Grinder Finance – Analyzing Pro Tour Colorless

Head for the hills! The Eldrazi and Phyrexians are coming!  Or something…  A lot of people are calling for Eye of Ugin‘s head but I know for sure it won’t be banned immediately.  With one one data point it’s really hard to suggest something so silly.

Let’s start with the Top 8 and analyze what really happened.  There were 6 Eldrazi decks and 2 Affinity decks (if you break them down to their most basic theme).  Looking further, there are really 3 different types of Eldrazi decks.  Frank Lepore’s  list looks like more traditional Eldrazi lists of the last month.  It focuses on the processor interactions from Wasteland Strangler and Blight Herder with collateral damage exile cards in Relic of Progenitus and Scrabbling Claws.  There is the strictly colorless build of the deck heralded by CFB members, Luis Scott-Vargas, Ivan Floch, and Shuhei Nakamura.  This deck plays no real “colored” mana sources outside of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and includes some devastating artifacts.  Standout cards in this list are the “colorless” removal spells in Dismember and it’s main interactive spells being Chalice of the Void and Ratchet Bomb.  The last Eldrazi deck was a Blue and Red brew featuring a lot of “draft trash” including “Pro Tour Champion” Eldrazi Skyspawner, Vile Aggregate, and Ruination Guide.  While these decks also quickly latched onto the importance of Dismember, they had more interaction with Eldrazi Scions and Drowner of Hope, and Eldrazi Obligator.  For the most part, the Affinity decks were the same as we have previously seen except they cut Etched Champions in favor of the more robust Master of Etherium.  Etched Champion’s appeal quickly falls when you realize all of the top 8 decks have 20+ colorless creatures.

The Eldrazi Base

You may have noticed I haven’t talked mentioned the new additions from Oath of the Gatewatch to these decks.  The reason is this is where all of the overlap occurs.

6 7 8 9 143

Kozilek burst from the earth and his brood immediately converged onto Modern.  On paper, these guys are not terribly good rates.  5 mana 5/5 seems a little suspect when we have a $140 2 mana 4/5 (usually).  Every Eldrazi deck at the Pro Tour that went 6-3 or better played 4 of each of these cards (except Frank Lepore who opted out of Endless One).  These guys are so stinky in fact, that Tron doesn’t want anything to do with them despite it’s abundance of colorless mana.

The “Problem Children”

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When you have 8 painless lands that do their best Ancient Tomb impression, you come out with a pretty good deck.  All of the Eldrazi decks (presumably even the ones outside of 6-3 range) played 4 copies of each land.  While cards that generally break how fast you can do things (like Chrome Mox, Cloudpost, Summer Bloom, Seething Song, etc) are banned in Modern, these used to have a pretty big restriction.  The cheapest cards they could be used to cast were All is Dust, Skittering Invasion, and Not of This World before Battle for Zendikar.  When Eye of Ugin is used to power out 4 Eldrazi Mimics on turn 1 you might have a problem.

The “B” Word

With all of this success it comes to everyone’s mind: “Does it get banned?”  I don’t work for Wizards of the Coast, nor am I a pro player, or part of the inner circle that may be privy to the information that would influence this call.  I don’t know if anything is likely to get banned.  All I can do is share with you how something might get banned.  Wizards has shown it’s need for data to fuel most bans.  While the Pro Tour has shown the power of these cards, people have had no time to adapt.  Let’s look at the schedule leading up to the Shadows over Innistrad ban and restricted announcement (there is an announcement for every set, even if no changes are made).  Next weekend there are no Magic events.  I guess Wizards and StarCity Games wants everyone to go to Deadpool with their significant other for Valentine’s Day instead.  The following weekend (Feb 20-21) there is a Modern Open in Louisville.  That is the last StarCity Modern event until the next set release.  While there will be some additional data points with 2 more Modern Classics at the Opens, Players will likely not be focusing on the Modern format during that time period.  Triple GP Weekend (Detroit, USA, Bologna, Italy, and Melbourne, Australia) during the weekend of March 4th-6th will likely be nail in the coffin if we are to see a banning coming in April.

Now the real question is what kind of success would the Eldrazi deck need to see to warrant a banning.  If it wins 2 of the 3 Grands Prix, is that enough?  If it’s 35% of the top 32 of each major Modern event, is that enough?   If Modern attendance falls 30% is that enough?  Who knows but I would be watching closely to mark it’s success.  Summer Bloom got banned (even if it took a year) without a huge string of successes or a significantly dominant performance.  The short version of this story is you’re safe until April.

What to do, what to do?

If you’re thinking about buying into the deck, don’t worry about it being banned in the next 3 months.  This deck can probably survive a round of bans based on the power of the creatures involved.  While you may lose some explosiveness if Eye of Ugin or Eldrazi Temple get banned, the core of the deck remains.  Unless Modern makes a big shift toward being able to kill 4/4 and 5/5 creatures you don’t have much to lose.  If you play a lot of Modern and want to win a lot, I’m advocating buying in for at least 3 months.  My best suggestion would be buy the remaining pieces this week (Friday at the latest).  Selling out before Shadows over Innistrad spoiler season might be your best bet to hedge against a ban.

Other news

Hasbro released earnings statements that included this: “Magic had a very good fourth quarter with the release of Battle for Zendikar, which had the strongest start to a set in the brand’s history.”  While I don’t claim to understand the legal jargon, I believe this implies that the pre-order period for Battle for Zendikar was the best it has ever been presumably due to Expeditions.  I’m not sure this is great for people like myself who hope they don’t continue this routine in future sets.

Shadows over Innistrad logo

Some cards were leaked implying we will see the return of another Odyssey block mechanic, madness.  Madness was very powerful in the highly synergistic U/G Madness deck the last time it was printed so as long as the power level remains you can count on some good commons and uncommons.  I’m extremely skeptical that Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy won’t see another huge spike if we get very good flashback and madness spells.  Discard outlets are extremely important for that style of deck and you can see why the original deck played some otherwise unimpressive creatures like Aquamoeba and Merfolk Looter.

Eldritch Moon

The second set of Shadows over Innistrad block was announced yesterday here.  Eldritch Moon‘s set symbol has intentionally not been spoiled so there are a lot of theories as to why.

Eldritch Liliana

This art for Liliana was also spoiled with the announcement of the set.  The garb she is wearing in this picture seems to be a hybrid of the Liliana, Heretical Healer art and the Liliana of the Veil art.  I don’t think this means we’re getting a Liliana of the Veil reprint but it surely can’t hurt, right?

Final Thoughts

  • Shadows over Innistrad and Eldritch Moon are confirmed to not have a clash pack or event deck.  It seems those methods of reprints are done.
  • Windswept Heath and Collected Company continue their resurgence to pre-clash pack pricing.  The clash pack may be a good buy soon.
  • Thank god for Modern Masters 2015, right?  The Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi Temple reprints continue to show a great deal of fore thought.  While most players may have complained it surely is the reason why they’re relatively affordable right now.  While it sucks they missed Inquisition of Kozilek, it’s important to give credit where credit is due.
  • I really like Dismember as a way to deal with the Eldrazi menace.  This card was reprinted as an uncommon in Modern Masters 2015 and is currently only about $1.  If you don’t own a few  I can’t recommend buying this enough.  It’s a very mana efficient way to kill Thought-Knot Seer and Reality Smasher.

MTG Fast Finance: Episode 3

by Travis Allen (@wizardbumpin) & James Chillcott (@mtgcritic)

MTG Fast Finance is a new weekly podcast that tries to break down the flurry of financial activity in the world of Magic: The Gathering into a fast, fun and useful thirty minute format. Follow along with our seasoned hosts as they walk you through this week’s big price movements, their picks of the week, metagame analysis and a rotating weekly topic.

Show Notes: Feb 3rd

Segment 1: Top Movers of the Week

Caverns of Despair (Legends)
Start: $10
Finish: $40
Gain: +$30 (+300%)

Peregrine Dranke
Start: $1.50
Finish: $3.50
Gain: +$50 (+125%)

Thunder Spirit
Start: $2.50
Finish: $7.00
Gain: +$4.50 (+180%)

Start: $2
Finish: $4.50
Gain: +$2.50 (+125%)

Ancestral Vision
Start: $8
Finish: $14
Gain: +$6 (+75%)

Collected Company
Start: $8.50
Finish: $14
Gain: +6 (+75%)

Past in Flames
Start: $8
Finish: $12.00
Gain: +4.00 (+50%)

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Start: $9
Finish: $12
Gain: +5 (+55%)

Segment 2: Cards to Watch

James Picks:

  1. Inkmoth Nexus, MBS : $40 to $50+ (+25%, 1-2+ months)
  2. Pia & Kiran Nalaar, ORI (Intro Foil): $11 to $20+ (+80%, 6+ months)
  3. Stone Haven Outfitter, OGW (Foil): $2 to $5+ (150%, 6-12+ months)

Travis Picks:

  1. Collected Company: $15 to $25 (66%, 0 – 3 months)
  2. Spreading Seas: $1 to $3 (200%, 1 – 6 months)
  3. Shrine of the Forsaken: $.75 to $3 (300%, 1 – 3 months)

Segment 3: Metagame Week in Review

The guys looked at the raw quantity of Reflector Mages, Collected Companys, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikars in the Standard Open.

Segment 4: Topic of the Week: Innistrad Echoes

Is the rumor of Innistrad Echoes true, and is the idea of an Expeditions-type set each block reasonable?

James Chillcott is the CEO of, The Future of Collecting, Senior Partner at Advoca, a designer, adventurer, toy fanatic and an avid Magic player and collector since 1994.

PROTRADER: Reactions to Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch

To be completely honest, I can’t say I’m surprised by the outcome of Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch. Most probably did not expect such domination by Eye of Ugin and its Eldrazi friends, but the results do likely reflect the most powerful decks in the post-Splinter Twin post-Oath of the Gatewatch metagame. And now we have silly things like this:

Eye of Ugin

Fifty bucks is a lot for a card that was $6 a couple weeks ago, yet the price movement of course is 100% merited. This is now the deck to beat in Modern and it’ll be interesting to see how prices move from here.

My advice: sell.

Sell Winning Pro Tour Cards??

 Not all of them. Plenty of Modern mainstays such as Spellskite are fine to hold for the time being. There won’t be Phyrexian mana in Standard again until we return to a plane that matches the flavor, so the next possible reprint will probably be Modern Masters 2017. Non-Eldrazi cards are also fine to hold onto, including your standard Affinity fare as well as Infect, Burn, and the rest of the metagame.

But as for Eldrazi-specific cards we saw this past weekend, I’d say we’re treading on very uncertain ground. The newest block has certainly shaken up the format, and I often wonder if we’re getting a glimpse of what’s to come when Standard rotates. But given the hype, I have to imagine the right move is to sell. Stuff like Endless One will peak very soon, and then drift lower on increasing supply.

Endless One

I’m not saying this card will drop back below a buck again, but $8 seems awfully high for a card printed in the same set as Expeditions. I’d recommend taking profits on all these Eldrazi creatures during this Pro Tour hype. Some may rise higher still if they become powerhouses in Standard, but others won’t make the grade and will drop hard from here. Leave the last 10% for the next guy.

Stepping away from the Eldrazi themselves, I’d form this basic rule of thumb: if the card is good strictly because of Eldrazi, then sell into hype. For me, this includes Eye of Ugin, Eldrazi Temple, and Chalice of the Void. All have seen tremendous rallies over the past couple weeks and it would be wise to sell into these spikes. There’s just more upside in other components of the deck which haven’t spiked yet.

Blinkmoth Nexus is a great example – it’s a powerful land in the Eldrazi deck as well as the Affinity deck, meaning a sudden banning of Eye of Ugin wouldn’t ruin this card’s utility in Modern. Simian Spirit Guide is another card that shows up time and again in various decks, and I see no reason to panic sell copies out of fear of banning. Mutavault and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth are also interesting here because they haven’t moved nearly as much as other Eldrazi deck components.


To boil it down, if a card recently shot up in price due to the Modern Eldrazi deck alone, sell now and take profits. If the card is played in other strong Modern decks besides Eldrazi and it has shot up in price, it is a hold or sell. And if the card is strong in the Eldrazi deck but hasn’t moved much yet, it’s a buy…at least for now…

The Writing on the Wall

 I woke up Sunday morning and my Twitter feed was abuzz with a single message. Not the Super Bowl, not African American History Month, and certainly not positive things about Modern. Everyone was talking about the lack of Modern diversity in the latest Pro Tour.

The reality is, Modern – at least for now – is not a diversified format. Going forward, I strongly suspect the metagame will be broken into three buckets of decks: Eldrazi, Affinity, and decks designed to beat Eldrazi and Affinity. A healthy format this is not.

But I don’t blame this trend on the banning of Splinter Twin and Summer Bloom. Those bannings made sense in a perfect vacuum, but I believe Wizards of the Coast failed to realize the impending changes Battle for Zendikar and Oath of the Gatewatch would bring to the table. It’s almost like they had forgotten Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi Temple were cards when they decided to print three mana Eldrazi. I remember reading an article years ago when Rise of the Eldrazi came out suggesting that Eldrazi would remain balanced as long as their converted mana cost remained substantially high. The column specifically called out concerns of having an Eldrazi creature with converted mana cost under five and Annihilator. While Wizards was sage enough to eliminate the Annihilator mechanic, they did not heed the other half of that statement’s advice.

Eldrazi Mimic

Seriously? Did Wizards of the Coast flat out forget that Eye of Ugin was a card?! If Ornithopter is playable in Modern as a zero mana 0/2, then a “zero” mana 2/1 that has the potential to go huge later in the game is a serious powerhouse. When you look at the 3-drop Eldrazi cards the list of intimidating creatures becomes even longer – and all of them cost two less thanks to Eye of Ugin. I’m not one to cry “conspiracy”, but either WOTC forgot about Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi Temple, they didn’t care about the interaction, or they purposefully did this to showcase Magic’s newest two sets. “You insist on having a Modern Pro Tour? Fine, we’ll find a way to still ensure that Pro Tour showcases Magic’s newest cards!” Just sayin’…

Now we’re stuck with this overpowered interaction, and the clamoring for bannings has already begun. This is yet another reason why I say it’s wise to sell all Eldrazi-specific cards. It’s not just that they’ve already jumped significantly in price. It’s also because the downside risk to bannings is extreme right now. Take it from the guy who played Birthing Pod in Modern and sold Bloom Titan months before the banning – these are painful to endure. Don’t be left holding $50 Eye of Ugins. Please, I beg of you, sell your copies. Even if Eldrazi is now playable in Legacy, Eye of Ugin can’t sustain a $50 price tag on Legacy alone. If it’s banned, it will go the way of Splinter Twin.


Honesty Time: My Exposure

Most of you know by now that I’ve quit playing Modern. Once the rumblings of a Summer Bloom ban surfaced, I grew cold feet and sold the deck. Now that the deck is wiped from the face of the earth, I’m reminded how vulnerable Modern cards are to long term changes. It’s not a place I want to park money for the long haul.

Just because I don’t play Modern, however, doesn’t mean I don’t have a few small bets in Modern cards. My top picks have been All is Dust, Spellskite, and Ghost Quarter. I also have a few Verdant Catacombs, though it’s really interesting to see how many fetches made the Pro Tour Top 8 (hint: 8 Scalding Tarn and that’s it). Any card that has tremendous versatility in Modern is still a terrific hold. Spellskite and Ghost Quarter are especially well-positioned right now and I plan on sitting on them for a bit longer.

But other than the above, a handful of Shock Lands, and a smattering of stuff I opened from two MM2015 boxes, there’s little I’m holding. As cards fluctuate in price and jump to the upside, I’ll be looking to sell. It’s just too dangerous to hold Modern cards for the long haul unless they are sleepers and penny stocks. Reprints and bannings are too painful.

Here’s a reality check, just to put in perspective my “come-from state”. I did actually make a couple purchases throughout Pro Tour weekend. But for the first time in years, I didn’t make any Pro Tour related purchases. What did I buy? Two Unlimited Sedge Troll, an Unlimited Meekstone, an Unlimited Crusade, an Unlimited Drain Power, and an Unlimited Balance. Crazy? I think not – these have all been drying up on the internet and I wanted to make sure I had copies for my collection before they became silly expensive. In the case of Balance, I bought in just in time.


The chart above isn’t fully conclusive. You can see the recent steps higher in buy list pricing but not the full picture. Go ahead and search online for Unlimited Balances and tell me how many you find. On eBay I see an auction bid up to $20.50 and a Buy It Now listing for $60. On TCG Player, I see this:

TCG Balance

I see zero copies on the rest of the U.S. Internet. This is a card I’d want to buy – I can hold it confidently without fear of reprint or banning. It’s not vulnerable to silly Modern metagame shifts and it offers tremendous upside. The last copy sold in the $10 range and now the card is trending towards 2x-3x that price. Getting in front of trends like these is a much safer way to invest in Magic.

Wrapping It Up

 Did you buy into Eldrazi specs before the Pro Tour? Well done! You’re likely sitting on a gold mine. But don’t let that gold mine become a strip mine by holding too long. These cards are worth significantly more than they were two weeks ago, and the data is screaming “sell.” Take advantage of the opportunity to cash in. You’ll lock in some valuable gains while also significantly reducing risk to the likely banning that will come.

If you adamantly believe these cards will still rise significantly higher, then I’d recommend at least shifting your exposure to cards in the Eldrazi deck that also see play in other lists. Spellskite, Urborg, Mutavault, and Blinkmoth Nexus all offer exposure to this list without being all-in on the Eldrazi strategy. There are definitely smart ways to go about speculating on the new Modern format, and signing up for exorbitantly high risk is not my style.

What if you want to play the Pro Tour Eldrazi lists in some upcoming Modern tournaments? That’s a tough call then. Surely if you want to win, you’ll probably want to play one of these Eldrazi variants. But this offers up maximum exposure to an emergency ban. If you must purchase these cards to grind out some Modern events, at least recognize with eyes wide open that you’re signing up for sizable downside risk. If you look at this risk as the “cost of entry” into Modern now, then maybe you can rationalize the purchase. As for me, I’ll stick with my silly 6-mana 4/6’s (as Jim Casale put it on a recent podcast) in Old School MTG. Stuff like Unlimited Sedge Troll offer significant upside as well, but without all the fear and concern around reprints and bannings. That’s my kind of format!

Sig’s Quick Hits

  • Worship has been receiving a lot of hype lately, presumably based on Modern speculation. I didn’t see the card on camera once throughout the Pro Tour, yet the card’s price is still climbing. Now Star City Games is sold out of English copies with a $3.99 price tag, and I’m sure they’ll relist at a higher price. What I’m not sure of, however, is why anyone would want to buy in at the “new” price.
  • More Old School MTG hype? Oubliette may literally mean “a secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling” but buying into the Black Enchantment is anything but a trap. The sweet artwork alone makes it worth owning a copy of this card, and I personally think this precursor to Oblivion Ring is a solid card in the classic format as well. Star City Games is completely sold out with a $14.99 price tag.
  • Lord of Extinction has steadily risen in price, hitting all time highs. Nonfoil copies of the casual and commander staple is completely sold out at Star City Games with a $14.89 price tag. This will steadily climb higher without reprint, though I believe there’s probably more interesting targets elsewhere.

Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch: Top 8 MTGFinance Coverage

Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch: Top 8 Coverage

After sixteen Rounds of Swiss, including six rounds of draft, we are looking at one of the most star-studded Top8 lineups in years, including two Hall of Fame members in LSV and Shuhei, and a plethora of accomplished players at the highest levels of the game. Despite the top tier talent on display, the community concern is high after bannings of Splinter Twin and Summer Bloom seem to have yielded a metagame fully dominated by various Eldrazi decks relying on their broken lands (Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi Temple) to power out threats ahead of curve. Two Affinity decks did make it into the Top 8, as a fast and powerful archetype that can sometimes outrace even the Eldrazi, but the health of the format is still called into question.

Here are the players who made Top 8, along with the decks they are playing today:

  • Shuhei Nakamura (Eldrazi)
  • Ivan Floch (Eldrazi)
  • LSV (Eldrazi)
  • Jiachen Tao (UR Eldrazi)
  • Pascal Maynard ( Affinity)
  • Andrew Brown (UR Eldrazi)
  • Frank Lepore (Eldrazi)
  • Patrick Dickmann (Affinity)

Overnight, the following cards gained in price from their Pro Tour exposure:


Shuhei Nakamura (CFB Eldrazi) vs. Jiachen Tao (UR Eldrazi)

Folks have been disrespecting the UR Eldrazi deck all weekend, but the stats don’t lie. This deck went 19-1 on Day 1 across 4 different pilots, and did nearly as well on Day 2.  Across the first three games of a best-of-5 series vs. Hall of Fame member Shuhei Nakumura, however, both Eldrazi Skyspawner and Drowner of Hope go toe to toe with one of the best players in the world, playing a CFB team designed Eldrazi deck, and manage to take Tao up to 2-1. The spikes on cards from the UR Eldrazi deck were slow to take off, as many people likely had trouble believing that this pile of former limited cards were actually worth playing in Modern, but the tide had turned by Saturday evening, with foil copies of cards like Drowner of Hope and Eldrazi Obligator, drying up almost entirely.

In Game 4 Tao gets off to a fast start with two Eldrazi Mimic on Turn 1. On Turn 3, a Reality Smasher from Tao, prompts a Dismember, but the Mimics still get in. An Oblivion Sower from Shuhei seemingly stablizes the board but a timely Eldrazi Obligator clears out all defense and Tao moves on to the semi-finals against the Hall of Famer!

Luis-Scott Vargas (CFB Eldrazi) vs. Pascal Maynard (Affinity)

LSV takes the first two games. In Game 3 Maynard gets a fast start, but LSV has a Ratchet Bomb to blunt the early attacks. A flurry of exchanges leaves one robot left in the air a few turns later, and Maynard gets a game. In Game 4, LSV has to mulligan to 5 to find a satisfactory hand. Maynard gets off to a fast start with Inkmoth Nexus, two Signal Pests and a Memnite. LSV gets his third land into play on Turn 3 however, and LSV manages a Reality Smasher that swings. Master of Etherium from Maynard puts LSV on the back foot, but he answers with Dismember and holds back his Smasher to block. The defensive plan is dashed however, as Maynard squeezes through enough damage in the air to take the match to 2-2.

LSV boards in his Chalice of the Voids on the play, and finds a hand with one to use on zero, along with a Pithing Needle and a Dismember. Maynard goes to six cards and dispatches an early Chalice with Ancient Grudge. LSV needs to find a land to get more of his hand on the table. A land off the top a couple of turns later, and LSV gets a Thought Knot Seer to clear a Master out of Maynard’s hand, pumps his Mimic to 4/4 and swings with it alongside an Endless One. A few exchanges later, LSV is forced to trade a Blinkmoth for an Inkmoth from Maynard, with two Reality Smashers stuck in hand. With one Matter Reshaper on the board and another off the top, LSV applies enough pressure, finding the needed land the following turn and putting away the match to advance.

Patrick Dickmann (Affinity) vs. Andrew Brown (UR Eldrazi)

Patrick takes Game 1 in quick fashion with a blistering Affinity draw. In Game 2 an early Whipflare from Dickmann clears the board of Mimic and Obligator, and Brown is forced to lean on a Hurkyl’s Recall to slow down the Affinity aggression. Another copy of the same blue instant does similar work, and a Chalice of the Void on one traps a pile of cards in Dickmann’s hand. Even still, the Affinity player manages to drop two Ornithopters and a Steel Overseer, and takes Game 2 through a Reality Smasher that joined the party too late. Patrick Dickmann accelerates just as fast in Game 3, and stuck on lands for a couple of turns too long, Brown falls in three games.

Frank LePore (Ingester Eldrazi) vs. Ivan Floch (Eldrazi)

LePore takes Game 1 on the back of Drowner of Hope, a card that continues to exceed expectations in the context of these grindy ground battle based games. In Game 2, an early Ghost Quarter from Floch on LePore’s Eye of Ugin, forces Frank to drop an Urborg that enables an Oblivion Sower from Floch, and Frank elects to move on to the next game, tied at one a piece.

In Game 3 a huge board stall ends up swinging in Flochs’ favor, and he moves up a game, leading 2-1 in the match. The fourth game finishes quickly, with early pressure from LePore going unanswered soon enough to save Floch, and the players move to the tie breaking game. Game 5 is a tense back and forth, but Floch manages to come out on top and moves on the Top 4 where we have one Affinity deck and three Eldrazi decks remaining.


Jiachen Tao (UR Eldrazi) vs LSV (CFB Eldrazi)

Tao explodes out the gate with two Mimics and a 2/2 Endless One on Turn 1, demonstrating the potential explosiveness in the Eldrazi decks’ ability to fracture the usual mana curve of Modern decks. LSV manages a Dismember, but is quickly run over, losing Game 1 in less than five minutes. In Game 2 Tao is again manage to present an aggressive series of attacks, but only after LSV has knocked him down to four life. Forced to bet on a bad draw from his opponent on the next turn Tao, attacks with everything, but dies to a top decked Reality Smasher from LSV.

In Game 3 Tao seems poised to take the game with a significant on board advantage, but a masterful sequence of defensive plays from LSV baits Tao into an unsuccessful attack that leaves him wide open to the crack back. LSV takes the lead 2-1, looking to close out the match in the next game. Eldrazi Obligator closes out Game 4 quickly in favor of Tao however, and forces a final game to decide our victor.

Between games Tao receives a warning on the basis that he did not actually have the mana to activate the Threaten ability on Obligator. LSV then mulligans twice looking for a competitive hand, and the stage is set for an anti-climatic final game. Not able to find the defense he needed to get back in the game, LSV falls and we find Tao in position to battle for the top slot having defeated back-to-back Magic Hall of Famers.

Patrick Dickmann (Affinity) vs. Ivan Floch (Eldrazi)

In Game 1, Master of Etherium is back on camera as a renewed Affinity staple in this meta. Floch is forced to play defensively in the face of a top tier draw from Dickmann, finds himself pinched on mana on a key turn, and Dickmann is able to present lethal to take the first game. In Game 2, Dickmann stalls out with two Ornithopters in hand, and three Signal Pests on board, facing down an active Eye of Ugin that provides everything Floch needs to get take the game and even things up at one a piece.

Game 3 ends up hinging on a well timed Gut Shot on a Vault Skirge preventing the use of SpringLeaf Drum to cast a second, and Dickmann is Reality Smashed a turn or two later. Dissatisfied with his first hand, Dickmann sends it back looking for a grip that can bring the pain. Floch takes off fast however, following up a Turn 1 Mimic with a Turn 2 Reality Smasher off of Simian Spirit Guide mana. Dickmann fails to pull out of the hole, and Floch takes the match 3-1, knocking the remaining non-Eldrazi deck out of the tournament.


Ivan Floch (Eldrazi) vs Jiachen Tao (UR Eldrazi)

So it’s an all-Eldrazi final after all. In Game 1 Ivan Floch finds three Reality Smashers before Tao can really get established on board, and the game is quickly won by the colorless Eldrazi deck pilot.

To start Game 2, Floch has to mulligan to find sufficient action, and despite trying to stabalize on Oblivion Sower, an Eldrazi Obligator from Tao demonstrates yet again how well tuned the UR build is for Eldrazi mirror matches. Tao also takes Game 3 with a well-timed Thought-Knot Seer knocking out a key Reality Smasher to pressure Floch into concession.

In the final game, Tao gets to start with Gemstone Cavern in play, dropping an Eldrazi Mimic and an Eldrazi Skyspawner on Turn 1. Floch, mulliganing to 5 cards, is unable to gain much steam. Turn 2 has Tao dropping Vile Aggregate, and attacking for seven damage with Mimic and Skyspawner. One attack later, Floch is top decking to hang on and can’t find an answer. Tao is our champion on UR Eldrazi, using Eldrazi Skyspawner and Drowner of Hope to win a Modern (!) Pro Tour.

Wrap-up: Look for Eldrazi staples to hit close to peak this week. It’s a great time to get out, since the ban potential of the deck is high in the next 3-12 months and gains are already significant. Death’s Shadow, Infect, Burn and Affinity cards should do well this month as well, since they represent the decks that have the best chance of keeping pace with this utterly broken land base.