Tag Archives: pucapoints

PROTRADER: PucaPicks for 12/29/16

It’s the end of the year, and despite this being a lull in news, there’s lots of news! We’ve learned what most of the Aether Revolt Inventions are, and we’ve heard people whine about Ornithopter.

I don’t suppose it’s news that a whole lot of the Affinity deck got Invention versions, as that’s a deck that combines some awesome artifacts. Enchantress decks will have their day in the sun too.

We are about to get hyped on sweet, sweet spoiler coverage starting just next week, and that’s always a sneaky, sneaky time financially. Some cards are going to spike as new combos are revealed. Some will drop as new answers are printed.

I want to look at things that still have nearly a year to go in Standard, because there’s three sets’ worth of cards to make them spike. You may or may not agree with some of these, and that’s what the comments and the forums are for.

To the picks!

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: PucaPicks for 12/15/16

It’s the surprises that keep me coming back. As we travel further back in Magic’s history, raiding old draft boxes, we are at five and six and seven years ago. If you’ve been playing all this time, maybe you remember these formats. Maybe this is your first exposure to some of these cards. Remember, these are all commons and uncommons.

Our goal here is to mine for the cards of not just value, but demand. It doesn’t do as much good to have one $10 card that moves in a year, as compared to ten $1 cards that I can move right now.

I also want to note that I’ve seen some of the cards I highlight move in price. Last week, Galvanic Blast was nearly 100 points, now it’s under 80. I’m not blaming anyone, but it does seem that the faster you move, the better off you will be.

This week, we are covering the newer standard of core sets, as well as Zendikar block, widely given credit as leading a renaissance for Magic.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.

PROTRADER: PucaPicks for 12/8/16

One of the things I like best about PucaTrade is how easily I can mine my collection for value. I’ve been playing a long time, and while I have more valuable things to send out, there’s not much that feels better than sending out a stack of commons for full value. Some of these buylist for decent money, but I really like getting bonuses for the simple effort of rifling through old draft chaff.

So I’m going to get through Scars of Mirrodin block today, and there’s some surprising stuff in there. If you find it relaxing to sort through a thousand-count box and pluck out twenty bucks in value, this is how to get that feeling.

A reminder that these are not the most valuable cards from their expansions. These are the ones higher on the want list, so these are the ones that will not linger long on your have list. Find them, send them, and profit.

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expensive cards

ProTrader: Magic doesn’t have to be expensive.