By: Travis Allen
Welcome to day three of the MTGPrice ProTrader Magic Origins spoilers. I’ll be covering black, which may be the deepest on playables of any color in this set.
By: Travis Allen
Welcome to day three of the MTGPrice ProTrader Magic Origins spoilers. I’ll be covering black, which may be the deepest on playables of any color in this set.
I’m writing this introduction well in advance to discuss the preconceptions about what to expect when reviewing a new set. At the time of this writing, I haven’t yet looked at the full spoiler, and I have completely ignored preorder prices the last couple weeks, so of the cards I do know about, I have no idea where they’re priced. Once I get to the card-by-card breakdown, I’ll have had several days to review the set, the preorder pricing, pro commentary, and all kinds of other factors that go into a financial review of new cards.
But first, I want to mention what I expect to see in this (and every) new set:
The latest Magic set, Origins, is nearly upon us. As we approach the prerelease, it’s always worthwhile to have a finance strategy in place ahead of time. Which cards do you need to move immediately? Which ones are worth holding onto in the hopes the card becomes the next Thragtusk or Dragonlord Ojutai?
This week the MTG Price Protrader team is going to provide all the spoiler coverage you’ll need for your Origins prerelease. Seeing as my article goes live first, I have the pleasure of bringing you a review of the White rares and mythic rares in the set. Since my general finance focus is on eternal formats and low-risk investments, I’ll try and shine some light in these particular areas.
Without further adieu, let’s get started!
Life is funny sometimes. You can go weeks at a time feeling like (relatively) nothing is happening, and then suddenly a torrent of activity upends your malaise. The consensus regarding Magic Origins during the front half of spoiler season was that the set was largely unexciting, and many people (Jason E. Alt) were perfectly happy to settle for some strong, if uninspiring, reprints (Birds of Paradise).
Then Goblin Piledriver happened, and the whole world changed.