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The Unpredictable Wizards

A long while ago, I made a set of predictions about From the Vault: Angels. I was right about eight out of the 15 cards. And while I think my picks are better, Wizards is always going to do what it wants.

And that’s something we need to keep that in mind going forward. Wizards of the Coast employs some very intelligent and very confusing people. Trying to predict what will and won’t get printed/reprinted/banned/unbanned is an exercise fraught with peril and likely missteps.

Today I want to look at some…curious decisions they have made and see if there’s lessons we can glean.

FTV: Angels

While all of the choices are defensible, there’s a couple of pieces of information that are very clear: Wizards isn’t trying to just increase circulations of cards. This is the third piece of art for Akroma, Angel of Wrath and the second ‘special’ foil printing. If you count the reprint of Duel Deck Anthologies, then that’s the fourth.

That’s not the strangest choice in the set, though. That honor goes to the inclusion of Iona, Shield of Emeria just two months after having her as a mythic in Modern Masters 2015. Iona is a worthy choice to go into the FTV set, but it’s almost as though each of the two sets didn’t know the other was including her. Just one of these two sets would have been enough to increase her copies in circulation, and she was only at $20/$80 before.

From the outside, it’s impossible to say if this was a communication error or a conscious decision to really push Iona into a low price. But since we are on the outside, we are left to wonder what the motivation was. There was a slot in either set that could have been another card, but who knows what could have been.

Fetch lands and Battle for Zendikar

When the name of the fall set was revealed as Battle for Zendikar, the five enemy fetch lands immediately took a dive on price, losing more than half their value in some cases. Writers and financiers and players all jumped to the conclusion that the cycle would be in BfZ.

And then, Mark Rosewater dropped this bomb via tumblr:

BFZ lands

Was there a voice anywhere that said the fetches were NOT in BfZ? Would you have listened if you’d heard one?

For that matter, who had any inkling that Wizards wanted the allied fetches in Modern and would put them in Standard?

Again, we are forced to confront a very basic truth: Wizards works at their own level. This is true of why Duels is now only on the newest Apple versions, why Magic Online has all of its changes (including the still-missing Leagues!) and when it comes to what is and isn’t in any set or product, outsiders are merely tossing darts at the wall while blindfolded.

Building decks at the end of Standard

What would the last two years have been like if Herald of the Pantheon or Starfield of Nyx had been in Theros block, or even way back in Dragon’s Maze? I can’t remember seeing as many cards dedicated to upgrading an archetype as what showed up in Magic Origins. Granted, this is the last core set, and it’s only legal together for a few brief months, but wow. This is another thing we never saw coming. What is the next two sets going to bring for Abzan or Megamorph decks?


So if we can’t accurately predict what Wizards will do, what can we do to gain a little power over the future?

The easiest course of action is to do nothing. Don’t attempt to speculate or predict and don’t attempt to gain from foreknowledge. We’re all just guessing now.

With a little thought, though, we can make some inferences based on negative information. For example, we know that Commander 2015 will be enemy colors. Instead of trying to predict what will be in those sets (my gut tells me to get out on Prophet of Kruphix, for one) we can infer that allied-color cards are safe for now, so go ahead and stock up on things like Privileged Position or Oona, Queen of the Fae.

Keeping today’s lessons in mind, don’t presume that this winter’s Commander decks will have Arid Mesa and its buddies. We need the set of filter lands just as badly from a price perspective, especially the enemy ones that were only in the barely-bought Eventide. There hasn’t really been a big land present in each of the Commander releases so far, but today’s whole point is that we can’t predict accurately what Wizards of the Coast will do.

Still, though, keep in mind that everything will get reprinted eventually. There’s too many outlets. We have Conspiracy, Modern Masters, Clash Packs, Event Decks, judge foils, GP promos, and special releases like foil Force of Will or the foil promo Genesis Hydras being given out when you buy two old packs at my Target. Everything not on the reserved list will be redone. It’s only a matter of time.

Going Mad – Stay Classy Grand Prix San Diego

By: Derek Madlem

It’s the week after a Pro Tour and we’ve seen the decks that are sure to dominate the Standard format until rotation, the format is solved and it’s pretty obvious where to place our bets. We’ve had a couple weeks of SCG Opens and then the culminating tournament to solidify the metagame and declare a public enemy #1. Now we’re just coasting to the finish line as we wait for a new set to be released and we can start this process all over again. Right? Right.

Well… wrong

Skimming through the top 32 decklists, I was expecting to see a good percentage of the field rocking the Ensoul Artifact Thopter deck that took Pro Tour Magic Origins by storm, after all it was clearly “the next Caw-Blade” if you listened to the Pros and the parrots in the coverage booth. What happened in San Diego is a testament to R&D’s ability to create a variety of flexible cards to combat a variety of threats; and by variety of cards, I am actually just referring to exactly one card – Dromoka’s Command.


Dromoka’s Command may be the first card printed as a utility spell to have an entire archetype form up around it. Dromoka’s Command is the backbone that the entirety of the Green-White Megamorph deck builds around. Not only does Dromoka’s Command effectively remove enchantments from the board, it is also does pumps creatures, prevents damage, and removes opposing blockers… three things that seem to be relevant in most games of Magic, killing enchantments is just a bonus. But it’s power was not relgated solely to the Megamorph decks, it also showed up heavily in a variety of Abzan decks. This all proved to be bad bad news for those Thopter decks; as it turns out, a deck that’s built around a couple key enchantments is vulnerable to enchantment removal +1.

Dromoka’s Command showed up in 17 of the top 32 decks, pretty much the only non-land cards that saw more action were Courser of Kruphix (19 decks) and Den Protector (18 decks). The most surprising bit in all of this? Dromoka’s Command is somehow still under $4. Dromoka’s Command is one of those cards that’s going to see play for years, it’s not quite Abrupt Decay level of utility in older formats, but it’s rarely a card that you’ll disappointed to draw. This also seems like a great long-term pickup in FOIL as it’s currently sitting at a very meager $11.

I am also an advocate of picking up at least a playset of Dromoka’s Command because it has roughly 14 months until rotation, which makes it a fine card to buy purely for play value (dividends) and there’s ample opportunity for it to creep up in price this October as the format shifts.

The Card that Isn’t

A really spicy brew took down the title in San Diego, this deck relied heavily on one card: Sphinx’s Tutelage. The deck featured an array of cheap draw spells that allow you to essentially burn through your deck grabbing more and more draw spells and dumping more and more cards into your opponent’s graveyard, looking at the decklist I have a hard time figuring out how this deck came out on top after 18 rounds of Magic… but even a ham sandwich can win a tournament if it draws the right pairings each round.

Sphinx's Tutelage

Sphinx’s Tutelage is a card you can invest in… I guess. But I’ll offer you a reality check: this is a niche strategy uncommon in a core set; this is NOT Stoke the Flames. Sphinx’s Tutelage is NOT Path to Exile or Murderous Cut or Bile Blight or any of the diverse playable uncommons we’ve seen crest $2 in the last few years. Sphinx’s Tutelage is a Hedron Crab or a Mind Funeral… it’s a card that in a couple years you might make a dollar off of. You’d probably be better served buying up copies of Alhammaret’s Archive, a card that should also hold onto some long-term heavy appeal in Commander.

While I am extremely skeptical about a deck featuring Sphinx’s Tutelage gaining traction in Modern, if it does you can expect Visions of Beyond to be the big winner… not a mass printed core-set uncommon. Being a cheap draw spell coupled with the Ancestral Recall payoff makes Visions an absolute all star alongside any conceivable Sphinx’s Tutelage build IF such a thing ever comes to fruition, which I’m currently doubtful of.

That Vastwood Seer

Nissa, Vastwood Seer continues her run as the most prevalent flipwalker, showing up in a stunning 15 of the top 32 decks compared to a paltry 6 decks for the former financial frontrunner Jace. Nissa is clearly here to stay as a heavily played Mythic staple and Jace is establishing himself as an all star role player. Expect their prices to continue diverging as Nissa hovers around $25 with a slow decline and Jace continues to adjust downward at a much faster rate.Nissa

The rest of this pantheon is performing much more in line with my previous expectations: ie, not at all. There isn’t a single copy of Kytheon, Chandra, or Liliana in the top 32 decks and that should put the writing on the wall as far as these cards go. While we’ve likely not seen the last of Liliana, Heretical Healer thanks to her inclusion in those Modern Collected Company decks, the outlook is grim for the other two.

The Card that Wasn’t There

On the breaking news front (at the time of writing this article) we have the full spoiler for FTV: Angels and it doesn’t include Linvala, Keeper of Silence. While this would have mattered a lot more before they banned Birthing Pod than it does now, it still puts a lot of pressure on this Mythic Modern staple. At the time I’m writing this Linvala is hovering around $35… but you’re probably looking at $50+ Linvalas today as you read this. Special thanks to the finance community for that one guys! In reality this card was likely to go up either way, people just have a psychological disconnect when it comes to FTV printings. A card like Linvala will stop climbing for fear of a reprint and then once that fear is confirmed or denied, it will adjust accordingly. This was a good card to pick up either way as FTV printings are traditionally disliked by most players because the FOILs look fairly atrocious.


While it’s disappointing to see Linvala absent from this product, she can probably just go ahead and join the club alongside Damnation as a card that desperately needs a reprint and somehow dodges it time and time again despite numerous glaring opportunities to do so and we’ll now start the yearly tradition of excluding only the most obvious choices from the From the Vault releases. But if you look on the bright side, we finally have that Iridescent Angel reprint that we’ve all been waiting for! Now’s your chance to buy in.

There is still the outside chance that with the new block structure we’ll see a Linvala reprint in Battle for Zendikar. The absence of a Core Set means that a lot of reprints will need to be implemented within regular sets. This will essentially tie reprints of legendary creatures to their home planes as non-planeswalkers don’t really get to experience interplanar travel yet. Yet.

Fetchland Insanity

I have a proposal for most of you that are taken aback by the recent upswing in fetch land prices: don’t buy them. At this point it’s not a matter of IF but WHEN the Zendikar fetches will be reprinted. Wizards seems to be pushing enemy colored pairs over the next year with the reinclusion of the opposing painlands, enemy colored Commander decks, and the likely inclusion of the long-awaited enemy colored manlands as the flagship duals for Battle for Zendikar. That push, plus the acknowledgement that Modern card availability is an issue should be enough to sooth fears that these cards are just never going to be available ever again.

Whether those fetches show up in a supplementary product (unlikely) or the next large set (April, as the other fetchlands rotate out of Standard), they ARE going to be reprinted – it’s only a matter of time.


Now’s the time for some tough love. Dad talk, have a seat children. There’s been a lot of outrage about the new price of fetches being unaffordable… but were they really affordable before? I’m going to say that for those outraged at the new price that these fetchlands were never truly affordable. If they were – you would have afforded them. YOU WOULD ALREADY OWN THEM. Now they are just STILL unaffordable; functionally, nothing has changed.

In reality there are only a handful of decks that really NEED the exact fetch land for their deck, most decks are perfectly able to get by on Khans fetches with only a fractional percentage of a decrease in efficiency. What does that percentage mean for the average Modern player in weekly tournaments at the local shop? You’re going to lose, at most, one or two games per month, and those games are not necessarily going to mean the match. Does that percentage point matter more elsewhere? Only if you’re going to be playing in competitive level events that span nine to fifteen rounds on a regular basis.

The real question that you should be asking yourself is: if you have serious issues with card affordability, how do you justify spending $40-70 a pop to play in an SCG Open or a Grand Prix? Competitive Magic is expensive. It’s always going to be expensive and the rewards are a rarely going to be cover the buy-in. The entire game is built on the foundation that players will continuously buy more and more cards and that a subsection of those cards being worth money.

Transparency: I bought zero copies of Linvala or the fetch lands this week

Stay classy #mtgfinance

Brainstorm Brewery #157 How Bazaar


Brainstorm Brewery #157 – How Bazaar


Five may have been too many this week and the gang throws the baby out with the bathwater, slimming its lineup down to a svelte three-man cast. Corbin’s the odd man out, having been condemned to spend a family vacation near Vancouver where he covered the recent Pro Tour. There’s plenty to talk about and without Corbin to slow them down, the gang hits their stride and Ryan even talks a little. How ‘bout that?


  • Rolling start? Pick of the week first? What’s the deal?
  • Finance 101 – buy cards for cheap and sell them for more
  • The PT happened. What happened in that happening?
  • Changes to Organized play are happening!
  • Who’s not happy with the 2016 GP schedule?
  • The link to the dividers as promised. Also, the other link you need.
  • Support our Patreon! DO IT. You know this cast makes you more than $1 a week
  • Need to contact us? Hit up


Contact Us!

Brainstorm Brewery Website – E-mail – Twitter Facebook RSS iTunes Stitcher

Ryan Bushard – E-mail – Twitter Facebook

Corbin Hosler – E-mail – Twitter Facebook QuietSpeculation

Jason E Alt – E-mail – Twitter Facebook QuietSpeculation

Marcel White – E-mail – Twitter


MTGFinance: What We’re Buying & Selling This Week (Aug 3/15)

By James Chillcott (@MTGCritic)

One of the most common misconceptions about folks involved in MTGFinance is that we are constantly manipulating the market and feeding players misinformation to help fuel achievement of our personal goals.

It has occurred to us at MTGPrice that though we dole out a good deal of advice, most of you ultimately have very little insight into when and why our writing team actually puts our money where our collective mouths are pointing. As such running this weekly series breaking down what we’ve been buying and selling each week and why. These lists are meant to be both complete and transparent, leaving off only cards we bought for personal use without hope of profit. We’ll also try to provide some insight into our thinking behind the specs, and whether we are aiming for a short (<1 month), mid (1-12 month), or long (1 year+) term flip. Here’s what we we’ve been up to this week:

Buying Period: July 24th – Aug 1st, 2015

Note: All cards NM unless otherwise noted. All sell prices are net of fees unless noted.

James Chillcott (@MTGCritic)

This week I’m mostly working on my deal to sell the Super Collection, but I’ve also started in on some select singles that I see as good opportunities.


  • 10x Evolutionary Leap (Foil) @ $10.25/per
  • 10x Return to the Ranks (Foil) @ $2/per
  • 13x Return to the Ranks (Jap Foil) @ $1.50/per
  • 16x Rally the Ancestors @ $2/per
  • 4x Demonic Pact @ $5.45

This set of buys is mostly about cards I think have a future in Modern with a dash of hot Standard action. I’m convinced that both Leap and Return to the Ranks have what it takes to assemble compelling combo scenarios in Modern. Not only are decks already floating to the surface of the metagame, but these are precisely the kinds of cards that get better as more combo pieces get printed to align with their build around benefits. Frank Karsten posted a fairly compelling set of videos with a Ranks deck last week but I think this is just the tip of the iceberg vs. what’s possible down the road. Likewise, Evolutionary Leap is being underestimated in a world where you can set up shop with Bitterblossom or Lingering Souls and then dig for whatever limited set of value creatures you need to run your game. Siege Rhino? A 187 creature? Somebody will figure it out and it will be beautiful.

Rally the Ancestors didn’t make the Top 8 in Standard at Pro Tour Origins this weekend, but the deck may still find itself in a good position later this season, so I was willing to snap up a few sets at the low end of the spectrum, aiming to unload them around $4-5 in trade at a future peak. If it doesn’t get anywhere in Standard it’s just as likely to cause trouble in Modern as Return to the Ranks. See the Sam Black Rally in Modern video if you don’t believe me.  Demonic Pact was on my Digging For Dollars: MTG Origins list and as predicted, it showed up in a few different builds that ran deep into Day 2 at the Pro Tour. The deck may need some work to stay in the metagame, but the Sultai version that Toronto local Daniel Fournier was running looked fun as hell so I picked up a set to fool around with.


SOLD (PucaTrade)

  • 2x Chord of Calling @ $8.02 ($3.50 cost)
  • 1x Academy Ruins @ $12.39 (pack opened)
  • 1x Mikokoro, Center of the Sea @ $10.44 (pack opened)
  • 1x Minamo, School at Water’s Edge @ $19.80 ($8 cost)
  • 1x Horizon Canopy @ $57.32 ($22 cost)
  • 3x Flooded Grove @ $23.56 ($10 cost/per)
  • 1x Grove of the Burnwillows @ $57.12 (pack opened)
  • 1x Chalice of the Void @ $16.42 (pack opened)
  • 1x Ghostly Prison @ $6.97 ($2 cost)
  • 1x Sword of Feast and Famine @ $17.44 ($6 cost)
  • 1x Liliana of the Veil @ $101.75 ($55 cost)

Having recently acquired a Mishra’s Workshop through Pucatrade, I am now emboldened to seek out additional opportunities to trade up into big ticket cards. As such I’m rebuilding the account quickly to about $1400 worth of Pucapoints, with a focus on unloading specs that are peaking or pack opened cards that I had laying around in my collection without purpose in my decks. If you’ve got something special worth more than $500 that you’d like to turn into Pucapoints, look me up ’cause I’m on the hunt.

Houston Whitehead (@TNSGingerAle)


  • 12x Surrak, the Hunter @$1 per,
  • 12x Eidolon of Blossoms @ .50 per
  • 12x Stratus Dancers @.50 per

Jim Casale (@Phrost_)

BOUGHT (PucaTrade_

  • 5x Abbot of Keral Keep
  • 4x Demonic Pact
  • 3x Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
  • 1x Flooded Strand (foil)
  • 2x Pyromancer’s Goggles

Jim says:

“I feel like any mythic rare under $5 in MTG Origins could possibly spike and I wanted to insulate myself if I needed to play the cards next weekend.”

Jason Alt (@jasonealt)


  • 7x Night of Souls’ Betrayal @ 4.85
  • 3x Night of Soul’s Betrayal (SP) @ 4.05


Guo Heng Chin (@theguoheng)


  • 4x Starfield of Nyx @ $5.75/per (from LGS)
  • 4x Herald of the Pantheon @ $1.67/per (from LGS)
  • 4x Sigil of the Empty Throne @ $1/per (from LGS)
  • 3x Disciple of the Ring @ $1.83/per (from LGS)
  • 2x Foil Starfield of Nyx @ $15.70/per (from LGS)

Guo says:

“I tested John Taylor’s Abzan Constellation list which top 8ed SCG Richmond last weekend and I was super impressed with it. Starfield of Nyx was a lot better than I expected. I grabbed a playset of the key components from Magic Origins the next day to make sure I can play the deck if it breaks out at the Pro Tour. And with the WMCQ season coming (and Game Day next weekend. Foil full art Languish!), I thought it prudent to have access to at least a few archetypes.

Right after making the purchase, I received a text from the other LGS I frequent that they’ve now got Starfield and Demonic Pact (yay!) in stock after new stock of Magic Origins arrived in the middle of the week. Oh wait, the Starfield is foil. Fine I’ll take it. Tyler Jacobsen’s rendition of Nyx’s starfield looks like one of those art that would look gorgeous in foil. Plus a foil copy would be nice for EDH purposes.

When I arrived at the LGS for FNM yesterday, it turns out that they have not one but two foil Starfields. Fine, I’ll take both. Savings are overrated anyway.

It turned out that the foil isolation on the art wasn’t as good as I expected. Whoever did the foil isolation for Starfield of Nyx should be ashamed of him or herself. It was one of those lazily done foil isolation (let’s foil the whole artwork! Re: Dragonlord Ojutai foil) that ruined an artwork that could otherwise be gorgeously rendered in foil. Oh well, I’m sure financially it wouldn’t matter at all, and they are for personal keeps anyway (I’ll be selling my non-foils now). Now could someone please break Starfield of Nyx in Modern so my shiny Starfields are worth $60? Hint: Omniscience. Hint, hint: Gifts for Starfield, Obzedat’s Aid, Snapcaster, and Omniscience? Regardless, I do think Starfield of Nyx foils have good long-term potential due to its uniqueness. That card is begging to be broken in EDH.”
Note: The rest of the guys were quiet this week.

So there you have it. Now what were you guys buying and selling this week and why?

James Chillcott is the CEO of, The Future of Collecting, Senior Partner at Advoca, a designer, adventurer, toy fanatic and an avid Magic player and collector since 1994.

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