their applicability to Magic

When we talk about supply in Magic, it’s straightforward and easy to grasp. It’s a question of how much of a given card is available. Even though we’ll never know it, there’s a discrete quantity of any given card. For example, there are hundreds of thousands of copies of Khans of Tarkir draft chaff Woolly Loxodon out there in the world. Zillions of packs of KTK were opened, and as a common, enough Woolly Loxodons are out there to rebuild the half of California’s trees that have burned down recently.

Furthermore, nobody is holding onto their Woolly Loxodons. They aren’t stored in people’s collections because they’re not eternal playable or something people collect. If SCG tomorrow said it would pay 25 cents each on Woolly Loxodons, they would have tens of thousands before the close of business.

On the opposite end of the scale of supply is any of the power nine. The absolute quantity of Black Lotus is extremely low relative to nearly every other Magic card in existence. It’s at the rarest rarity in the sets with the smallest distribution in the game’s history. Off the top of my head, the only cards I can imagine existing in fewer absolute quantities are Shichifukujin Dragon, 1996 World Champion, and probably the summer Magic rares. (Feel free to point out all the other cards I’ve missed that are more rare than Lotus in the comments.)

Not only is there an extremely small amount of Black Lotuses out there in the world, the ones that do exist aren’t necessarily liquid. A great many of them are locked away permanently in people’s personal collections, the owners unwilling to part with them. This further reduces the quantity of available Black Lotuses on the market. At the end of the day, there are only a few hundred or thousand copies readily available on the market at any given time.

While Woolly Loxodon and Black Lotus represent extremes in terms of supply, usually we’re thinking about cards closer to the middle of the spectrum. Consider Thoughtseize and Scapeshift. Both have been printed in modern-border sets, so neither is comically unavailable like Alpha rares are. They’re both rares.


They’re also from two different time periods in Magic. Thoughtseize was originally printed in Lorwyn, and then again two years ago in Theros. As a rare in Theros, there is a considerable amount of available supply on the market. Fewer copies of Pyxis of Pandemonium exist than Thoughtseize.

Scapeshift’s only printing was in Morningtide, though. Morningtide was printed shortly after Lorwyn, so it wouldn’t be unfair to say there’s about the same number of Scapeshifts as there are Lorwyn Thoughtseizes. That’s only the Lorwyn printing, though—the Theros printing added a magnitude more copies to the world.

How many fewer copies of Scapeshit are there really? This is extremely difficult to put a number on. Wizards doesn’t release sales numbers like this. We have no idea how many cases of any given set were printed and/or sold. All we can do is make semi-educated guesses. Without doing any digging, I’d guess that Theros probably sold in the ballpark of 5 to 30 times as much product as Morningtide. That’s a tremendous range of course, but you get the idea. The difference in quantity between Thoughtseize and Polluted Delta is measured in a single digit percentage, while the difference between Scapeshift and Thoughtseize could be 1,000 to 3,000 percent.

When considering the supply of any given card, there are two major factors to take into account. What set is it from, and has it been reprinted? Cards in the early Modern and pre-Modern era have dramatically smaller print runs than cards printed today. Cards from Eighth Edition, Ninth Edition, Mirrodin block, and Kamigawa block are far rarer than cards from the block immediately following, Ravnica, which itself is hilariously rarer than Zendikar or Innistrad. The difference in quantity between old blocks and new is a tremendously important factor in why some card prices skyrocket out of control with little demand, while others that are in high demand are worth so little.

Siege Rhino, a Standard staple and Modern role player is currently under $3 on TCGplayer, while Sedge Sliver, a three- or four-of in a single Modern deck that may or may not be any good at all is worth nearly $10. Even though compared to Sedge Sliver, Siege Rhino is played at some ridiculous rate like a 100:1, Rhino is much cheaper. While it may see play at a 100:1 rate, at the same time there could be a 1,000:1 rate in the same direction when we’re talking about supply. 1,000 Siege Rhinos for every Sedge Sliver. If those comparisons are correct (which they aren’t, they’re exaggerated for illustrative purposes,) it would mean that Sedge Sliver is actually ten times more desirable than Siege Rhino!


The other major factor goes hand in hand with the first: what types of reprints has the card seen? Tarmogoyf is originally from Future Sight, a set with one of Magic’s lowest supplies in the last decade. For a card as important as Tarmogoyf, that sets up a price tag that would make today’s $190 look like a down payment. Except that Tarmogoyf was also printed in Modern Masters. And Modern Masters 2015. So while it’s from an era of low supply, it’s also been reprinted twice in the last few years, adding dramatically to the available quantity.

An even more recent example exists. Felidar Sovereign is a mythic from Zendikar. Over the last few years, its price has climbed to north of $10. As a mythic from a set six years ago, supply was quite low. With the upcoming reprint in BFZ, though—at rare, nonetheless—the supply is going to increase by probably tenfold. If there’s no change in demand, that means the only variance in the equation would be the amount on the market. Ten times more copies suddenly becoming available means that we’ll see the price drop to perhaps 10 percent of what it is today. By December, I’d be surprised to see Felidar Sovereign over $1.


Supply in Magic is fairly easy to figure out. Look at what set the card is originally from, then see what reprints exist. If reprints exist, see what era they come from. A card printed in Eighth Edition will be fleetingly rare, and one in both Eighth Edition and Ninth Edition is still going to be scarcer than a card newly printed in Khans of Tarkir.

Demand is much tougher to understand, because it’s not simply a number to be feebly guessed at. While we may not actually be able to know it, there exists some true value for the supply of any given card. Demand, though, is not so quantifiable. How much demand is there for Scapeshift? We answer that qualitatively—“a lot” or “not as much as for Thoughtseize.”

When we talk about demand, in essence, we’re talking about who wants to play with the card. Typically, this is categorized roughly by format: Standard, Modern, Legacy, EDH, etc. Understanding what demographics desire a card is vital to making accurate predictions about price trajectories.

Languish is really only in demand in Standard. Modern players don’t need it, as there are better options. The same goes for Legacy and EDH. Casual kitchen-table players are unlikely to want the effect, either. The demand for Languish comes from two places, then: some Standard players, and players in other formats who A. don’t want to fork over the cash for Damnation, and B. don’t have access to white mana.

Tarmogoyf is in demand not from Standard players, but certainly from anyone playing Modern or Legacy. Despite what the price may indicate, it actually misses EDH and casual demand.

Not all formats are created equally, either. If 70 percent of Standard players want Card X, and 70 percent of Modern players want Card Y, Card X is going to have considerably more demand. The sheer number of people playing Standard means that it tends to create the largest demand of any competitive format. In general, each format’s ability to generate demand decreases in roughly this order: Standard, Modern, Legacy, EDH, Cube, and Vintage. Standard cards generate the most demand, Vintage the least, EDH drives more demand than Cube, etc.

You’ll notice I left off casual demand. Kitchen-table and casual Magic isn’t a format, per se, but that doesn’t make it any less important. Quite a few months ago, I wrote about Consuming Aberration. Consuming Aberration sees absolutely zero play in any format except for possibly some mild EDH play, and yet as a rare from what was a recent set at the time, meaning it had tremendous supply, it was still (and is still) $3. That a card with so much supply and so little competitive demand could cost $3 tells us that casual and kitchen-table Magic can generate some intense demand that is otherwise invisible to more enfranchised players such as we tend to be.

Demand isn’t limited to simply counting how many formats are interested in a card, either. Here’s some quick hits that contribute to demand for a card.


Cards that are unique or remarkable in some fashion outside typical gameplay generate additional demand. Nobody plays Richard Garfield, Ph.D. or Little Girl, but foils are still an exorbitant amount because people collect them for various reasons. Mint Alpha and Beta cards carry additional demand relative to played copies because people want to collect pristine sets of Magic’s initial run.


Absolutely nobody wants Shichifukujin Dragon in order to add it to their dragon deck. People want it because it’s the only one in existence. Summer Magic cards are in the same boat. The fewer of something there is, the more people care. If Shichifukujin Dragon was a rare in BFZ, nobody would want copies. Make it the only one in the world, though, and suddenly there’s a lot of potential buyers. This is essentially what the entire miscut market is predicated on.


Lorwyn Thoughtseize is twice the price of the Theros one, and not just because there are fewer copies. Many players strongly prefer the original faerie art, in which a faerie steals thoughts out of someone’s ear, rather than the Theros art, in which a guy is turning to dust because, well, *phbt.* Better looking editions of cards will cost more than their ugly counterparts. Aesthetics, along with rarity, are why foils cost so much more than non-foils.


Decks rarely need more than one Iona, Shield of Emeria. It’s just not a card you tend to play four copies of. Siege Rhino, on the other hand, rarely shows up with anything less than a full herd. If you’re going through all the trouble to pay three colors across four mana for Siege Rhino, you probably want as many as you can get. Cards that players only need a single copy of are simply going to generate less demand than cards players buy in playsets.


How vital is the card to the deck it’s played in? A Twilight Mire can instead be a Woodland Cemetery or another Overgrown Tomb in a pinch. There’s only one Cavern of Souls, though.

All these different factors work in concert when determining the total demand for a card. When reading my discussion of cards as speculation targets, you’ll notice I sometimes use the term “demand profile.” What I’m talking about is the sum total of all demand for that card.

Wingmate Roc, which is only played in Standard, has a small demand profile relative to Polluted Delta, which is used by everyone that plays Magic, though Wingmate’s profile is still large compared to Pearl Lake Ancient. The larger the demand profile, the more sources have an interest in the card. If only a tiny fraction of Magic players are in the market for a specific card, it has a small demand profile. On the flip side of that, if players from across the spectrum want copies, that’s a huge demand profile. The larger the demand profile, the more expensive the card.


Supply is how many of a given card exist in the world to be bought and traded. Demand represents how many people want a given card, and how many copies of it they need. The intersection of these two factors is how much a card ends up being worth.

Looking back at Thoughtseize and Scapeshift will help us understand how this works. Scapeshift and (Theros) Thoughtseize are nearly the same price. Yet they vary wildly on the supply and demand scales. What’s going on?

On the one hand, Scapeshift is a rare from Morningtide, making it one of the rarest Modern cards that sees play. It’s the lynchpin of a tier-1.5 combo deck in a competitive format. Scapeshift is irreplaceable in the list, and is invariably played as a four-of. All of that works towards increasing its price. On the other hand, the demand profile is actually fairly low. Yes, it’s important in that one deck, but that’s the only place it’s important. Nobody uses it in any other DCI-sanctioned format. It’s not a popular EDH card. Casual players enjoy it in some capacity, but not overwhelmingly so. All of that works against its price. Basically, Scapeshift is extremely important in one narrow application. Given its low supply and moderate demand, we end up with a price around $20.

Under the hood, Thoughtseize looks quite different. Unlike Scapeshift, the supply on Thoughtseize is quite high. As a rare in Theros and in Lorwyn, there are more copies of Thoughtseize than nearly any other Standard-legal rare. Also unlike Scapeshift, demand for Thoughtseize is widespread. Everyone playing Standard, Modern, Legacy, or Vintage needs to have a set available to them. Anyone with a cube has a copy, as well. While the supply of Thoughtseize is considerably greater than of Scapseshift, so too is the total demand. It seems that the supply and demand end up at about the same ratio as Scapeshift, as it to lands right around $20.

The lesson to be learned from examining Scapeshift and Thoughtseize is that supply and demand each play an important role in establishing prices, and they play off each other considerably. A card with moderate demand and low supply can end up with the same price tag as a card with tremendous demand if it also has an abnormally high supply.


Our goal when speculating on cards is to identify those cards which will make us the most money. Those, of course, are cards with the lowest supply and the greatest (potential) demand. What’s that mean?

First of all, it means anything from pre-Zendikar days is going to be worth a lot of cash with only the slightest hint of demand. Supply is so low from those early sets that barely any demand will easily force prices into double digits. That’s why I can get away with speculating on cards like Retract or Restore Balance. Neither of those cards has any demand profile at all right now. Nobody cares about them. But if even a single person does well with a deck that uses one of those cards, the demand could easily increase one thousand times over, and that’s going to mean big profits.

With specs like Retract and Restore Balance, I’m not expecting them to become wildly popular. I’m banking on the supply being so low that any demand whatsoever will make me money. We saw this most recently with Sedge Sliver. People aren’t falling over themselves to play slivers in Modern, but with supply as low as it is, it only takes a few interested people for copies to dry up quickly.


Alternatively, finding cards with massive, widespread demand can be lucrative as well. Buying fetch lands in the spring was a wise decision because you knew that basically anyone playing Magic needed copies. Even though supply on Deltas and Flooded Strands was immense, so too was the amount of people looking to buy playsets. You couldn’t have expected a sudden spike in prices, but what you could expect was consistent, reliable growth. Supply was great, but so too was demand.

Where you get into trouble is with cards that have tremendous supply, but not enough demand to overcome the glut of copies. A card I’m eager to play with, Bring to Light, is a good example of this. Bring to Light both tutors for a spell and casts it for free, two things that historically have had no trouble being broken. It could possibly end up as a role player in both Standard and Modern. Yet, this card is not going to be expensive anytime soon. The supply will simply be too great. As a rare in Battle for Zendikar, there will be millions of copies of BTL opened as players search for Expeditions lands. Even if BTL shows up in a big way in two competitive formats, there simply will be too many copies to make it a meaningful speculation target.

Instead, players should consider what BTL will be searching for. If a BTL deck shows up in Modern, what spells is it trying to cast? This is how I ended up on Restore Balance and Wheel of Fate, by the way. BTL will be too commonplace to meaningfully grow in price, but if it’s searching for Time Spiral rares that have never been reprinted, those could certainly gain value in a hurry.

As cards are spoiled and new, profitable interactions appear. Remember that a deck is more than one card. When Vampire Hexmage was spoiled way back in Zendikar, Dark Depths was maybe $1. If you had noticed this synergy, speculating on Hexmage would have been idiotic. Why buy into a a brand-new uncommon? Instead, had you bought into Dark Depths, a rare that was several years old, you would have made a disgusting amount of money per copy (this example is painful for me to highlight. I remember reading Hexmage the morning it was spoiled and immediately thinking about Dark Depths. Unfortunately, I wasn’t attuned to the market the way I am today, and didn’t bother to buy any copies. Aghhhhhhhhhhh).

Another perfect example of this lesson showed up in my Twitter timeline today. I saw someone claiming that buying foil Mortuary Mires at $1 was a great spec. Mortuary Mire is a common from Battle for Zendikar. Let’s apply what we just learned about supply and demand.


Foil Mortuary Mire’s supply is going to be the largest of any foil in BFZ, equal to every other common in the set. As far as foils go, Mire is as available as they come. We already talked at the beginning of the article about how Expeditions lands are going to result in an abnormally large supply of BFZ cards, even more so than most fall sets, which are already the most available of any sets.

How about demand? It was highlighted in the context of EDH. That would mean that the bulk of demand will come from players that only need a single copy, rather than a playset. It may pop up in Modern or Legacy, but again, as a non-basic land that only taps for a single color of mana and enters the battlefield tapped, there are extremely few lists that will want more than a single copy.

If we look at Bojuka Bog, another common, utility, black-producing land from the original Zendikar, we can perhaps get some perspective on Mire. Foil Bojuka Bog is about $6 right now. If your spec climbed from $1 to $6, you’d be pretty happy. That would be worth buying into—if it weren’t for the fact that Bog is now six years old. How long will you have to sit on those Mortuary Mires before they’re $6? Will they ever be? With supply as large as it will be, and demand so low, the opportunity cost of tying up money hoping to make $4 a copy five years later is simply way too high. Instead of buying ten $1 Mires, just buy three or four Siege Rhinos and double your investment in two months.

When evaluating a speculation target, make sure you take time to fully consider what set(s) it has been printed in, and how many people will actually want copies. Is it a three-color role player in a single Standard deck? Or is it a mythic, mono-color spell with applicability in Standard, Modern, and Legacy?

By appreciating how supply and demand interact in the Magic market, you can begin to understand why some cards have such exorbitant prices, and also why it’s a terrible idea to speculate on certain cards. The key to success is making an accurate evaluation of demand relative to supply, which is no mean feat.


Going Mad – From the Ashes

By: Derek Madlem

Rising from the ashes like a phoenix this fall, we have the return of Zendikar…one of the most popular planes of recent years. In mythology, a phoenix appeared and reappeared infrequently with great spectacle and awe inspiring destruction following in it’s wake… after all it was a giant bird made of fire and lava and ash flying across the sky; how can that not be epic?

Here’s how:


Why does this suck? Well let’s take a stroll through Phoenix Memory Lane to see where we’ve come from and the high and low points of this underperforming tribe.

Firestorm PhoenixIn the beginning there was Firestorm Phoenix, it was awesome purely because it was the only phoenix in the game and it did something neat. This certainly wasn’t the most aggressively priced creature at the time, and it basically died to everything that had the same mana cost…but from a design standpoint, it did everything you would expect of a phoenix. We’ll also cut them some slack because card design hadn’t become real refined yet…1994 was pretty much the wild west, you never knew who or what was going to turn up.

Bogardan PhoenixFast forward a few years to Visions where we first met the Bogardan variety of Phoenix. This phoenix returned to play automatically, but not repeatedly. They got a little more aggressive with the casting cost and made what was a surprisingly reasonable card for the time.

Shivan Phoenix

Shard Phoenix is arguably the most powerful phoenix ever printed. Showing up in Stronghold, this not-so-fiery bird was a board wipe tacked onto a recyclable threat. This is pretty much the top of the phoenix design game for the Magic’s 22 year history.

Shivan Phoenix
By the time Urza’s Legacy rolled around, Firestorm Phoenix was on the reserved list; this mean that you couldn’t print a functional reprint of any existing card… but that didn’t stop Wizards from printing strict upgrades like they did with Shivan Phoenix. The design for this bird was simple and reasonable. It just came back. I’m going to go ahead and quote that here because it might be relevant later:

“It just came back.”
-Me, just now

After this, it would appear that R&D simply forgot about phoenixes for the bulk of a decade or so. When we returned we ended up with an attached guild mechanic:

Skarrgan Firebird

Did I forget that the guild mechanic was also a conditional requirement for returning the phoenix to it’s owner’s hand? Yeah, it doesn’t just come back. Skarrgan Firebird had the upside of potentially being the biggest phoenix ever printed if you were fortunate enough to get that sweet sweet bloodthirst trigger, but it was also the most mana intensive of the entire species.

Molten Firebird
From there we went to a color shifted alternative in phoenix design. This card originally appeared in white, and looked a little something like this:

Ivory Gargoyle

While Molten Firebird was far from the best phoenix, or even playable really, it was at least a derivative of being a color shifted reprint. Phoenixes were seemingly back on the design table now, and after taking Lorwyn off, we were given this pipedream in Conflux:

Worldheart PhoenixWhile it was unlikely to ever happen, Worldheart Phoenix did have the intent of being a pretty sweet recurring threat in all those five color draft decks that just never really happened at the time. From a design perspective, it was at least a refreshing twist on an old trope.

Magma Phoenix

Magic 2010 and Zendikar gave us no phoenixes, but in Magic 2011 we got a pretty reasonable likeness to Shard Phoenix. Its stats were pushed a little further, but it didn’t have the ability to self-destruct, thought it did pose some really great judge calls when equipped with a Basilisk Collar…hint: it works out in the best way imaginable.

Kuldotha Phoenix

This is where the designers started to get themselves into trouble. Phoenixes were to be a regular thing, but realistically how many ways can you recreate the flavor of a 3-4ish power bird that comes back from the dead. This left design with a problem that had a clear and terrible answer: block mechanics. They had already done it once with the Gruul phoenix to a lesser extent, but this is where it began in earnest.

Chandra's Phoenix

That next summer we got what is arguably the most playable phoenix ever printed. Chandra’s Phoenix has a conditional return clause, but it’s about as conditional as water being wet. The low casting cost and haste also made this creature not only annoying, but also a reasonably priced threat. It’s all down hill from here.

Firewing Phoenix

Yay! We made another phoenix! Ravnica and Innistrad didn’t feature lame block mechanics that they could tack onto a mediocre flying body in red, so it wasn’t until Born of the Gods that we got to see another phoenix (though Chandra’s Phoenix did make another appearance in Magic 2014).

Flame-Wreathed PhoenixTribute, a truly terrible and unplayable mechanic. Giving your opponent the choice will always result in you not getting what you want out of a card. Always. At this point it’s really time to just open the floodgate with rapid-fire mediocre birds!

Ashcloud PhoenixSee what they did there? Block mechanic. Ashcloud wasn’t the worst phoenix ever printed, but it rarely felt like the right thing to be casting while your opponent was dropping Siege Rhinos.

Flamewake Phoenix

What’s this? Another block mechanic, Ferocious! As you can see with that landfall trigger above, phoenixes might just be steaming turds from here on out…and there’s a good chance that turd is a going to take up a mythic slot as well. Here it is again so you don’t have to scroll up to see what treasure awaits you in Battle for Zendikar:


The real problem here is how “safe” all of the designs we’ve seen in Battle for Zendikar are. I’m sure Battle for Zendikar will be a compellingly epic limited format. Rise of the Eldrazi was one of the most revered limited formats of all time and most of that set is pretty durdly, just like we’re seeing this time around…but we need SOME cards to peak their heads above water, it can’t be all bulk rares.

What do I think about what’s been revealed since last week?

Shabling VentI think Shambling Vent is easily the worst of the cycle so far. Yes, even worse than Lavaclaw Reaches…at least THAT had firebreathing so you could dump a boatload of mana into it and end the game. Shambling Vent is a tired uninspired design. Lifelink on a black/white card?! Never saw that one coming!


Here’s another great example of R&D dialing back design to “make the limited format more dynamic.” What’s the solution to making it so that rares don’t decide who wins a limited game? I guess it’s to make rares into uncommons. Last time we came to Zendikar, we had Rampaging Baloths. They started bigger and gave you a freaking 4/4 for every land you played. You want to know a secret? We never played it either. Why would we want to play a bad hydra?


While this is seemingly an irrelevant uncommon, it furthers my point: we’re at a state where design is getting very stale. What’s between Mind Stone and Dreamstone Hedron? I’m really looking forward to the eight mana artifact that taps for four and draws four cards when you sac it!

Taking a look over the rest of the spoilers we see more of the same, reprints, or even more sweet “devoid” reprints or existing cards. But these are totally different because their devoid, right? Right?! Did the world really need Dragonmaster Outcast and Felidar Sovereign brought back? It’s becoming clearer and clearer why they chose to include Expeditions in Battle for Zendikar: the design team turned in their assignment and when the number crunchers finished grading it, they had a big fat F on their hands. Add in some hundred dollar bills randomly and you can slide the grade up into the D+/C- range. Congrats Wizards, you passed.

Let’s hope this level of design is temporary and not phoenixical™. Yeah, I’m trademarking that word…so what?

Silver Lining(s)

Void Winnower

Void Winnower has received a lot of “that’s interesting” nods from the collective peanut gallery, but this card does have one legitimate use: reanimator decks. “Winny” might have a place in eternal metagames as a sideboard card against combo decks, or as an Oath of Druids target. Shutting off roughly 50% of the spells your opponent could cast is a good way to keep them from comboing. Here are some classic combo finishers that Winny voids without going too deep:


Is that going to be enough to make this guy worth a million bajillion dollars? Unlikely. BUT…IF…the price of FOIL versions of this card dip below $10 at any point, I’m going to feel pretty safe picking up a few copies to stow away. Niche play in eternal formats + being an absolute nut-kicker in Commander seems like a combination for long-term success to me. I’d love to see a world where we could reanimate this in Standard…but any such spell would most likely have converge and be all but unplayable.

See you next week, hopefully with some cards worth talking about!


So Much Unlocked ProTrader

Every so often, we here at MTGPrice unlock some older ProTrader articles for everyone to read. Well, lucky reader, have I got good news for you: today is one of those days! Here’s a plethora of content, now available to everyone:


By Travis “Firsty Firsty” Allen


By Jason Alt”ernative Humorist”


By Corbin “Big Hoss” Hosler


By Ross “Not John” Lennon


By Sigmund “Freud” Ausfresser


By Travis All”i”en “Encounter”


By Jason Alt “Key”


By “Shut Up” Corbin Hosler


By Guo “I’ve Heard of a Hang Nail but Never a” Heng Chin


By Ross “The Boss” Lennon


By Guo Heng Chin “Up”


By Sigmund “Yeah, We’re Going Back There” Aus”Freud”er


By Danny “Not Dan” Brown


By Jason “E. (Thanks, Marcel) S”Alt


By Travis “Name Not Well Suited to Puns or Nicnames” Allen


By Guo Heng Chin, “The Notorious GHC”


By Ross “Dress for Less” Lennon


By Sigmund “Never Met Him in Person and Always Wonder If He Has an Accent” Ausfresser


By Danny “Whitest Guy in the Room but Still Named” Brown


By Jason “Mr. So-Prolific-That-I’m-Running-Out-of-Puns” Alt


By Travis Allen “Ant Farm?”


By Ross “Not Lenin” Lennon


By Sigmund “Mr. Wall Street” Ausfresser


By Danny “Still Not Dan” Brown

That’s, count ’em, twenty-four articles that you previously couldn’t access that you now can. You can thank us later. You’ve got some reading to do.

Grinder Finance – The Ages of Magic Supply

Have you ever wondered how some cards, despite their rarity, are so out of line with cards from recent sets of the same rarity?  Some of Modern’s biggest offenders are below.

serum visions no pts

simian spirit guide

smash to smithereens

The Pre-Mythic Age (Mirrodin through Shadowmoor)

These cards are from the earliest stages of Modern’s history.  I would refer to this as the “Pre-Mythic Age.” Mirrodin through Shadowmoor has the lowest print amounts of any Modern-legal Magic cards.  Despite this fact, the absence of Mythic rares means there are generally more rares than you would expect from that set.  This means that even despite Vedelkan Shackles being reprinted as a Mythic in Modern Masters, it is still relatively easy to find.

What happens to these types of cards when they get reprinted?  Well look at Smash to Smithereens.  It was strictly a sideboard card that cost over $5.50 as a common!  What happens when it’s reprinted twice in one calendar year?  Well it’s worth basically nothing.  Despite the fact that Modern Masters 2015 was a very limited print run, more copies of Smash to Smithereens were printed in that set than probably in all of Shadowmoor.

Another issue we have with older cards is they’re just lost.  There are probably people that have 20-30 copies of smash to smithereens in some box they never look in.  If a card goes up gradually over the course of a year (Smash went from ~ $1.50 to $4 in 12 months), people don’t notice it.  This is a reason why sometimes, spikes in price are good.  Quick price corrections cause people to dig up “lost supply” and reintroduce it to the market.  This helps undo some of the damage from a spike if the supply is high enough.

The First Post-Mythic Golden Age (Shards of Alara through Rise of the Eldrazi)

There have been a few sets that are heralded as the start of “Golden Ages” in Magic.  There were a few in particular that brought Magic back from the brink of extinction but usually did not last long.  Rather ironically, the short Golden age periods were during gold themed sets.  Invasion and Ravnica blocks are often pointed as significant to bring players back into the fold.  Finally, we’ve reached a kind of equilibrium that brings players back into the game for good.  Shards of Alara starts this first post-mythic Golden Age.  As players return to the game after a rather unpopular block, much more product is opened than usual.  As you might expect, cards from these sets (which were printed up to 7 years ago) are much easier to find and cost less.  There are still some standouts because the player base has had 7 years to grow!

relic of progenitus



Terminate is a recent example of a card that was obscure but once demand increases it can very quickly out strip supply, even of a common. But still, as you can see, reprinting a card can still end up bringing it out of the stratosphere.  Relic of Progenitus was reprinted at a higher rarity in Modern Masters and yet still lost 60% of it’s value.  Cards from these sets can usually support casual play but strong Modern demand sends them through the roof.

As we get toward the end of this Golden Age, it becomes a lot harder for most commons to keep up large price tags.  Worldwake‘s Dispel has never been more than $0.50 despite it’s popularity.

New Age Design (Scars of Mirrodin through Avacyn Restored)

These two blocks dictate a lot of the trends that would follow into more recent sets.  With Scars of Mirrodin players are now expecting to return to previous planes and get reprints from that block.  Scars of Mirrodin, despite only having 1 reprint at rare or mythic (Mind Slaver), showed that nostalgia fueled sets were coming and reprints could happen.  This was later a cause of the huge suppression of the prices of Zendikar fetch lands.  People now expect to return to old planes and they expect some new and some old of what they know.  These two blocks also prove the theory that later sets are opened much less than fall sets.  There is only 1 common in Scars of Mirrodin worth more than $1 (Ichor Claw Myr), none in Mirrodin Besieged, and 1 in New Phyrexia (Gitaxian Probe).  Once we go to higher rarities, New Phyrexia is by far the most expensive set despite the reprints.  Avacyn Restored similarly beats out Innistrad and Dark Ascension.

The Second Golden Age (Return to Ravnica through Battle for Zendikar)

You know, Mirrodin left a bad taste in some people’s mouths.  It wasn’t received well the first time and the 2nd time it brought together one of the worst marriages in recent standard (Jace, the Mindsculptor, Stoneforge Mystic, Sword of Feast and Famine, and later Batterskull).  But you know what really get’s people’s gears going? Ravnica.  You know what people love? Guilds.  Do you know how much they love them? Enough to explain them in terms of cows.  Return to Ravnica had 10 high profile reprints in the most precious Modern shock lands.  This leads people to bust insane numbers of booster packs for these expensive reprints.  People are a lot more likely to boosters when they know good cards are in them.

So what does this all mean?  Cards that have been reprinted infinity-million times are still worth money.  That is true, there is one other factor to consider, playability.

Graph courtesy of MTGGoldFish - http://www.mtggoldfish.com/format-staples/modern/full/all
Graph courtesy of MTGGoldFish – http://www.mtggoldfish.com/format-staples/modern/full/all

This graph is skewed a bit by Magic Online but should be a good jumping off point to make my point.  Lightning Bolt has been printed 13 times.  13 times and it’s still $2!

lightning bolt

Yeah, some of the printings really don’t count.  The combined number of sleeve playable Alpha, Beta, and promo Lightning Bolts is so small they don’t have an effect on other printing’s prices.  What is notable is Lightning Bolt was a common in both M10 and M11 and an uncommon in Modern Masters 2015 but still commands a $2 price tag.  When 4 copies of a card is played in 42% of decks it doesn’t matter how many times it has been printed as much.  Serum Visions is only present in 21% of decks and commands a price point six times higher despite being half as popular.

But Lightning Bolt can’t be the only card like that, right?

path to exile


Path to Exile’s first printing was during Conflux, the first post-mythic golden age.  Since then it has been reprinted in a booster set once (Modern Masters) as well as available in 3 supplementary products and 2 promo printings.  That should be a lot of copies, right?  Path to Exile still commands a $9 price tag.  But we can see from this graph that it didn’t always exist like that.  After it’s reprint in Modern Masters it was available for almost half as much as it costs now.  When cards are reprinted in limited runs, it is imperative you buy in quickly because prices are often suppressed by players worried about a reprint.

With this information I hope you can figure out why a card is expensive.  It might be due to scarcity (Smash to Smithereens), playability (Lightning Bolt), or a combination of both (Serum Visions) and knowing how a reprint will affect it’s price accordingly.