What to Spend My Bonus On

By: Cliff Daigle

Hypothetically, if you got a Christmas bonus, what would you spend it on?

Right now, there are multiple websites trying like hell to get you to spend money, to buy singles/sealed/stuff at a range of discounts.

This is an excellent time to buylist some things for store credit, with the appropriate bonus for getting that credit, and get things in return while paying very little markup. I can’t tell you everything to buylist (last week’s article is a good start) but I do have some suggestions on what to pick up.


Foil Fetchlands

Sure, foil Delta is nearly $100, foil Strand is $75, but the other three are about $50. This is a great time to pick these up, because they are about the lowest they will be for some time. There is still some Khans to be opened (the draft format for three months will be Fate Reforged – Khans – Khans) but the price on foil fetches probably won’t come down all that much.

Full disclaimer: if Mire, Foothills, and Heath all go lower and hit $40 before Dragons of Tarkir comes out, I’ll be buying even more with whatever money I can.

It is also worth noting that there are two other foil versions of these fetches out there. There are Onslaught foils and Judge Gift foils, each with different art and a different appearance. This means that there is a very real cap on the value of the Khans foils. This cap is much higher for Delta and Strand, due to how much those two are played in Legacy. It is unclear how much Modern demand is going to sway the prices over time. Will people simply move their fetches from one deck to another?


Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker

He’s dipped under $20 and has a chance to go lower, since drafts and sealed are still going to have lots of KTK to open. The card’s power level is not in question, but the casting cost and inability to have two in play are the biggest problems with jamming him as a four-of.

In practice, this ultimate doesn’t see much play because the opponent is dead after some hasty dragon hits. Still, the power and flexibility are undeniable, and this is an easy pick to go up in value during the next block. I totally agree with Jared here.


Gods, foil and non-foil

Honestly, I can’t see the prices going down much more before or at Theros’s rotation in ten months. Most of the Gods are $5 or less, for some of the most flavorful and powerful mythics around.

All of them at least deserve consideration for EDH, in decks or at the helm. Picking them up now is simply an investment in the future. These are *probably* safe from reprinting for a couple of years at least, and even then, it would be supplemental, and likely not foil.

Foils are especially worth it. Before too long, someone will open your binder and exclaim in delight. It’s up to you how long you want to wait.


Dual Lands under $75

Basically, any of them that don’t produce blue mana. There is a big price gap because blue is easily the best color in Legacy, and lands that can’t help with that do not have the same demand.

Wizards appears quite committed to the Reserve List, so anything on there can only go up. Duals like Taiga or Plateau are overdue for a price correction.

A note of warning, though: it’s my experience that Commander doesn’t need duals to function. Sure, adding duals makes a manabase sing (especially with cheap KTK fetches!) but the fixing is so good and so plentiful that duals and even shocks are not required.

If you have deep pockets and want to go for it, the Power 9 have been on a major uptick since about GP New Jersey. I don’t deal with Moxen and such (at least since I sold a Sapphire in 1998) but I’d also be an advocate for the judge foil of Gaea’s Cradle. It’s a unique effect, in a chase foil, and does see some Legacy play, where high values are the norm. The nonfoil has gone up noticeably in the past year as well.


Foil Shocklands

These could be had for around $30-$40 at Return to Ravnica block rotation and have already appreciated some in value since then. I’d love to drop a some money on more, and put them away until they hit $70 or so.

Casual players always like foils, but there is an emerging trend to pimp out your Modern deck too, and that means shocklands. Go forth and pick them up. At worst, they will remain flat for a couple of years and won’t lose value. They will be excellent trade bait in your binder, too!

Again, this is a set of cards that has an upper cap. The original Ravnica block did have foil shocklands, and those carry a true premium. The foils from RTR will never get too high, thanks to the originals.


Legacy Hero #7

Legacy Hero #7

     Last week I left off talking about some of the emails I’ve been getting about Legacy Hero and I was also talking about the changed I wanted to implement with Legacy Hero. I haven’t been able to get all my ducks in a row with most of the changes so I will cover what changes I’m certain about.

     I had a vision of sorts when I was talking about all of the changes WotC has announced this year with a friend of mine, who also happens to own a game store. He was trying to come up with some off the wall ideas for new Friday Night Magic to try and take advantage of the announcement of being able to sanction pretty much any format. I suggested that he run some sort of budget minded legacy league that played on Friday nights after the normal Standard or Modern events. The idea was that the players can build decks that came in under a $500 price tag. I told him I would help his players with deck ideas and also help them find the cards they might need to make these decks. The league would play toward a top 8 that would battle for some legacy staples. The store owner has a handful of cards that are certainly sleeve playable, they aren’t really sell-able. Hard to put a value on a Bayou that went through the washer. This will help me move the lower cost eternal cards I’ve been coming across while helping the format grow. Certainly a win-win situation.

Here is another question I’ve been getting a lot lately. To quote an email directly “I see you’ve mentioned pucatrade as an excellent outlet for bulk. Due to my location shipping will be really expensive for both parties involved and in store trading is almost out of the question. As well as playing tournaments to win cards. Buying cards could be a possibility But I already have the equity in cards (bulk cards and modern and legacy staples), and want to avoid spending more.

I guess what I’m trying to ask in a lot of words is what would be the best outlet for a getting these cards through trade without huge shipping costs or travel costs to get to large events or stores? Or do I just buck up and buy them?  Do I eat the shipping in hopes of procuring more trades? (i.e.  List them. card price – shipping) I know i would be losing money in the long run but my location for shipping is ridiculous. Do I abandon the idea all together and not play legacy?”

First, Let me start with saying, No. You shouldn’t abandon the idea of legacy all together. You shouldn’t let anything stand in your way of playing this game as long as you realize the obstacles you have in front of you, which you clearly do.

The area you live is doesn’t have a thriving magic community and as a result, your local card selection is limited. That’s a good and bad thing. Once you start getting into legacy more and more, you are going to have a good chunk of cards to trade out to your local players. You have an opportunity to be the go to guy for legacy staples. This lets you trade out your staples you’re not using anymore into standard stuff that you can out easily and it is usually easier to get throw-ins when you’re ‘trading down.’ I mentioned in my first article about finding trade partners who don’t charge you for trading you staples for your standard stuff. Sometimes it is necessary to do. It seems to have been adopted as the industry standard. I still don’t do it but I’m the minority it seems.

This is the perfect time to talk about this website”s(mtgprice.com) premium feature “the daily briefing,” specifically the “Major Inventory Swing” section. The daily alert contains a snapshot of the last 24 hours of activity. Pro Trader pic 1

Most of the time when you’re seeing this kind of information, it’s well over 24 hours old. Personally, I love having these sort of lists available to me as soon as possible. I put all of this information into a spreadsheet. That way I can try and grab the stuff that seems to be on a steady decline in supply. A drop in the supply of a card of over 25% in a day is often an indicator of a pending price increase. and have them to buy list or sell online when the price increases. When I lived in an area without a large player group, back when we had to rely on things like Scyre or Inquest to price things out. I remember how much I was able to profit when I got my subscription a week before they hit newsstands.

What does all of this do for us? It lets us maximize our trading creating a maximum return. This method is assuming that we aren’t trading for need anymore (90% of the time at least), strictly for value. I have struggled with that from time to time with this project. I will come across a card and want to keep it for EDH or something. Focus on your goal, getting those dual lands or whatever you need to finish your legacy deck.

Now how are you going to turn your cards into staples? That is what this article series is about. There isn’t just one answer. There are a ton of things to do with your cards, Ebay, Tcgplayer, Facebook trading groups buy listing, trades, etc. I would suggest to go back to the first Legacy Hero article and look at the things I listed so far and continue to follow along as I show you my experiences with the options I try and the things I learn along the way.

I have had 10 cards listed on tcgplayer for over a month. I just sold my first cards on tcgplayer.com this week. You can’t just throw some cards up there and walk away. You have to constantly monitor your prices and rotate your inventory. I try to have a few of the high demand cards up there priced low enough to show up on the first page. I’ve learned just how cutthroat the pricing is. I sold my first two cards this week.I listed two Sulfur Falls late Sunday night. When you’re looking at your inventory, they have this neat button that lets you match your listing’s price with the lowest listed price in each condition, including shipping. I charge $.99 for shipping. To match the lowest listed price (with shipping) I would have had to list my cards at $4.40 with $.99 shipping. That was just too cheap for me so I put the two near-mint copies I had up for $5 each with a $.99 shipping. Less than 6 hours later, they were sold. As I was getting them ready to drop in the mailbox on my way to work, I thought I would look up the buy list price. I couldn’t believe it when I saw this. sulfur falls buylist

Troll and Toad is buying Sulfur Falls at $4.90. The average buy list is $4. I made a huge mistake. $5 each in cash plus $.99 to ship is as good as buy list right? Well, not exactly


I made $9.29 after they took $1.70 in fees. That is $4.65 each. I effectively lost money using tcgplayer. Now I’m going to ship these out happily. This is a lesson for everyone to learn. If I would have buy listed them to Troll and Toad I would have spent $.70 sending them and got $9.80 cash for a $9.10 profit. If I would have sent them in and taken the store credit bonus of 25% I would have $12.25 in credit. I’m going to go into more detail about buy listing next week.

I will share this gem I came across: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/131355786603?lpid=82

(Just an update here. I checked this link at 10:30pm est and they ended the original listing and re-listed 4 for $7.49 using a different user name but linking to the same store. Not sure why they would do that but here is the proof for everyone to see.)

ebay 1

rubio 1

rubio 2


I bought a bunch of them. Far more than I should have. I spend the entire Legacy Hero’s budget on Titania and a chunk of my own money on them. Legacy hero was able to afford 10 of them for $29.90 shipped. By the time this article posts the ones I bought will be on the way to their new owners. I’m working on the buy listing process for next week.

Last week I showed a trade that I made on Facebook. Mr Brad Daley (he started the Russian print run collectors group on Facebook) posted in the Magic Trading Forum that he was looking for some cards and had a laundry list of cards available. Nothing exciting but enough stuff that I wanted for Legacy Hero’s binder that I made a deal with him.

Side A:

  • Veteran Explorer x1
  • Reanimate x4
  • Rest in peace x2
  • Ad-Nauseam x1
  • Tendril of Agony x1
  • Dryad Militant x1
  • Swans of Bryn something x2
  • Mental Misstep x2
  • Forked Bolt x1
  • Serra Avenger x1
  • Mind Twist x1
  • Phyrexian Revoker x3
  • Hymn to Tourach x3
  • Exhume x4
  • Crop Rotation x3
  • Wooded Foothills x3

Side B:

  • Spell Pierce
  • Daze x2
  • Steam Vents
  • Inquisition of Kozilek
  • Godless Shrine x2
  • Thoughtseize
  • Cash considerations

According to the poll results, it was close, but Side A was where over 50% of you wanted to be. I agree with you and that’s why I pulled the trigger. You will see that Side A added 3 Wooded Foothills and Side B added a Thoughtseize and “cash considerations” from what we saw last week. Long story short, while we were negotiating the trade the foothills came up and the price was right so it was added into the deal. The deal worked out to be dead even for both sides. When I look at the trade I think that  long term I would want to be on Side B. Spell Pierce, Daze, and shock lands are all format staples. Those prices aren’t going down anytime soon and long term will have a higher return than Side A in my opinion. Short term I want Side A. I will be able to move almost all of those cards pretty quick. Most of the cards are cheap format staples. Reanimate stuff, Storm stuff, Death and Taxes stuff. The quick and easy stuff that players in my area will want to pick up for the upcoming budget legacy league. Casual players love most of that stuff too.

That’s it for the mailbag. I love getting the feedback and hope to do another one in a couple months. Next week we will go over buy listing in detail and I’m working on another trade that will grab some cards for the deck and some other good stuff for the binder. Thanks to all the continued readers and a warm welcome to the new readers. Next weeks article will be posted on Christmas so after you’re done with your presents make sure to sit down and take a look.

    As always drop me a line at mtglegacyhero on the gmail and @somethingsays on twitter. Check out Brad Daley’s Russian print group on Facebook if that’s you’re thing. Russian makes for some really good looking foils.

Foreign Language (Cards) for Dummies

By Guo Heng Chin

First and foremost, I have to apologise to you readers and my editors for the late publication of this article. I am currently in Tokyo with intermittent internet access. With that out of the way, let’s dive into a topic that is close to my heart: foreign language foils.

Foreign language cards and foils never used to catch my interest. I delegated them to the realms of hardcore Commander, Legacy and Modern players with wallets thicker than their decks.

Then on one fine day, my girlfriend brought back two boxes of Korean Theros from her trip to South Korea, and I opened this in one of the boxes:

It's hammer time!
It’s hammer time!

Oh my, it looked gorgeous. I grew up speaking English, Malay and Cantonese but I only wrote in English and Malay, which also used Roman alphabets. The Korean script read to me like ancient runes, fittingly on a card that summons a god, and it looked absolutely fascinating in foil. After going through two boxes of Korean Theros, I started to find myself with a thirst for foils in scripts intelligible to myself.

The Tiers of Foreign Cards

One of the first thing every foreign language cardphile learns is the rarity tier of languages and their corresponding price multipliers. This would be exceedingly familiar to many of you, and countless articles have been written about the topic, so I am going to quickly skimp through it for the new entrants and the uninitiated.

English cards are the baseline, being the default language of Magic cards. The European languages, French, Italian and Spanish have a similar or lower valuation in relative to their English counterparts. From my own experience, when I was living in London Spanish, Italian and French cards were valued slightly lower than their English counterparts, both on player-to-player trading and on magiccardmarket.eu, and for both non-foils and foils including eternal staples like Thoughtseize. German is the only exception; some cards have awesome, punny and sometimes politically incorrect names in German:

Athreos, God of Passage (German)Myr Superion

However, back in Malaysia, most European language cards command a higher price than English cards. A rule of thumb for valuing non ‘tier one’ foreign language cards and foils is that they are only worth the amount your trade partner is willing to pay for them.

Non-Roman alphabet languages generally demand a higher price for their cool factor: 

Foil Japanese Brainstorm from eBay user kidicarus.
Foil Japanese Brainstorm from eBay user kidicarus.

The cheapest of the tier one languages is Japanese, considered to be the third most expensive but most accessible of foreign language cards due to the fact that most LGSes worldwide have Japanese booster allocations.  Big Japanese stores like Saito Card Shop also have an English-friendly online presence with a large Japanese non-foil and foil inventory making it easier for anyone around the world to acquire Japanese singles.

The top two rarest languages are Korean and Russian. While most local game stores have a small allocation of Korean and Russian boxes, most stores do not stock them unless requested, or the stocks fly right off the shelves if there are demand for them due to the small allocation. Buying Korean and Russian singles online are  much harder. I tried looking for an online venue to purchase Korean singles to little avail. Even the large Korean Magic: the Gathering stores recommended to me by a Korean friend do not have English websites and Google Translate was horrible at it, especially when I tried to use the search function. I have not done as much research for Russian singles sites but a quick search did not yield any website in English.

The only way to acquire Korean or Russian boxes en masse would be to be in South Korea or Russia yourself, or hope that your LGS stocks them or is willing to order them for you using whatever limited allocation Wizards gave them.

Simplified Chinese cards are cheaper than their English counterparts due to Simplified Chinese cards being perceived to be in high supply, and while Traditional Chinese cards are scarcer, the difficulty in differentiating Simplified and Traditional Chinese for the untrained eye made it that Traditional Chinese cards do not command a significant bump in price.

Non-foil foreign language Japanese, Korean and Russian cards are only slightly more expensive than their non-foil English counterparts, even for eternal staples. As of writing, Korean Thoughtseizes are going for just about $10 more than an English one. The Japanese store I visited were selling Japanese Polluted Delta for 1950 – 2000 yen, which is just $4 – $5 more than an English one.

The foreign language price multiplier gets insane when you look at foil eternal staples, even those currently being opened. The Japanese stores I visited were selling foil Japanese Polluted Delta for 20, 000 yen, which translates into roughly $170. Completed listings on eBay for Korean foil Polluted Delta showed winning bids at around $320. The last sold Russian Polluted Delta on eBay went for slightly higher than $1000.

Pricing Foreign Foils

Foreign non-foils are pretty easy to price, the tier one languages are usually a few dollars more than English versions. Pricing foreign foils is a more arduous task.

The first thing I did after cracking foil Korean Purphoros was to check if I have struck gold.  While I easily looked up the prices for my English foils on MTGPrice.com, attempting to pin a value on foreign cards required more digging, and the fact that Korean was the second rarest language made it felt like trudging through a wild west of card price. When I first looked up on completed sales of foil Korean Purphoros, God of the Forge on eBay, I was estatic to see one sold for $120, which was six times the price of a foil English Purphoros, God of the Forge at that time (January 2014). A few months later, a Korean-based seller was relisting a foil Korean Purphoros for $80 multiple times and no one bought it.

Japanese cards are easier to price thanks to Saito’s Card Shop.  Without any English-friendly online Korean or Russian stores to check for prices (and assuming that like me, you do not speak Korean or Russian), your best bet would be either eBay or the High End Magic Stuff for Sale Facebook Group. While eBay shows you the price at which a card was sold at, it is not often that you can find a card you are looking for and eBay archives old listings, making it more difficult to research. More often than not, you would find no recent sold listings for foils that are not in high demand. The High End Magic Stuff for Sale have a larger listing for you to search through, the prices listed there may not be the price at which the card was bought, and many posters are open to best offers.

Keep in mind that foreign foils, especially the high end ones are only worth as much as the party on the other end of the transaction is willing to pay. The price for foil Korean Purphoros, God of the Forge is a good example. The listing that sold when I first looked it up early this year so happened to meet a buyer willing to fog up $120 for it (Purphoros is popular in Commander I hear), but later listings struggled to find even someone willing to pay $80 for it. As for my own foil Korean Purphoros, I probably will not part with it even for a foil Korean Polluted Delta. The sentimental value attached to it is worth much more to me than a foil Korean Polluted Delta.

I hope you have gleaned some useful information on foreign cards and foils pricing tiers and  how to find out how much they are worth. Join me next week as a recount my Magic adventures in Tokyo.

Edit: The price for foil Japanese Polluted Delta was corrected from 200, 000 yen to 20, 000 yen.  The author would like to thank reader Ben Q who pointed out the extra zero typo.


To Sarkhan or Not to Sarkhan?

By: Jared Yost

That is the question. First I should probably explain why.

Today I’d like to compare two cards to each other that are eerily similar but at the same time vastly different – Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker and Stormbreath Dragon. I have a feeling that one of these cards could be a breakout mythic that reaches heights of $30+ over its Standard life. The question is, which one?

How They’re Similar

Just look at how similar these two cards are on the surface:

  • Exact same mana cost (3RR)
  • The number 4 is everywhere on these cards. Sarkhan becomes a 4/4 on the first ability, Stormbreath is a 4/4. Sarkhan even has four loyalty to start with and deals four damage with his second ability! So many fours.
  • Both have haste, flying, and are dragons
  • Both are mythic rares from the first set in their respective blocks

If you would have told me that there would be two cards in Standard that are this similar on the surface I would have told you that Wizards R&D would never do that, it is too lazy even for them. Now that it actually has happened, I can actually prove that they’re getting lazy! Yeah, let’s make sure to have that awesome mythic rare hasty dragon in every set that can appeal to spikes and casuals… At least its not a titan!

Wait though, let’s point out the differences before we start saying that Wizards has been getting really lazy.

The Differences

Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker

  • Indestructible as a creature
  • Provides creature removal
  • Planeswalkers get around sorcery speed spells / abilities

Stormbreath Dragon

  • Has protection from white
  • Monstrosity ability can provide extra reach
  • Also creates a bigger dragon, for a more explosive ability that can finish a game faster than Sarkhan

Looking at the differences the two cards operate entirely different from each other. Sarkhan can perform the role of both control and aggro when needed, whereas Stormbreath is the definition of a midrange card and can only provide that role due to the linearity of it being a creature.

Based on the differences lets delve into the specific good and bad things about each card.

Pros and Cons of Each

Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker

  • Pros of being a Planeswalker
    • Planeswalkers are hugely popular with the casual crowd, much more so than dragons by themselves generally speaking. Financially, this means that they will retain a good amount of their value even through rotation and could cause the Planeswalker to spike if it is played regularly in Standard.
    • Planeswalkers also cater to spike if they do… well, spikey things. Generally speaking, if a Planeswalker is good at protecting itself (the classic case being Elspeth, Knight-Errant with the token generating ability) then it has a good chance of being a Standard all-star. Other abilities in this category include removal and card advantage abilities.
      • Sarkhan has removal, but at great cost to his loyalty. His ultimate can go off and provide “card advantage” in the late game but that is a best case scenario that will not happen most of the time. His only loyalty increasing ability is becoming the 4/4 with haste until end of turn, which doesn’t provide any of the extra spike abilities to take him over the edge. Thus why he is only played as a two-of in decks right now.
    • As mentioned in the differences section, he can play the role of aggro or control when needed. Versatility generally speaking means that card has a higher chance of seeing play than a more linear card that can fall out of a favor if the metagame changes.
  • Cons of being a Planeswalker
    • Legendary permanent. Can only have one Sarkhan out at the same time.
    • Becoming a 4/4 only lasts until end of turn. Thus, he cannot block.
    • Cannot become greater than 4/4 without additional cards / synergies. Strombreath’s Monstrosity ability is all part of the same midrange package.

Stormbreath Dragon

  • Pros of being a creature
    • Protection from white can be much more relevant than indestructible in the current Standard.
      • Since indestructible only lasts while Sarkhan is a creature, it matters much less than protection from white that is always on.
      • Three out of five clans have white in them, so if you play Stormbreath odds are the protection from white is going to matter in your matchup.
    • Monstrosity can provide the extra reach to finish the game that turn
      • Sarkhan generally cannot provide extra reach, except through his ultimate ability. This ability can go off but odds are when you play Sarkhan your opponent will be gunning for him and it will be harder to do this than monstrifying Stormbreath.
        • Strombreath you can monstrify two turns after you play it if on curve, Sarkhan needs a minimum of three turns to ultimate no matter what.
  • Cons of being a creature
    • The old argument “dies to removal” – much easier to remove this card than Sarkhan generally speaking.
    • Only really fits into midrange strategies.
    • Monstrosity only hits players, not creatures.

Other Considerations

  • Theros vs Khans of Tarkir
    • Theros we can all agree was much less popular than Khans due to the fetchland reprint hype. Therefore, I believe that over the life of Khans players will be cracking significantly more packs than Theros.
      • However, In terms of Sarkhan himself, I’m not sure if cracking additional packs will necessarily affect his price all that much. He has many more areas of interest than Stormbreath Dragon from players due to being a Planeswalker and his price will reflect that over time.
  • Price point entry is fairly low for both cards
    • Stormbreath’s lowest price to date was around $11 in August and Sarkhan’s lowest price to date is the current price of $17. Stormbreath is currently $15.50, up $4.50 from the low.
      • Being up $4.50 means that Stormbreath is already starting to see some a price increase due to being played in Standard since the release of both cards.

Past Similar Card Performance

Thundermaw Hellkite would be the closest comparison to Stormbreath and Sarkhan that we’ve seen in the past. Below is the chart noting its progress from Oct 2012 through Jan of 2013.

Notice that December is the month that the card started seeing a price increase, and it finally spiked in the middle of December to $40. Stormbreath and Sarkhan will not follow a similar pattern because they are from the fall sets, which means that more packs were opened due to drafting and higher print runs. Since Hellkite was in a core set the price increase was more pronounced based on demand.

What we can conclude from the graph is that around the middle of December, the point we’re at now, is when cards are going to start spiking for Standard play going into next year. Yet Strombreath already experienced a spike and decline in October from $25 to the current price.


What happened?

Well, players were picking up their copies due to the hype of Mardu as deck. Then, since the clans are generally well balanced, stores weren’t selling as many after the new Khans Standard hype and had to lower the price. This trend isn’t something we’ve seen before which is why I’m interested in tracking Strombreath’s price over the next few months. Will one clan become more dominant and make this card better?

Final Thoughts

Based on the current price trend, Stormbreath appears to be in a lull and continuing downward. It hasn’t reach its lowest point again yet which means that it could just as well swing back up if more players find it powerful in Standard. Fate Reforged could make or break this dragon.

Sarkhan, on the other hand, feels like the safer long term bet for me. If they don’t create another dragon-type card like Sarkhan or Stormbreath in the next few blocks then he will be the go-to card for you five casting cost hasty beats. Being a planeswalker also makes him safer from huge price swings like other mythics that tend to be more flash-in-the-pan.

In summary, Sarkhan feels like the longer term safe bet for Standard while Stormbreath has the highest chance to spike from Theros being out of print and its protection from white which can help it against the white clan decks that have dominating Standard. If the right help is given to red decks in Fate Reforged, expect to see more of Stormbreath after January of next year. It already spiked based on a format shakeup and could just as easily spike again.